SchwartzReport: Obesity Linked to Antibiotics?

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 04 Education, 05 Energy, 06 Family, 07 Health, 11 Society, 12 Water, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Government
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

Here for the first time we see a possible explanation for the explosion of Obesity, and the connection between the rampant overuse of antibiotics and our deeply sick industrial agriculture system. Once again it demonstrates the profit of the few over the wellness of the many. Our society is dying because we either cannot or will not commit to social policies that prioritize national wellness.

Obesity in the United States – Dysbiosis From Exposure to Low-dose Antibiotics?
Lee W. Riley, Eva Raphael, and Eduardo Faerstein, Division of Infectious Disease and Vaccinology, School of Public Health, University of California – Frontiers in Public Health

Phi Beta Iota: Obesity is a cultural outcome of social decay and a mix of corporate and government irresponsibility. It has many causes. What does not exist today in accessible form to the public is a true cost analysis of corrupt agriculture, corrupt energy, corrupt water, and corrupt everything these — obesity is symptom of a society that has lost its mind and soul.

See Also:

Obesity @ Phi Beta Iota

Jon Rappoport: Monsanto’s Round-Up THE Most Toxic — and False Testing by US Government…

01 Agriculture, 03 Economy, 03 Environmental Degradation, 06 Family, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence, Government
Jon Rappoport
Jon Rappoport

Monsanto’s Roundup: new deadly scam exposed

Roundup is the Monsanto herbicide that is touted as the cornerstone of GMO food crops. Monsanto claims these crops are genetically engineered to withstand heavy spraying of Roundup.

Therefore, the crops live and the weeds die. Breakthrough.

There are several key lies associated with these claims—but a new one has surfaced.

A study to be published this month indicts Roundup and, in fact, the general class of insecticides and herbicides. On what grounds? When they’re tested for safety, only the so-called “active ingredients” are examined.

The untested ingredients are called “adjuvants,” and they are said to be inert and irrelevant. But the new study concludes this is far from true. The adjuvants are actually there to INCREASE the killing power of the active ingredient in the herbicide or insecticide.

Safety tests don’t take this into account. “Active ingredients” are already toxic, but the adjuvants ramp up their poisonous nature even higher.

And the worst offender is Roundup.

Continue reading “Jon Rappoport: Monsanto's Round-Up THE Most Toxic — and False Testing by US Government…”

Jon Rappoport: Murder at the FDA – And Mass Murder by FDA of Over 100,000 US Citizens a Year from Approved Homicidal Pharmaceuticals…

06 Family, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 11 Society, Corruption, Government
Jon Rappoport
Jon Rappoport

Murder at the FDA

File this one under: “studiously ignored by major media.”

I posted this story in August of 2012. It was based on a Truthout interview of a man who did drug reviews for the FDA. He examined applications to approve new medical drugs for public consumption.

Pharmaceutical companies must have their new drugs certified as safe and effective before they can enter the market, before doctors can prescribe them. The FDA does this certification. Thumbs up or thumbs down. The drug is okay or it isn’t.

Here’s the story:

In a stunning interview with Truthout’s Martha Rosenberg, former FDA drug reviewer, Ronald Cavanagh, exposes the FDA as a relentless criminal mafia protecting its client, Big Pharma, with a host of mob strategies.

Continue reading “Jon Rappoport: Murder at the FDA – And Mass Murder by FDA of Over 100,000 US Citizens a Year from Approved Homicidal Pharmaceuticals…”

Jon Rappoport: Connecticutt, Yale, & Cover-Up of Legalized Toxic Psychiatric Drugs – $14 Billion Buys a Lot of Immunity for Bristol-Myers Squibb; Boehringer-Ingleheim; Rib-X; Purdue; Alexion; Achillion; Pfizer

03 Economy, 06 Family, 07 Health, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government
Jon Rappoport
Jon Rappoport

Exposed: Sandy Hook shooter’s biggest threat still lives

Adam Lanza, the purported Sandy Hook School shooter, is the subject of an ongoing investigation in Connecticut. No, it’s not a police probe, it’s about “mental health.”

The investigation is all about Lanza’s medical history, what diagnoses were made, who the doctors were, what psychiatric drugs they prescribed Lanza.

The Governor of Connecticut is ultimately in charge, in order to make recommendations about improving “mental health” in the state and preventing future violent tragedies.

But the inquiry has stalled. And stalled.

Continue reading “Jon Rappoport: Connecticutt, Yale, & Cover-Up of Legalized Toxic Psychiatric Drugs – $14 Billion Buys a Lot of Immunity for Bristol-Myers Squibb; Boehringer-Ingleheim; Rib-X; Purdue; Alexion; Achillion; Pfizer”

Eagle: NYC Discovers Half Its Workers Near Poverty

01 Poverty, 03 Economy, 06 Family, 11 Society
300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…

De Blasio Hires Goldman Sachs Exec To Make City More Affordable

For all his campaign bluster against the two cities New York has become, Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio isn't exactly shying away from some of the people who helped make it that way. This morning, the mayor-elect announced that Alicia Glen will serve as Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development, a newly created position that will aim to make housing more affordable, as well create living-wage jobs for New Yorkers.

Continue reading “Eagle: NYC Discovers Half Its Workers Near Poverty”

Jon Rappoport: What Happened to $2.5 Trillion Allegedly Spent Against Poverty? Is Government a Giant Money-Laundering Scheme?

01 Poverty, 03 Economy, 06 Family, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Corruption, Government
Jon Rappoport
Jon Rappoport

Is government aid a giant money laundering scheme?

Remember something called the War on Poverty? The Great Society?

President Lyndon Johnson declared it and announced it in 1965. Since then, the federal government and state governments have poured staggering amounts of dollars into the program.

How many dollars? Does anyone know?

In his 1992 book, Paved With Good Intentions, Jared Taylor puts the figure (1965-1992) at $2.5 trillion. So, for the sake of argument, let’s accept that.

Yet, by 1992 (and to an even greater degree since then), poverty had accelerated in America. Had gotten much, much worse.

So the logical question was and is: where did all that money go?

Continue reading “Jon Rappoport: What Happened to $2.5 Trillion Allegedly Spent Against Poverty? Is Government a Giant Money-Laundering Scheme?”