Steve Aftergood: CRS on Executive Authority to Exclude Aliens [from Earth — the ET Version is Classified and the President is Not Read In.,..]
08 Immigration
The President seems to have broad statutory authority to exclude aliens from the United States, a new report from the Congressional Research Service says.
“On its face, [the Immigration and Nationality Act] would appear to give the President broad authority to preclude or otherwise restrict the entry into the United States of individual aliens or classes of aliens who are outside the United States and lack recognized ties to the country,” according to the report by Kate M. Manuel of CRS.
But that authority is not necessarily unlimited.
Robert Young Pelton: Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS) and the Syrian Refugee Crisis
04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Immigration, IO Deeds of Peace
I am working on MOAS.EU 59 million people are considered displaced. Lot of people.
Our new ship arrives in the Aegean on the 18th
Europe may turn its back on refugees this winter. But our rescuers won’t
Owl: Who Is Behind Hoards Invading Europe? Weapons of Mass Migration — George Soros Shorting Europe and Betting on Collapse?
04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Immigration
It's complicated — but we do not seem to be probing deeply enough into root patterns. Analyst Al Martin says Soros' is shorting all of his investments in Europe, so he wants to become richer by helping bring about financial collapse in urging more refugees into Europe.
Remaking a Country by Destabilising a Country
This brief quote, from a well-known prepper's blog, gives a very different insight from any other I have seen into why Germany is allowing over a million refugees to enter the country from Syria. The German government's receptivity to receiving such a vast number of refugees may be planned for the US vis-a-vis refugees from South America for identical reasons:
Mongoose: Dark Side of Donald Trump – Border Area as a Hunting Zone, $25 for a Permit, $50 for a Confirmed Kill
07 Other Atrocities, 08 Immigration, Cultural Intelligence
Donald Trump Fails to Fill Alabama Stadium, but Fans’ Zeal Is Undiminished
“Hopefully, he’s going to sit there and say, ‘When I become elected president, what we’re going to do is we’re going to make the border a vacation spot, it’s going to cost you $25 for a permit, and then you get $50 for every confirmed kill,’ ” said Jim Sherota, 53, who works for a landscaping company. “That’d be one nice thing.”
Mongoose: How Eisenhower Solved Illegal Immigration with 1,075 Border Patrol Agents (Hint: He Castrated Employers of Illegals and Their Political Pals)
08 Immigration, Ethics, Government
How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico
Christian Science Monitor, 6 July 2006
Fifty-three years ago, when newly elected Dwight Eisenhower moved into the White House, America's southern frontier was as porous as a spaghetti sieve. As many as 3 million illegal migrants had walked and waded northward over a period of several years for jobs in California, Arizona, Texas, and points beyond.
President Eisenhower cut off this illegal traffic. He did it quickly and decisively with only 1,075 United States Border Patrol agents – less than one-tenth of today's force. The operation is still highly praised among veterans of the Border Patrol.
Mongoose: El Chapo a Hero in Mexico — Say What?
02 Diplomacy, 03 Economy, 08 Immigration, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Justice, 10 Security, 11 Society, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Military
The next attache from DHS will have their work cut out for them.
In Mexico, escaped ‘El Chapo’ is folk hero no. 1
For many Mexicans, he is an unusual combination of Robin Hood and billionaire.
He fought the law, and he won. He beat what many Mexicans see as a corrupt and feckless governing class.