Graphic: Multi-Lateral Sharing

Advanced Cyber/IO, Balance, Innovation, Multinational Plus, Policies-Harmonization, Processing, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, Threats, Tribes
Sharing 80-20 Rule
Sharing 80-20 Rule

This is a 2000-2002 slide that bears on the extraordinary possibilities inherent in creating a global multinational open source information sharing and sense-making grid.  The 80-20 rule really does seem to stand up under most circumstances.  White Hat (Stabilization & Reconstruction, Peaceful Preventive Measures) are especially responsible to shared open source information across all boundaries.

Learn more:

2009 DoD OSINT Leadership and Staff Briefings

2008 DIA NDIC Multinational Intelligence Fellows

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Journal: Windows 7 as Virtual Wi-Fit Host

Autonomous Internet, Technologies

Full Story Online
Full Story Online

Unfinished Windows 7 feature turns laptops into Wi-Fi hotspots

Ben Franklin-Funded Company, Nomadio, Finds a Windows 7 Niche

Free app lets iPhones, other devices connect to Internet via software-based router

By Gregg Keizer

October 29, 2009 06:22 PM ET

Computerworld – A Philadelphia developer has rooted out an unfinished feature of Windows 7 that turns any laptop into a wireless access point, allowing other Wi-Fi-enabled devices to share the connection without special software.

Continue reading “Journal: Windows 7 as Virtual Wi-Fit Host”

Graphic: Twitter as an Intelligence Tool

Advanced Cyber/IO, Citizen-Centered
Twitter Mob
Twitter Mob

Both of these graphics were created for the eight-minute presentation on Real-Time Intelligence that can be viewed by clicking on either graphic (as always, words in Notes).

Twitter is, like most intelligence environments, a very large garbage pit with some potential.

The NYPD now does monitor Twitter and cross-walks anomalous events against Twitter plotted on Trends.

Twitter can also be used to reach a specific individual at a specific time and place, or to harness the dispersed population to observe and report specific conditions or tangible things.

Twitter Reach
Twitter Reach

Graphic: CD (Congo) 1:50,000 Combat Chart Shortfalls

Advanced Cyber/IO, Geospatial
Graphic: East View Cartographic Help for UN Forces Eastern Congo
Graphic: East View Cartographic Help for UN Forces Eastern Congo

East View Cartographic, the single most extraordinary geospatial support service in the commercial sector, created the attached without color; the G-2 of United Nations Forces Eastern Congo prioritized their needs (the West still does not have 1:50,000 combat chart with contour line coverage for most of the Third World, i.e. the bulk of the ungovernable unstable zones).  It was this single graphic that got the Dutch government to approve a US$3 million expenditure to meet the needs of UN forces in the Eastern Congo.

NOTE:  Not a single map existed.  Green above represents the least urgent, yellow and red the more urgent.

Graphic: Strategy for a Prosperous World at Peace

Advanced Cyber/IO, Graphics
Click to Enlarge

This graphic, devised by Robert Steele, illustrates the logic of achieving a prosperous world at peace thorugh the combination of open information and total integrity.  Clicking on the steps leads to the UN briefing.  Clicking on the frog below left leads to the latest technical briefing while frog right goes to the UNICEF “Open Everything” briefing.  The book-length version of this graphic is INTELLIGENCE for EARTH: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainability (EIN, 2010).

The Ultimate Hack
The Ultimate Hack
Open Everything
Open Everything