Robert Steele: Fake Pandemic, Toxic/Placebo Vaccines, Crimes Against Humanity — Let Us Await Nuremberg 2.0

02 Infectious Disease, 06 Genocide, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime

I have been avoiding the COVID-19 nonsense every since YouTube decided to censor truth on that point, and then truth on election fraud as well. Now I am making four movies and I chose NOT to do one on COVID-19.  I did the first major holistic article on the fake pandemic, medical Nazism, Zionist culpability, and more in February 2020 and went on to interview several people, most notably Dr. Judy Mikovitz who stated on the record that vaccines are a depopulation tool that has been used against people of color from day one.  Below are a few current links as well as a couple of my own earlier links.  I look forward to seeing Soros, Gates, and Fauci, particularly, face trials with a death sentence on the table for what they have done.

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Martin Armstrong: Just Say No to the Prick (Fauci & Needle) with Extended Illustrated Comment by Robert Steele

02 Infectious Disease, 03 Economy, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Media

Just Say No to the Prick

I have stated that my cousin was a front-line nurse. She caught COVID and got over it. The hospital made her get the vaccine. After the first dose, she had a stroke. Fortunately, she has recovered. She has now refused the second dose. Another friend whose son-in-law works in a hospital was ordered to take the vaccine. He was in his 30s. He ended up violently ill for about one week. This entire drive to mandate vaccinations is political. The death toll is less than 0.02% compared to nearly 4% for the 1918 Spanish Flu. This very dangerous man is saying that 75% of Americans need to be vaccinated before we can return to normal.

Continue reading “Martin Armstrong: Just Say No to the Prick (Fauci & Needle) with Extended Illustrated Comment by Robert Steele”

Michel Chossudovsky: The Corona “Pandemic” Timeline: What Happened in January – March 2020?

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Media, Non-Governmental

The Corona “Pandemic” Timeline: What Happened in January – March 2020?

To read the E-Book including a detailed analysis pertaining the economic and financial dimensions (Chapters IV, V and IX) click here:

The 2020 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset”

Phi Beta Iota: Professor Chossudovski is one of our top twelve sources of well-documented information vital to public understanding.

Tip of the Hat to Ray Songtree,

Yoda: Alert Reader on Space Force, 5G, China, Trump + 3 Updates

07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 10 Transnational Crime, IO Impotency

Weak signal, interesting possibilities.

There's a Psychic named Utsava, who might start being on Charlie Wards' show weekly. one of the things she said was that Trump has been switching out the dangerous China made 5G towers with tesla technology that renders 5G harmless.

Tesla technology has been incorporated into the border wall that renders the China 5G towers in Mexico from harming us. The wall acts like a giant Faraday cage.

Continue reading “Yoda: Alert Reader on Space Force, 5G, China, Trump + 3 Updates”