Journal: Chuck Spinney Flags Moral Clarity Israeli Style

09 Terrorism, 10 Security, Ethics, Government

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Rattling the Cage: Our exclusive right to self-defense

Oct 7, 2009
Virtually all of Israel is now speaking in one voice against the Goldstone report, against any attempt to blame us over the war in Gaza. We've honed our message to a sharp point and, inspired by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's performance at the UN, we're delivering it with just the right tone of outrage:

How dare anyone deny us the right to self-defense! How dare anyone deny us the right to fight back against terrorism!
Very nice. Puts everyone else on the defensive. The right to self-defense is up there with motherhood and apple pie – who's going to come out against it, especially for us, for Israel, for the Jews, for the people of the Holocaust?

The right to self-defense – perfect.

But I'd like to ask: Do the Palestinians also have the right to self-defense?

We probably wouldn't admit it out loud, but in our heads we would say – again, in one voice – “No!”

This is the Israeli notion of a fair deal: We're entitled to do whatever the hell we want to the Palestinians because, by definition, whatever we do to them is self-defense. They, however, are not entitled to lift a finger against us because, by definition, whatever they do to us is terrorism.

Continue reading “Journal: Chuck Spinney Flags Moral Clarity Israeli Style”

Journal: The New “Cold War” Pakistan vs India, Many vs. Israel

09 Terrorism, 10 Security, Government, Military

AP Full Story Online
AP Full Story Online

Taliban claim Afghan bomb, say [Indian] embassy was target

KABUL – The Taliban have claimed responsibility for Thursday's suicide car bomb in the Afghan capital, saying their target was the Indian Embassy.

Phi Beta Iota: India's hands are not clean.  There are ample reports of India offering safe-haven bases for cross-border terrorism into Pakistan, and the creation of the new Afghan intelligence and covert action agency under Indian and other auspices bodes ill.  In our judgement, there is an urgent need for a multinational containment of Pakistan on the one side, and Israel on the other, to include a total end to the Israeli campaign of genocide and other atrocities against the Palestinian peoples.  India is a much more responsible country than Pakistan, but its military and intelligence branches are out of control and must be brought under discipline if we are to contain Pakistan, which has the Sunni nuclear bomb, and prevent the emergence of a new Cold War that uses terrorists and “freedom fighters” to wage proxy war EVERYWHERE.  Iran will be a player best contained by rushing to meet their legitimate needs for nuclear power.  While everyone else is distracted, China will accelerate and deepen its virtual take-over of the Southern Hemisphere. As once stable governments begin to fail we anticipate an increase in ethnicity-based crime families that strive to meet the need for security and prosperity in the absence of reliable governnance. Naturally no one in Washington is thinking about any of this.

Journal: Chuck Spinney on Al Qaeda Message, Two Comments on CIA and Al Qaeda

05 Civil War, 09 Terrorism, 10 Security, Ethics, Government, Peace Intelligence, Reform, Strategy

First, a link to the translated Al Qaeda message. Then Chuck Spinney's commentary on the rmessage (there is no assurance it is actually from Bin Laden, who may be long dead).   Finally, a Phi Beta Iota comment that will outrage the lame of mind and resonate with every average American.

Remarks by Robert Steele at the Economics, Intelligence, & Transparency Conference, NYC 13 September 2009

09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Ethics, Law Enforcement, Reform
Robert Steele
Robert David STEELE Vivas

Economics, Intelligence, & Transparency Conference

New York City, 13 September 2009, 1400-1430 EST

Planned Remarks for Robert David STEELE Vivas

9/11 discussion was yesterday, it is however central to today’s reflections

9/11 was about predatory economics, failed intelligence, and zero transparency

I only have 30 minutes to speak, but I can stay for an hour after that on the side

I’m going to cover three areas briefly.

First, my take on 9/11, partly as published in my second book, partly new stuff

Second, my take on what is happening right now between Wall Street and Washington

Third, my take on what you can do about it using legal, ethical intelligence sources & methods Continue reading “Remarks by Robert Steele at the Economics, Intelligence, & Transparency Conference, NYC 13 September 2009”

Reference: Scientific Journal Publishes Conclusive Evidence of Super-Thermite Across Multiple Samples of World Trade Center Dust

09 Terrorism, Analysis, Articles & Chapters, Reform

Concluding sentence:

Based on these observations, we conclude that the red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted themite material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material.

Bentham Open Access 25 Pages with Full Photographic and Other Graphical and Electromagnetic Evidence
Bentham Open Access 25 Pages with Full Photographic and Other Graphical and Electromagnetic Evidence

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Journal: Cheery Waves Flags ‘Terrorist Facebook’ – the new weapon against al-Qa’ida

09 Terrorism, Methods & Process
Full Story Online
Full Story Online

Social networking is not just for the MySpace generation. Intelligence agencies are adopting a controversial new technique to identify terrorist masterminds

By Steve Connor, Science Editor

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Intelligence agencies are building up a Facebook-style databank of international terrorists in order to sift through it with complex computer programs aimed at identifying key figures and predicting terrorist attacks before they happen.

By analysing the social networks that exist between known terrorists, suspects and even innocent bystanders arrested for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, military intelligence chiefs hope to open a new front in their “war on terror”.

The idea is to amass huge quantities of intelligence data on people – no matter how obscure or irrelevant – and feed it into computers that are programmed to make associations and connections that would otherwise be missed by human agents, scientists said.

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