Search: History, Wealth & Reconciliation


History is not as easy to understand as some might think, for the simple reason that history is a political and economic tool, and the history books are written to reinforce the status quo powers.  In the United States of America, for example, the myth of Abraham Lincoln persists despite compelling evidence that he violated the Constitution and did not in fact free the slaves:

1.  Constitutional scholars agree on the right of the South to seceed

2.  Lincoln did not free the slaves in the north or west, only in the south

3.  Lincoln is on record as stating that he did not want to free slaves in the south and did so only out of military necessity

4.  Lincoln violated the Constitution in suspending habeas corpus; in conscriptng and Army for domestic attack; and in invading and occupying the South for twelve years.

Wealth and Reconcilation, Including Truth at Any Cost, Below the Fold

Continue reading “Search: History, Wealth & Reconciliation”

Search: Future of Humanity on Earth


Righteous search.   Here's the short answer, see also all the six-star reviews.

1.  Do not confuse humanity with life.  Humanity may well wipe itself out, but life will continue.  See for example

Review: The Resilient Earth–Science, Global Warming and the Future of Humanity

2.  The primary obstacle to the future of humanity on earth is a combination of secrecy and idiocy.  See for example:

Review: The Collapse of Complex Societies

The True Cost of Low Prices: The Violence of Globalization

Review: The Next Catastrophe–Reducing Our Vulnerabilities to Natural, Industrial, and Terrorist Disasters

3.  Resilience Thinking and Sustainable Design along with Biomimicry and Zero Waste are the heart of the matter.

Continue reading “Search: Future of Humanity on Earth”

Search Tips


Don't search for <cliff notes for ….>.  Search instead for the title of the book, as much of it as possible, and ideally also including the author's last name.  Use Amazon for the full title and grab the last name only of the author (that's the part that gets into the tag cloud).

The Unconquerable World: Power, Nonviolence, and the Will of the People

Part of the “delay” in getting to this (it came up about 20th when searching only for <unconquerable world>) is that once a book as priceless as this has been read, it is then listed as additional recommended reading for a whole lot of other books read afterwards.

You also get books read prior to “the” book that are recommended in that review.  So all told, for the really great books that are central to the intellectual architecture we have been creating for 20 years, expect to see 20-40 listings, all helpful to building a broader picture for you around “the” book's core theme.

What this means is that searching for any given title ALSO brings up all the other books that have been deliberately related to the first book–a form of citation analysis exclusively focused on our concern with creating a prosperous world at peace.  The point: be patient, and think about all the books you find on the way to “the” book.

Use the menu under Reviews to browse.  The 98 categories were devised in 2005 when we took the entire library and re-sorted it in logical units.  This is a library built for an iconoclastic strategist and decision-support professional.  Use it!

Search: Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield

Analysis, Budgets & Funding, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, History, InfoOps (IO), Key Players, Methods & Process, Policies, Policy, Reform, Searches, Strategy, Threats

If one takes the “battlefield” to include all challenges, not just the challenge of a battle in a singular time and place, then this search is the mother of all searches.

We like to use the analogy of sailboat racing, something we learned from a video,  DVD: THE ART OF RACING SAILING.  This DVD begins with an inspection of the hull of the sailboat out of the water and the point is that the race is often won or lost BEFORE THE RACE EVEN BEGINS.  If you have failed to assure a correct hull; if you have failed to train, equip, and organize the right forces for the right mission, if you have failed to understand the historical, cultural, and geographical reality you are entering into a context with; then no amount of excellence on the field itself will prevail.

Continue reading “Search: Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield”

Search: Civitas Maxima

Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, Key Players, Mobile, Policies, Real Time, Searches, Threats

Intriguing and illuminating.  Thank you.

Amazon Page
Amazon Page

Harold Laski: Problems of Democracy, the Sovereign State, and International Society

Laski's concerns turn out to have much in common with those of present-day social democratic commentators – in particular the capacity of a state to effect social justice in conditions of global interdependence.

Peter Lamb's study of this overly neglected thinker is a highly relevant recovery. This lucid, well-judged and sympathetic account of Laski's later thought on the ‘myth' of the sovereign state is highly pertinent for cosmopolitan democrats, students of normative international relations and seekers of a genuinely radical ‘third way'.

Continue reading “Search: Civitas Maxima”

Search: Gorilla with Kitten

Gorilla with Kitten
Gorilla with Kitten

Here you go.

This was used for a panel in 1999 at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for the annual meeting of the Security Affairs Support Association (SASA), today called something else.

The photo of the Gorilla with Kitten links to The Gorilla Foundation that has nurtured Koko the Gorilla and others.   Below from their site:

“During the course of the study, Koko has advanced further with language than any other non-human. Koko has a working vocabulary of over 1000 signs. Koko understands approximately 2,000 words of spoken English. Koko initiates the majority of conversations with her human companions and typically constructs statements averaging three to six words. Koko has a tested IQ of between 70 and 95 on a human scale, where 100 is considered “normal.” Michael, the male silverback gorilla who grew up with Koko, had a working vocabulary of over 600 signs.”


The photo was also used, but since removed, with the announcement, now a record of the event (three slides shows posted):

Event Report CORRECTED LINKS: Responding to Real Time Information, Open Systems and the Obama IT Vision [Google-Microsoft Meld]