Department of State at MIT: NYT still the source of record, and we assume CIA on top of social media….but I’ve just been fired for being honest about DoD mistreatment of Private Manning…

Briefings (Core)

Phillip Crowley
Philip J. Crowley
Assistant Secretary

Bureau of Public Affairs

Speaking at MIT's Center for Civic Media

Phi Beta Iota: Worth reading, candid, interesting at multiple levels, not least of which is that the New York Times is still his source of record, and he assumes that CIA has a grip on social media–never mind that Jim Clapper just got slammed for not having a clue on precisely that.  Good people trapped in a bad system…

Just in:

Clinton's spokesman quits after questioning treatment of WikiLeaks suspect

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's chief spokesman resigned Sunday, three days after he publicly criticized the treatment in confinement of WikiLeaks suspect Army Pfc. Bradley Manning as “counterproductive and stupid.”

Phi Beta Iota: This man should have been honored for telling the truth.  You can tell a great deal about a government by how it handles such situations.

2011 Building a University-Based Global Education – Intelligence – Research Web

Briefings (Core), Briefings & Lectures
Click on Image to Enlarge

Briefing (PDF with Notes, 14 Pages)

  • Concept for PhD in Global Public Policy
  • New “Standard” Green Building
  • Initial Focus on 8 Constituencies, Process of Intelligence
  • Initial focus on 10-12-8 Virtual Global Networks
  • One World Brain Institute, Many Centers for Public Intelligence
  • Global-Local Policy-Budget Outreach Concept
  • Research Collaboration (Creating the World Brain)
  • Harmonizing External Funding for Hybrid Networks
  • Internationalizing Every Student Body
  • Global Joint Instructional Programs Levering Citation Analysis
  • Blend Cognitive Science & Collective Intelligence to Create Web 4.0 (World Brain)

2011 OSINT Discovery Toolkit–Reuser’s Repertorium

Blog Wisdom, Book Lists, Briefings (Core), Fact Sheets, Handbook Elements, Historic Contributions, IO Multinational, Methods & Process, Tools, White Papers

This is THE toolbox, available in both long and short versions, we recommend you start with the long and then rapidly migrate to the short.  Arno is THE “dean” of OSINT for government, and the “dean” of the advanced librarian discovery movement.



We strongly endorse Arno Reuser as an individual, and recommend his training offerings available directly from him.  By-pass the external vendor training link at the Repertorium and send him a direct email.

Arno's Profile

Worth a Look: Arno Reuser OSINT Wizard

Journal: Seriously Weird, & Then There Is Arno

When InterNET is InterNOT

2006 Reuser (NL) on Virtual Open Source Agency

2003 Reuser (NL) on Intelligence Librarian Tradecraft

Journal: Librarians and The Accessibility Paradox

Reference: Libraries as Change Agents

Briefings (Core)

“Libraries and Broadband: Becoming Radical Change Agents in Our Communities”

December 2, 2010 16:05

Slides from a recent presentation by Professor R. David Lankes, Director of the Information Institute, Syracuse University's School of Information Studies, and director of the library science program for the school.

From the Abstract:

And so we come to the point. Why bring broadband libraries. We don’t do it as a means to bring facebook to the masses. We wire our buildings not as points of distraction or simply another service the library offers. Broadband is not a way to bring the world to the citizens of Vermont, but to unleash the passions and potentials of the citizens of Vermont on the rest of the world. Just as the roads of previous generations bound together empires and democracies We can use broadband to bring together the farmer and the lawyer, the entrepreneur and the student, the politician and the protestor in a grand conversation on the future of the state.

Access the Presentation (PDF; 48 Slides)

Note: Professor Lankes adds, “Due to conference setup I was not able to capture the audio and screencast. However, the session was video taped, so I hope to add these later.”

Source: Virtual Dave…Real Blog

Tip of the Hat to Gary Price at LinkedIn.