Seth Godin: Warning signs of defending the status quo

Blog Wisdom, Cultural Intelligence
Seth Godin

The warning signs of defending the status quo

When confronted with a new idea, do you:

  • Consider the cost of switching before you consider the benefits?
  • Highlight the pain to a few instead of the benefits for the many?
  • Exaggerate how good things are now in order to reduce your fear of change?
  • Undercut the credibility, authority or experience of people behind the change?
  • Grab onto the rare thing that could go wrong instead of amplifying the likely thing that will go right?
  • Focus on short-term costs instead of long-term benefits, because the short-term is more vivid for you?
  • Fight to retain benefits and status earned only through tenure and longevity?
  • Embrace an instinct to accept consistent ongoing costs instead of swallowing a one-time expense?
  • Slow implementation and decision making down instead of speeding it up?
  • Embrace sunk costs?
  • Imagine that your competition is going to be as afraid of change as you are? Even the competition that hasn't entered the market yet and has nothing to lose…
  • Emphasize emergency preparation and the expense of a chronic and degenerative condition?

Calling it out when you see it might give your team the strength to make a leap.

Harrison Owen: August Morning Reflection & Invitation…

11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Blog Wisdom, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Methods & Process
Harrison Owen

This [ten-page] paper started as a note to myself as I sought to explore the disparity between my home here in Maine, the forest, lake, and loons…and the rushing maelstrom of the world about me that showed up in the instant on my computer screen.

Call it anxiety adjustment, therapy, or just an attempt to make some sense out of thing.

Perhaps it should have remained in that personal, private compartment, but I also felt the need to share, and so I have.  You have to decide the wisdom of that decision.




August Morning: A time for Reflection and an Invitation…

John Steiner: Save Water from Big Oil, Get Arrested in DC

05 Energy, 12 Water, Blog Wisdom
John Steiner

Civil disobedience and water are coming together in the face of Big Oil and Big Government.  Three items below:

1)  Email from Jodie Evans on mass movement to get arrested in front of the White House over Tar Sands waste of water

2) Why Rick Perry Would Put the World on a Fast Track to Total Meltdown

3)  FEEDBACK from Robert Steele


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Howard Rheingold: 30+ Cool Content Creation Tools

Advanced Cyber/IO, Blog Wisdom
Howard Rheingold

30+ Cool Content Curation Tools for Personal & Professional Use

As the web becomes more and more inundated with blogs, videos, tweets, status updates, news, articles, and countless other forms of content, “information overload” is something we all seem to suffer. It is becoming more difficult to weed through all the “stuff” out there and pluck out the best, most share-worthy tidbits of information, especially if your topic is niche.  Let’s face it, Google definitely has its shortcomings when it comes to content curation and the more it tries to cater to all audiences, the less useful it becomes.

The demand for timely, relevant content that is specific to our unique interests and perspectives has given rise to a new generation of tools that aim to help individuals and companies curate content from the web and deliver it in a meaningful way.  These new tools range from simple, application-specific types such as social media aggregators and discovery engines, to more complex, full-blown publishing solutions for organizations.

Here’s a look at over 30 content curation tools (mostly free, but some paid/professional tools as well) that will help you cut through the clutter of your information stream to find the gems.  Each tool mentioned below has unique strengths, and none are exactly like any other.  Whether you’re just looking to augment your personal blog with some free tools, or are seriously considering a paid content curation platform for your business, you’re likely to find a useful solution in the list below.

See logos, links, and short descriptions….

Phi Beta Iota:  This is all very nice, but still lacking is something that integrates true cost information of every good and service such that citizen buycotts are enabled, and full transparency of all government, corporate, and non-profit spending so as to eradicate corruption and waste.

John Robb: Free Online Open Source Education + RECAP

04 Education, Academia, Advanced Cyber/IO, Blog Wisdom, Book Lists, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Gift Intelligence, InfoOps (IO), Methods & Process
John Robb

JOURNAL: Open Source Education

A couple of years back I asked (in the article “Industrial Education” which is worth a read):

“An Ivy League Education for less than $20 a month.  Why not?”

At the time there were only a smattering of course materials online.  That's changing.  It's coming.  Here's an example of a class that signed up 56,000 people in two weeks.

Free Online Class on Artificial Intelligence

Another example of a highly scalable education product: Codecademy

The way to repair and revitalize modern civilization is on the horizon.  It follows a simple dictum:

Localize production.  Virtualize everything else. 

With the above, we see the virtualization of formal education (books were the first wave).

Some other thoughts on this:

  • It can drop costs by 3 orders of magnitude.  $20 a year instead of $20,000.
  • It means that the best instructors teach almost everyone.  Why not the best?

Phi Beta Iota:  There is actually a much larger variant of free online education, and that it the YouTube 2-5 minute micro-class revolution, in which citizen experts create concise lectures on single specific micro-knowledge, for example, a type of algebra problem, or mixing hydoponic solutions, etcetera.

Free Online & RECAP Links Below the Line

Continue reading “John Robb: Free Online Open Source Education + RECAP”

Howard Rheingold: Discovery Engines Trying–and Failing

Advanced Cyber/IO, Blog Wisdom, IO Impotency
Howard Rheingold


“Managing attention & information” RSS
Created and curated by Howard Rheingold

Discovery Engines: Policing The Riot Of Information Overload | Fast Company

Taming this torrent into something manageable and highly relevant is increasingly seen as the key for Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and any other chaotic content network looking to realize monster revenue.
That explains why discovery is the word du jour in tech. It also explains why there's a flurry of activity to build a “discovery engine,” the search engine's smart-ass cousin that tries to answer vague queries (like “funny video”–one of the top searches on YouTube).

Click on Image to Enlarge

Phi Beta Iota:  Discovery today sucks, one reason Google is not worth much for serious intelligence (decision-support) endeavors.  As Stephen E. Arnold has documented so ably, there are over 75 search engines, each with its own niche, and no one has put them together.  Worse, they only tap into the 2% or so that is the surface web, and do not do deep web (for that, dee Deep Web Technologies).  Worse, Google shows you what someone else has paid for you to see, not what you actually need or can get for free.  The bleeding edge of the mature intelligence world is focused on multinational information-sharing and sense-making, and on human computation, including leveraging the diasporas for crowdsourcing everything from translation to imagery interpretation.

John Robb: Gold Bubble–Gold Not Welcome in New Era

03 Economy, 08 Wild Cards, Blog Wisdom, Civil Society, Commerce, Corruption, Earth Intelligence
John Robb

Nouriel “Dr. Doom” Roubini is slamming the run up in the gold market: it's the new subprime bubble only worse.  It's leveraged 25-40x not just 5-10x.  It's just another example of the global market's central planning directorate in action.  Another massive/bad investment by those with all the decision making power.  It may also be a good indicator that gold is part and parcel of the old broken economy and not something that should be welcome in the new one we're building.

Phi Beta Iota:  George Soros has this exactly right and has pulled out.  What can be understood from open sources in addition to the above is that the gold market is chock full of fraud, including gold certificates issued without gold to back them up; and very likely gold diluted with titanium by the Bank of New York under Tim Geithner.  There is also the residual matter of the Black Lily covert gold fund, of the gold to be confiscated from Libya before the rebels figure out they're dupes in a major theft, and finally–the wild card–there are rumors circulating in the gold community that a new methods has been found that will more rapidly discover all remaining gold deposits around the earth.

See Also:

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