Steven Vervaecke: BigTech Imploding, Web 3.0 Reliable Alternative App Stores

Autonomous Internet, IO Impotency

Google continues its crusade: Minds next? Google sends ‘24 hour warning’ to free-speech ‘anti-Facebook’ platform, forces changes to app

Everyone should get their apps on these app stores: F-Droid, APKmirror, Aptoide, Aurora Store, Humble Bundle , Uptodown, GetJar, SlideME

Dave Sachs was right all the non big tech options are being pushed into the Web3.0 sphere if this keeps up/ Big tech is killing themselves instead of Parler.

Martin Geddes: Web 3.0 Not – The Inconvenience of “Termination for Convenience” (or Ideological Bias or Teen-Age Angst or Deep State Direction)

Autonomous Internet, IO Impotency

The inconvenience of “termination for convenience”

I wish to highlight a serious ethical and practical issue we all face when using cloud-based Software as a Service (SaaS) applications — especially for “controversial” writing and audio/video content. It is a summary of what I have learned after I have been “deplatformed” suddenly by Medium in March of 2019, and Mailchimp in March of 2020.

There are four parts to this article:

  • Summary of “termination for cause” versus “termination for convenience” contractual terms
  • The impact on me of deplatforming as a statement of historical fact
  • A brief review of the terms of some select email marketing platforms
  • My recommendation for policy makers looking at remedying the injustices and power imbalances inherent in this issue

Continue reading “Martin Geddes: Web 3.0 Not – The Inconvenience of “Termination for Convenience” (or Ideological Bias or Teen-Age Angst or Deep State Direction)”

Benjamin Fulford: Global Upset not Global Reset — & BigTech Down!

Autonomous Internet, Cultural Intelligence, IO Impotency, Peace Intelligence
Robert Steele and Ben Fulford in Tokyo

ROBERT STEELE: I value Ben Fulford, whose decades of work as a financial and political journalist with a focus on Deep State and Asia  are unmatched by anyone I know. Subscribe to him here. Today's report is quite good.  Below is a graphic from that report.

Khazarian Mafia Seeks to Surrender as Second American Revolution Underway

Continue reading “Benjamin Fulford: Global Upset not Global Reset — & BigTech Down!”

Martin Geddes: Reflections on Web 3.0 – Mind Shift Needed

Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Peace Intelligence

As received and aggregated from various emails as Web 3.0 Apostles get to work.

The core problem is the relationship between the human and the data about/from the human.

This is a paradigm shift. The end of IT (information technology; human as computer peripheral to be harvested for AI training data). The start of HT (human at centre, and sovereign control over identity).

Until people become conscious of the paradigm they are in they cannot break out of it. The hardest thing for a fish to describe is water.

Continue reading “Martin Geddes: Reflections on Web 3.0 – Mind Shift Needed”

DefDog: Attack on Parler a Criminal Conspiracy? UPDATE

Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet

Sure looks like a Deep State conspiracy.

k33p !7 m0v!n@bitburner


This group of Internet Warriors then used that account, to create a handful of other ADMINISTRATION accounts, and then created a script that ended up creating MILLIONS of fake administration accounts.”   Source & related images of text

Continue reading “DefDog: Attack on Parler a Criminal Conspiracy? UPDATE”

Web 3.0 Preliminary Summary + 12 Apostles Identified

Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet

Web 3.0

What is the web 3.0?

It is the next evolution of the internet. Companies such as facebook and Apple are considered web 2.5. They are walled gardens with very authoritan rules and prone to censorship. Web 3.0 contains the distribute web and the fediverse. It is a emerging internet that contains peer2peer infrastructure and network technology. The values espouced by it are tearing down the walled gardens; open communication, open source, cooperation, putting users and the people back in control, freedom and decentral infrastructure.

Continue reading “Web 3.0 Preliminary Summary + 12 Apostles Identified”

Worth a Look: Web 3.0 Element MyLive

Autonomous Internet

MyLIVE is the new digital streaming distribution service brought to you by the people you trust at IMG Artists.

MyLIVE claims that it cannot be blocked or censored by Amazon or Apple.

PBI: Our assessment: this is actually a very powerful global emergency broadcast system that could be of immediate value to leaders at every level.

PDF (6 Pages):

Worldwide Live My Live Rapid Response Brtoadcast System 1 9 2021

See Also: Web 3.0 @ Phi Beta Iota