Reference: Dan Kuehl on National Information Strategy

Briefings (Core)

Professor Dan Kuehl is perhaps the top authority in the U.S. Government's war college environment on the subject of a national information strategy–the briefing below is balanced, brilliant, and to the point: we do not have a naitonal information strategy, we need a national information strategy.

National Information Strategy Briefing
National Information Strategy Briefing

2006 Morville (UK) Ambient Findability Massive Scale Beyond Your Imagination A Recommedned Approach to Creating the World Brain with Instant Recall

Briefings (Core), Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Historic Contributions, Topics (All Other)
Peter Morville

Peter Morville, resident in the US, is an information architect, pathfinder (we lose as much as we create), and visualizer of how best to connect dots to dots, dots to people, and people to people in the context of sharing information.

Below are the slides from his presentation to OSS '06.

Peter Morville
Peter Morville

2006 Sutton (US) Global Coverage, Looking Backward, Looking Forward

Briefings (Core), Budgets & Funding, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Historic Contributions, Key Players, Policies, Strategy, Threats
Boyd Sutton
Boyd Sutton

Boyd Sutton was one of a handful of great intelligence community leaders who understood how to handle and get the most out of what CIA described as “self-starters” (they have up the idea after half of both classes quit within give years–go along bureaucrats are still the norm).  He also had a huge mind, and went form being in charge of the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) vault dealing with all external technical programs (the Advanced Program and Evaluation Group) to being a senior executive at the National Reconaissance Office (NRO), and then a retiree consultant charged by then DNI George Tenet with establishing the requirements for Global Coverage–the answer: $10 million for each of 150 “lower tier” countries and issues including non-state actors and emerging threats, or $1.5 billion a year year–today that would be $3 billion.  Boyd's contribution of the unclassified version of his study to the public, in the public interest, is a significant example of individual integrity in the service of the Republic.

Boyd Sutton
Boyd Sutton

Click on the Frog to connect to his original 1997 study slides and full text, all unclassified as released.

Challenge of Global Coverage Study for the DCI 1997
Challenge of Global Coverage Study for the DCI 1997