2002 OSINT 101: Basic Training in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Methods & Process



Training Bjore OSINT 101: Sense-Making



Training Black OSINT 101: Desktop Tools for Smart People



Training Chester OSINT 101: NATO Lessons Learned



Training Henk OSINT 101 Respecting the Cultural Dimension: Intelligence and Africa



Training Hock OSINT 101: Overview of the World of Information



Training Hohhof OSINT 101: Competitive Intelligence Analysis Tools & Web-Sites



Training Klavans & Ashton OSINT 101: Technology Mapping with Open Sources of Information



Training Lee OSINT 101: Geospatial Information Sources



Training Manwaring OSINT 101: Intelligence & Asymmetric Warfare



Training Marshall PSINT 101: OSINT and Global Hotspots



Training Moore & Krizan OSINT 101: Core Analytic Competencies



Training Smith OSINT 101: Internet and Commercial Online Exploitation

2002 The New Craft of Intelligence: Personal, Public, & Political

Briefings (Core), Briefings & Lectures
Robert Steele
Robert Steele

The following is quotes from the notes of this first slide, as presented to OSS '02:

“Although it follows logically from much that is found in the first book (ON INTELLIGENCE: Spies and Secrecy in an Open World), I want to give credeit to Berto Jongman and the PIOOM project.  It was his map that brought it all together for me, and it is his map that I recognize today as the finest open source intelligence document in the world.”

Follow the Frog to Berto's page from OSS '01.

World Conflict Map 2001
World Conflict Map 2001

2002 The New Craft of Intelligence (Asymmetric Studies)

Intelligence (Government/Secret), Intelligence (Public), Monographs
New Craft of Intelligence (Asymmetric Studies)
New Craft of Intelligence (Asymmetric Studies)

This was my first attempt to formalize the two major paradigm changes that the Department of Defense continues to resist at levels below the Secretary of Defense, himself an intelligence professional:

Need to shift from state-based threats with fixed addresses to non-state threats able to play “off the shelf.”

Need to shift from heavy reliance on high-tech secret sources to low-tech human and open sources.

2001 Chester (CA) Shaping Intelligence for the Future

Historic Contributions, Military
Legacy Documents
Legacy Documents

PLATINUM  LCdr Andrew Chester, RN, Canada
LCdr Andrew Chester, RN, Canada, has distinguished himself, first, as a pioneer for the exploiotation of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) within and throughout the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Partners for Peace (PfP), and subsequently as a trainer and practitioner with an especially constructive influence upon the international military environment.

If BGen Jim Cox (CA) was the visionary within NATO who saw the need and orchestrated the direction, LCdr Andrew Chester (CA) was the “doer” who executed the single most intelligent and original Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) conceptual process it has ever been our pleasure to support.    He is one of a dozen Platinum Lifetime Award receipients from the first 20 years of group endeavor.  Below is his presentation to OSS '01.

Andrew Chester
Andrew Chester

2001 Dziedzic (US) Information Technology as a Catalyst for Civil-Military Unity of Effort: The Kosovo Test Case

Civil Society, Historic Contributions, Law Enforcement, Military, Peace Intelligence
USIP Bio Page

Col Michael J. Dziedzic is one of those very rare officers of such intelligence and integrity that he was able to run against the grain for years, focusing on the vital importance of civil-military operations other than war (OOTW) that were “buried” by a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who said (we are not making this up), “Real men don't do OOTW.”  Of course the Defense Science Board Report on Transitions to and From Hostilities (December 2004) and the current Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, say otherwise.  Principle co-author with Ambassador Bob Oakley of Policing the New World Disorder, still the seminal work in the field, this is an officer, along with Colonel Ferd Irizzary, whom we hope to see earn multiple promotions as we all realize that a multinational multifunctional Earth Rescue Network is a non-negotiable first step to “getting a grip.”  We hold this officer in the very highest esteem.

IT Civil-Military
IT Civil-Military