Berto Jongman: Syrian Electronic Army Does Hard Cyber (Kinetic Effect) Attack on Israel — or Russia Being Clever? Or Both?

IO Deeds of War
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Syrian Electronic Army Hacks Israel's Main Infrastructure Control System (SCADA)

Submitted by siavash on Wed, 05/08/2013 – 16:53


The Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) launched a successful cyberattack on the main infrastructure system of Haifa, one of the most important ports in Israel, disrupting the operation of the servers in charge of urban management systems and public utilities in the city.(Report FNA)

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Chuck Spinney: The Real Scare in Syria is Not Chemical Weapons But Rather Regional War

08 Wild Cards, IO Deeds of War, Peace Intelligence
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

I visited Levantine Syria [1] for three memorable days in 2008 and was struck by the welcoming, friendly nature of the Syrian people, their effusive pride in Syria’s multicultural heritage,  and a pervasive atmosphere of optimism.  I had the impression Syria was emerging from the darkness of the Hafez Assad dictatorship. To be sure, his son, Bashir Assad, had inherited the deeply entrenched thuggish Ba’athist machinery and ruled as an autocrat, but it seemed also that he was a struggling reformer of sorts, perhaps a well-intentioned young man in over his head.  Based on my limited conversations with the locals, I sensed (perhaps erroneously) the average person on the street was empathetic to his problems and willing to give him a little time to sort things out. Without exception, everyone I talked to on this subject said he was far better than his father.

Bear in mind, I was heart of Ba’ath country.  Levantine Syria is where the Syrian Ba’ath party has its roots. It is where the most of the Alawites and Christians are concentrated, but there are plenty of Sunnis and even Turkomens, Kurds, Circassians, etc., in a rich polyglot that is evident in this etho-religious map.  In contrast to the prevasive sectarian atmosphere in the similar, but perhaps less complex culture of Lebanon, sectarian tensions in Levantine Syria, to the extent that they existed, were not in evidence in the areas I visited in 2008.  The economy, although very poor, showed signs of considerable foreign investment and seemed to have a latent vibrancy.  Syria’s contentious relations with its neighbors, especially Turkey, were improving and there was even a modus vivendi with Israel, notwithstanding Syria's alliance with Hezbollah and tense relations with the Lebanese government.  In short, optimism was in the air.
Perhaps my impressions were fanciful, because today, that image is in ruins.  Syria is in the grip of a vicious sectarian war that, as Rami Khouri explains forcefully below, is being stoked by outsiders having all sorts of agendas, many hidden in a smokescreen of the blind unreasoning fear of chemical weapons [2].  This civil war could easily escalate into a regional war, if as is becoming increasingly likely, these outsiders, including the United States [3], become actively involved in it.

NIGHTWATCH: Syria Internet Down, Iran Admonished Arabs

05 Iran, 06 Russia, 08 Wild Cards, IO Deeds of War

Syria: For the record. Multiple internet monitoring services reported that Syria has dropped off the Internet. One reported it is a total blackout for the country of Syria. Supposedly this has happened at least once before, prior to the start of a government offensive.

Israel-Syria: Israel is not getting involved in Syria's civil war, Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon said on Tuesday, but said Israel would not permit the transfer of arms to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Yaalon did not mention the Israeli air attacks in Syria over the weekend.

Comment: Israel has shown that it will protect its interests and that the Syrian Integrated Air Defense System is penetrable. On the other hand, Iran has demonstrated the ability to use its proxies to drag Israel deeper into the Syrian uprising and thereby expand the fighting and ease pressure on the Asad government.

It is not clear that Israel is prepared to accept a Sunni fundamentalist regime in Damascus. Israel knows it can live with an Alawite government. The air attacks serve its short term interests in hobbling Hezbollah, but they also remind Arabs that the larger struggle is with Israel.

The Iranian foreign minister admonished Arab leaders today by asking the question, in paraphrase, why are Arabs fighting Arabs when Israel is the enemy?

Marcus Aurelius: The Cyber-Dam Break — “Blame It On China” Goes Into High Gear

02 China, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, IO Impotency, Military, Officers Call
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius

The Cyber-Dam Breaks

Sensitive Army database of U.S. dams compromised; Chinese hackers suspected


The Washington Free Beacon, May 1, 2013

U.S. intelligence agencies traced a recent cyber intrusion into a sensitive infrastructure database to the Chinese government or military cyber warriors, according to U.S. officials.

The compromise of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ National Inventory of Dams (NID) is raising new concerns that China is preparing to conduct a future cyber attack against the national electrical power grid, including the growing percentage of electricity produced by hydroelectric dams.

According to officials familiar with intelligence reports, the Corps of Engineers’ National Inventory of Dams was hacked by an unauthorized user believed to be from China, beginning in January and uncovered earlier this month.

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Eagle: CIA, Militant Islam, the Chechen Connection — Proxy War on Russia, Trade-Off for Syria?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement
300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…

Global Research  will be publishing a series of articles and reports with a view to promoting “Boston Truth”.  The underlying objective is  to confront and challenge the official version of events concerning the Boston bombings as well as the twisted and convoluted interpretations of the mainstream media.

We invite our readers to endorse “Boston Truth” and spread the word on social media, independent media and blog sites.

Nine thousand heavily armed police including SWAT teams were deployed in a manhunt to capture a 19 year old student at U-Mass, after his brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the alleged Boston Marathon terror mastermind was shot dead by police allegedly  after a car chase and shoot out with police.

Continue reading “Eagle: CIA, Militant Islam, the Chechen Connection — Proxy War on Russia, Trade-Off for Syria?”

NIGHTWATCH & Et Al: Syria Round-Up

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, Government, IO Deeds of War, Military, Peace Intelligence
January - July Wind Direction  -  Click on Image to Enlarge
January – July Wind Direction – Click on Image to Enlarge


Israel-Syria-Hezbollah: US news media citing unidentified US officials reported that the Israeli Air Force executed a ground attack at a weapons warehouse in Syria. Israeli officials declined to comment but Lebanese press reported low flying Israeli combat aircraft flew over Nabatiye Governate in south Lebanon on Friday morning.

Comment: The description of the attack resembles the Israeli air operation in January which prevented Syria from providing advanced weapons to Hezbollah. The timing, days after Hezbollah announced it was fighting in support of the Syrian government, suggests the action was related to that announcement.

What was missing from the Hezbollah announcement this week is what price Hezbollah required from Syria for its overt support. Supplies of modern weapons or delivery systems from Syria might have been an incentive for an open statement of support.

What is certain is that Israel would act promptly to try to prevent any strengthening of Hezbollah by Syria, but has shown no interest in siding with the belligerents in Syria.


Israel Launches Airstrike Into Syria, U.S. Officials Say

United States believes Israel conducted airstrike in Syria, CNN reports

Israel bombs missile shipment in Syria – reports

Berto Jongman: Boston (False Flag) Bombing Of, By, and For Neocons to Justify Attack on Iran

07 Other Atrocities, Commerce, Corruption, Government, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Media
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Not the best source, but worth factoring into the over-all picture.

Iran says bombing will be used as excuse to attack

Reza Kahlili

WND, 2 May 2013

New reports reveal Iran believes the United States will use the Boston bombings as a pretext for attacking the Islamic regime.

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The most important fact is that through new collaboration between Russia and America, the Boston bombings can become another Sept. 11 scenario leading up to a confrontation with Iran, said Dr. Motahreh Hosseini, a researcher and analyst of the Islamic Republic. This collaboration will have grave implications for the world, he said.

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“My personal belief is that such activity (terrorism) is not possible but with the collaboration of elements in America,” said Hosseini, who added that America’s own security organizations must have played a role in the bombings.

“If we look at it with an international view … this scenario (Boston bombings as a pretext) is designed for the purpose of buying Russia in a collaboration against Syria and Iran,” Hosseini said. Its main goal, he said, was for America to target Iran and put the revolutionary Middle East in a tight spot, have a U.S. presence in Russia’s backyard and further pressure China.

Read full article with many links.


Tsarnaev Brothers: 9/11 Truthers – and Obviously Innocent

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