Berto Jongman: NSA Utah Suffers Ten Meltdowns — Cost Plus Gov Spec + NSA Meta-RECAP

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Military
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

NSA data center suffers ‘meltdowns,' is delayed by a year, report says

The giant Utah facility has been dogged by electrical problems, a report says

By , IDG News Service

October 07, 2013 09:35 PM ET

Read full article.

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Gordon Duff: “Wild Mouse” DC Shooting Smells!

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Officers Call
Gordon Duff
Gordon Duff

“Wild Mouse” DC Shooting, an Overwhelming Smell

“We Ain’t Buyin’ None of It”

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Yesterday, I was asked to comment on the DC shooting rampage by Russia Today and Press TV.  Reports told of a “terrorist” jumping out of a car and holding a raging gun battle with beleaguered unpaid defenders of America.

Now we find that a dental hygienist who never had a parking ticket, unarmed, baby in the back seat, was gunned down by dozens of heavily armed counter-terrorism groups from around the nation, in Washington on a “training exercise.”
YouTube – Veterans Today –

I just can’t take this anymore.

Wasn’t it a few days ago another African America, this one a Buddhist, DOD contractor, the “perp” in the Navy Yard incident?

I keep going back to Sandy Hook:

  • Mom was a teacher…then she wasn’t.
  • Mom was found dead in the school, then she wasn’t
  • Suspect killed his brother in New Jersey, then didn’t.
  • The shooter was a student at the school, then he wasn’t.
  • He drove his car, then it turned out to belong to someone else.
  • School psychologist “looked in his eyes,” then only “saw his shoes”
  • FBI agents onsite spoke to each other in Hebrew
  • Original suspect was dressed as a nun, then no longer existed
  • Other suspects arrested in video “chase”
  • They then they disappeared, unnamed, no arrest records, no police reports
  • Invisible “nun” fled in a van to a safehouse in New York
  • Safehouse was watched for days, then found to be home for two Israeli’s publishing white supremacist literature
  • Safehouse had weapons magazines (clips) but no weapons
  • Suspect shooter bought guns, trained on ranges but no records nor videos exist and all gun stores and ranges video EVERYTHING
  • Full forensic report was promised in 30 days, then 6 months now “when hell freezes over”
  • Hell has frozen over and still no report


We don’t even want to begin with the Gifford’s shooting.  I stopped believing 9/11 when the F 15′s tasked with shooting down airliners that could have been hijacked and crashed into stadiums with over 100,000 dead, flew around aimlessly, untrained pilots, even landed and took off again, then crashed into buildings.

Two of them had no wreckage or bodies, one of them actually flew 15 feet underground, crossing the Potomac River through the sewer system it seems.

The Gifford’s fiasco, police arrived in 45 minutes though twelve police were scheduled to be “onsite” including 3 mounted units for crowd control.  All had “blue flu” that day.  This is one of about 300 “inconsistencies.

The shooter?  He had belonged to a special military “pre-enlistment program” for mentally deficient prospects that offered free psychiatric care and medication.

He was the only one to belong to this program, though we suspect others, Dr. Hassan for instance, perhaps a few more.  Guess who they were?


YouTube – Veterans Today –

A criminal jury in Britain viewed this film at the trial of John Anthony Hill and deemed the information contained as both reasonable and true.

What does this mean?

Well, riddle me this:

You are holding a terror drill.  You hire an Israeli company.  Not unreasonable.  They do these things.

The Israeli company hires young Muslims to carry backpacks filled with simulated explosives, actors to participate in the “drill.”

The underground/metro/subway cars the “actors” were riding in were destroyed by bombs, later to have been found to have been buried under the tracks though police still claim they were in the actors backpacks.

Read that one twice.

Other evidence strongly suggests that at least one other “actor” found his backpack had real explosives in it.  Watch the film.

Prettymuch every recent terror attack is similar.

Where the hell are the real terrorists and crazed lone gunmen?

Berto Jongman: Assassination in Iran of Cyber-Warfare Headquarters Commander

07 Other Atrocities, IO Deeds of War
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Iran's cyber warfare head shot dead in suspected assassination, Telegraph reports

Mojtba Ahmadi was found with two bullets in his heart, a website affiliated with the Revolutionary Guard Corps reported.

Iran's commander of the Cyber Warfare Headquarters was found dead in a forest outside Tehran in what is suspected to be an assassination, the Telegraph reported Wednesday.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

Mojtba Ahmadi was found with two bullets in his heart, as reported in a website affiliated with the Revolutionary Guard Corps quoted by the Teleraph: “I could see two bullet wounds on his body and the extent of his injuries indicated that he had been assassinated from a close range with a pistol,” an eyewitness told the website.”

The local police commander said two people on motorcycles are said to be involved in the suspected assassination.

Five Iranian nuclear scientists and the head of the country’s ballistic missile program have been killed since 2007. Iran has accused the Mossad, of carrying out these assassinations.

Berto Jongman: NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake Addresses European Parliament on the American Surveillance State + NSA Role in Global Assassination Program

03 Economy, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Idiocy, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Military, Officers Call
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake Addresses European Parliament on the American Surveillance State

Earlier today, former National Security Agency (NSA) Senior Executive Thomas Drake addressed a special Civil Liberties Committee (LIBE) created by the European Parliament to investigate spying efforts by the United States and EU countries. Addressing specially-appointed Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), Drake spoke as a former NSA crypto-linguist who witnessed what he describes as a “persistent surveillance state” that was “born during the first few critical weeks and months following 9/11.”


Drake's testimony can be read and viewed here

Drake, a whistleblower, was the subject of a federal criminal leak investigation and faced a potential 35 years under a 10-felony count indictment, including five counts under the Espionage Act. In 2011, the federal government dropped all charges against Drake.

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Penguin: Tomgram from Ann Jones The Afghanistan War Americans Cannot Remember, Afghans Will Never Forget

IO Deeds of War
Who, Me?
Who, Me?

Some off notes, but seems a useful summary of the overall situation.

Tomgram: Ann Jones, Americans Can't Remember, Afghans Will Never Forget

The Afghan War is officially winding down.  American casualties, generally from towns and suburbs you’ve never heard of unless you were born there, are still coming in.  Though far fewer American troops are in the field with Afghan forces, devastating “insider attacks” in which a soldier or policeman turns his gun on his American allies, trainers, or mentors still periodically occur.  Civilian casualties continue to rise.  “Surgically precise” U.S. air and drone strikes still mysteriously kill Afghan civilians.  And as U.S. combat troops withdraw, Afghan-on-Afghan fighting is actually increasing, with the U.S.-trained army taking almost Vietnam-level, possibly unsustainable casualties (100 or more dead a week), while the police are similarly hit hard.

Meanwhile, as TomDispatch regular Ann Jones points out, our second longest war has already played Houdini, doing a remarkable disappearing job in “the homeland.”  Almost 12 years after it began, no one here, it seems, is considering how to assess American “success” on that distant battlefield.  But were we to do so, what possible gauge might we use?  Here’s a suggestion: how about opium production?  In 1979, the year America’s first Afghan war (against the Soviets) began, that country was producing just 250 tons of opium; by the early years of the post-9/11 American occupation of the country, that figure had hit 3,400 tons.  Between 2006 and the present, it’s ranged from a 2007 high of 8,200 tons to a low of just under 5,000 tons.  Officials of Russia’s Federal Drug Control Service now claim that 40,000 tons of illicit opiates have been stockpiled in Afghanistan, mostly to be marketed abroad.  As of 2012, it was the world’s leading supplier of opium, with 74% of the global market, a figure that was expected to hit 90% as U.S. combat troops leave (and foreign aid flees).  In other words, success in an endless war in that country has meant creating the world’s first true narco-state.  It's a record to consider.  Not for nothing, it seems, were all those billons of dollars expended, not without accomplishments do we leave (if we are actually leaving).

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Penguin: Book Review by Andrew Bacevich — Thank You For Your Service [The Unraveling]

07 Health, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), DoD, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence, Threats
Who, Me?
Who, Me?

Book review: ‘Thank You for Your Service’ by David Finkel

By Andrew Bacevich

Andrew J. Bacevich teaches at Boston University. His new book is “Breach of Trust: How Americans Failed Their Soldiers and Their Country.”

Nominally a sequel to The Good Soldiers, his 2009 account of an American infantry battalion at war in Iraq, David Finkel’s new book actually serves as a perfect companion to George Packer’s recent bestseller, The Unwinding. Like Packer, Finkel examines the human detritus left in the wake of fraudulent promises and collapsed illusions. In The Unwinding, Packer contemplates the fate of those victimized by cataclysmic economic change. In Thank You for Your Service, Finkel looks at those victimized by egregious military malpractice.

The post-industrial, high-tech, information-age economy unveiled near the end of the 20th century supposedly offered a template for permanent prosperity. The Great Recession upended such expectations. Although some Americans have gotten very rich indeed, far larger numbers of ordinary citizens find themselves unemployed and unemployable. With impressive sensitivity, Packer tells their story.

Amazon Page
Amazon Page

Concocted at about the same time, a post-industrial, high-tech, information-age approach to waging war supposedly offered a template for assured victory. Iraq and Afghanistan have shredded such pretensions. Although some high-ranking military and civilian officials found ways to cash in, far larger numbers of ordinary soldiers (and their families) suffered, many of them grievously. In painful, intimate and at times almost voyeuristic detail, Finkel tells their story.

More specifically, Finkel, a reporter with The Washington Post, attends to what he calls the “after war.” His concern is with the soldiers who return from the war zone bearing wounds — and with the loved ones on whom those wounds also become imprinted. Above all, he is concerned with wounds that may not be fully visible: the post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury and related conditions that affect roughly a half-million younger veterans. Make that a half-million and counting.

To translate this disturbing statistic into flesh and blood, Finkel checks in on some of the soldiers featured in his previous book. What he finds is anger, anxiety, shame, depression, guilt, sleeplessness, self-abuse, spousal abuse, child abuse, alcohol abuse, drug abuse and suicidal tendencies, sometimes acted on, sometimes not. Shouting matches, crying jags and bizarre behavior along with guns and two-pack-a-day smoking habits abound, but not much in the way of useful therapy. Of one soldier, Finkel writes: “He began to take sleeping pills to fall asleep and another kind of pill to get back to sleep when he woke up. He took other pills, too, some for pain, others for anxiety. He began to drink so much vodka that his skin smelled of it, and then he started mentioning suicide.”

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