HANDBOOK: Community Security

Law Enforcement, Stabilization, Threats/Topical, UN/NGO

Community Security handbook


Security is a universal entitlement and a core part of human well-being. Where people cannot enjoy security, poverty and injustice are prevalent in other forms. Many major reports and policy initiatives in recent years have not only built strong evidence to underpin these claims, but they have also affirmed the need to foster a concept of security which puts people at its centre. When Saferworld has consulted people on what security means to them in different countries, the answer is always unique and specific to the context.

With this in mind, Saferworld has developed an approach that explains the principles underpinning Community Security interventions, and suggests practical implementation strategies that draw on our work and the work of a select number of agencies. The handbook is aimed at both policy makers and practitioners – particularly programme managers – and intends to help them work through the steps involved in planning, implementing, evaluating and improving Community Security interventions. It sets out the objectives of Saferworld’s Community Security work, explains why we see it as important, and draws together a significant body of learning and experience that ties together the theory and practice behind interconnected peace, conflict, security and development interventions.

PDF (52 Pages): Community Security Handbook

Recommended by Berto Jongman

Handbook: Policing the Context – Principles and guidance to inform international policing assistance

Law Enforcement
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PDF  (56 Pages): Policing the Context March 2014

Stabilization Unit, What Works Series

This paper aims to enhance the impact of UK support to policing assistance programmes. Different contexts demonstrate diverse demands, which require different solutions. This paper seeks to ensure that UK assistance to policing is always:
 Based on common principles and international standards.
 Responsive to the local context.
 Informed by, and informs, the UK’s political strategies and priorities.
 Clear in its intended strategic impact and outcomes.
 Grounded in an empirical understanding of what works in order to generate value for money.
 Developed and managed effectively and efficiently.

Reference: EUROPOL Organized Crime Overview 2011

EUROPOL, Law Enforcement, White Papers
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Organised crime is changing and becoming increasingly diverse in its methods, group structures, and impact on society, reveals Europol’s 2011 Organised Crime Threat Assessment (OCTA), published today.

The bi–annual report, which assesses current and expected trends in organised crime affecting the European Union, explores how a new criminal landscape is emerging, marked increasingly by highly mobile and flexible groups operating in multiple jurisdictions and criminal sectors.

The report highlights the fact that criminal groups are increasingly multi–commodity and poly–criminal in their activities, gathering diverse portfolios of criminal business interests, improving their resilience at a time of economic austerity and strengthening their capability to identify and exploit new illicit markets. Activities such as carbon credit fraud, payment card fraud and commodity counterfeiting attract increasing interest due to a lower level of perceived risk.

Summary of the Report (Full Report Below)

EU Organised Crime Threat Assessment: OCTA 2011

Phi Beta Iota:  This is the executive summary paragraph that resonates with us:

  • The knowing cooperation of specialists in the transport, financial, real estate, legal and pharmaceutical sectors is a notable facilitating factor for organised crime. In the current economic climate businesses, particularly in sectors capable of providing support for commodity trafficking or money laundering, have become more vulnerable to corruptive influence.

Review: Litigation Under the Federal Open Government Laws 2010 from the Electronic Privacy Information Center

07 Other Atrocities, 10 Security, 11 Society, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), DoD, Ethics, Government, InfoOps (IO), Intelligence (government), Law Enforcement, Military, Secrecy & Politics of Secrecy
Amazon Page

Electronic Privacy Information Center (Author), Marc Rotenberg (Editor), Harry A. Hammitt (Editor), Ginger McCall (Editor), John A. Verdi (Editor), Mark S. Zaid (Editor)

5.0 out of 5 stars Critical USEFUL Reference, Handbook, Citizen Manual,August 22, 2011

I'm exploring a major campaign to expose illegal actions across the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals and the Defense Intelligence Agency in particular, and in talking to the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) leadership got a chance to understand just how vital and USEFUL this guide is.

Senator Patrick Leahy, co-sponsor of the OPEN Government Act of 2007, and many others are on record as considering this the single most indispensable tool in any citizen's toolkit.

For myself, having seen the capricious, arbitrary, and often unethical and even abusive manner in which DIA Personnel “cooks the books” and manipulates job announcements and screening decisions, and having been personally privy to enormous abuse by the Director of the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals and a specifc group of his subordinates, consider this manual essential to my own search for justice.

Although I will use it more to inform myself so I can assist the specialist lawyers in making the most of what I know in their probing inquires at DIA and DOHA, I certainly recommend it to any citizen that has a specific concern that is not getting a fair hearing.

I also recommend the publisher and experts that put it together, the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC). Many folks do not realize that they have been one of the leading champions of open government, and have also been one of the leading champions in exposing fraud, waste, and abuse that has been concealed by secrecy.

The US Government, in my view, as a general observation, is out of control and no longer representative of We the People. This is the handbook for citizens to use in holding every branch of the federal government accountable for its misbehavior and its dereliction of duty in failing to represent the public interest as opposed to the interest of its very big stakeholders who are recipients of the tax dollar rather than contributors to the treasury of the Republic.

Arm yourself with this knowledge, and go into battle confident in the righteousness of your cause.

See Also [Amazon book link still broken]:

Piercing the Veil of Secrecy: Litigation Against U.S. Intelligence by Janine Brookner

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Handbook: How to Negotiate a Ceasefire

Law Enforcement, Military, Stabilization, Threats/Topical, UN/NGO

Kristan Wheaton posted the below to his blog yesterday:

Thursday, March 31, 2011

How To Negotiate A Ceasefire (HDCentre.org)

The Centre For Humanitarian Dialogue, located in Geneva, Switzerland, has done a really good job of pulling together a concise monograph called “Negotiating Ceasefires”.

Only 44 pages from start to finish (including endnotes and a comprehensive list of suggested additional readings), this guidebook is filled with practical advice, concise case studies and quotes from practitioners about the risks and rewards inherent in negotiating a ceasefire.

Read more….

Handbook: Preventing Corruption in Humanitarian Operations–A Handbook of Good Practices

Gift Intelligence, Law Enforcement, Peace Intelligence, Stabilization
Full Document Online

Based on five years of investigation in the aftermath of the 2004 tsunami.  The bottom line from our point of view is three-fold:

1.  All money collected for an ostensible campaign must be “tagged” and audited and pooled so that the US military among others can draw down on the common fund and cover all costs associated with US military mobilization and continuing Stabilization & Reconstruction Operations.

2.  We need a Stabilization & Reconstruction Intelligence Support Plan that includes Peace Jumpers and immediate air breathing wide area surveillance upon which to build a bottom-up needs assessment and Reverse TIPFID.  Push the information perimeter all the way out to pre-loading approval contingent on having a big air docking space and small air or land or sea intermediate delivery channels.

3.  We finally need to get serious about “preaceful preventive measures” as called for by General Al Gray, USMC, then Commandant of the Marine Corps, in his seminal article “Global Intelligence Challenges for the 1990's,” American Intelligence Journal (Winter 1989-1990).  His staff assistant for that piece was Robert Steele.  We need a Whole of Government and Multinational Engagement information sharing and sense-making hub and spoke network built around the US defense open source intelligence program.  IOHO.

Explicatory Online Information:

Continue reading “Handbook: Preventing Corruption in Humanitarian Operations–A Handbook of Good Practices”