Berto Jongman: 3 Iranian Sponsored Attacks in USA including a Mumbia Hotel-Type Attack — Iranian Exile, CIA, or NeoCon Disinformation as Prelude to Another False Flag?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Iran, 09 Terrorism, IO Deeds of War
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Source strongly suspected of being a front for Iranian exiles trying to give Iran a black eye and neocons a reason to press for US attack on Iran.

Terrorist super-axis to strike within U.S.

Imminent attacks planned by al-Qaida, Quds Forces, Hezbollah

Iran has given the go-ahead to operatives of three terrorist groups that have infiltrated the United States to carry out missions, including what is expected to be a Mumbai-style attack on a hotel where innocent bystanders would be killed, WND has learned.

A full report with many details of the missions has been passed on to U.S. officials.

Three targets have been chosen within America for imminent attack, and the terror teams have now cut communications with the operational center in Iran, a sign that they are moving ahead with the attacks, according to a high-level intelligence officer within the Islamic regime.

If only one of the attacks occurs, the regime will consider the operation a success, the source said. Tehran believes, he said, an attack would not be traced back to Iran due to the nationalities of the operators.

Read full article with video.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: 3 Iranian Sponsored Attacks in USA including a Mumbia Hotel-Type Attack — Iranian Exile, CIA, or NeoCon Disinformation as Prelude to Another False Flag?”

Chuck Spinney: Syria, Regional War, and Turkey — Let the Ethnic Cleansing Begin!

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 06 Genocide, 07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Military, Misinformation & Propaganda
Chuck Spinney
Chuck Spinney

This email builds on the information in my 8 May email entitled, The Real Scare in Syria Is Not Chemical Weapons.”  Attached below is a post from Joshua Landis’s Syria Comment blog.  Landis is a professor at the University of Oklahoma and a specialist on Syria — his blog often provides useful, insightful information.

Particularly important, IMO, are Landis’ comments relating the conflict in this region to its spillover effects into Turkey (for more background see also: “Will Syria’s Revolt Disrupt the Turkish Borderlands?.”

Spillover is a very serious issue, because the Turkish province just north of the map below, Hatay Province, used to be part of Syria — it was in effect ceded to Turkey by France (and the UK and the League of Nation) in the late 1939s as part of a subtle deal to elicit Turkey’s neutral if they became involved in a war with Germany (WWII) — a promise Turkey kept.

chuck mapThe map herewith shows where Hatay is located:

Landis' comments, among other things, highlights some of the forces sucking Turkey may  further into the Syrian quagmire.  Note text marked in red below are my comments.  The first half of this essay is a summary of Landis’ personal views on the situation in Levantine Syria, the second half is a series of essays outlining reasons why the US should not intervene militarily.

Chuck Spinney

Do the Massacres in Bayda and Banyas Portend Ethnic Cleansing to Create an Alawite State?

by Joshua Landis, Syria Comment, May 13, 2013

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: Syria, Regional War, and Turkey — Let the Ethnic Cleansing Begin!”

4th Media: USA/USG in 74 Admitted Wars — Meanwhile, Activists Gear Up for “Fearless Summer” of Transformative Protests

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Proliferation, 09 Terrorism, Crowd-Sourcing
Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

U.S. Currently Fighting 74 Different Wars … That It Will Publicly Admit

See Also:

CRS Report: Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2013

Graphic: US Bases (44) Surrounding Iran

“Fearless Summer”: Fearlessness Grows From the Grass Roots: US Protest Movement against the Banksters

A popular resistance is developing throughout the nation; and the more the government fails to listen, the more the media fails to report it, the bigger the explosion of resistance will be.

Ralph Peters: The Birth of Modern War – How the 1860’s Changed War, and the World

04 Inter-State Conflict, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence

Ralph Peters
Ralph Peters

First published by Armchair General.  Full text online for ease of automated translation.

In document form (15 pages):  2013-05-09 Ralph Peters Birth of Modern Warfare


How the 1860s Changed the Fields of Battle Forever

By Ralph Peters

     The ten-year span that began with the American Civil War in 1861 and climaxed with a Prussian-led German army besieging Paris in 1870 changed warfare as profoundly as—and certainly more abruptly than—the introduction of steel blades or the development of gunpowder weapons.  That decade dramatically altered strategic and operational mobility, military communications, killing power, the relative value of combat arms and the tactics for employing them, the composition of armies, logistics, and medical care for the wounded (while navies moved to steam-driven ironclads mounting long-range guns).  A consideration of military leadership across the decade should teach us not to mock the inability of most generals to adjust to a disorienting environment, but to marvel at the few who managed to figure things out—despite the crushing weight of legacy thinking.

     The complexity of warfare exploded as the strategic pace accelerated.  And one rarely noted determinant of victory may, in fact, have been the decisive factor: literacy.  In the end, the armies with the soldiers who could read were the armies that were able to adapt–those of the United States and Prussia.  (Indeed, our contemporary experience in attempting to professionalize Afghan troops underscores the degree to which literacy is the fundamental building block of military modernity.)

     As this epochal decade approached, Napoleon’s shadow clouded the thinking of even the most-able generals.  Only outliers, such as Grant and von Moltke, escaped his thrall, while Napoleonic maxims, codified by Jomini and others, excused less-able leaders from thinking at all.  The 1860s came as a series of thunderbolts, following the confused military actions of the previous decade.  Even as steam power allowed for more rapid strategic concentration in the 1850s, European armies assembling in a theater of war had made no doctrinal advances since Waterloo.  Indeed, the allied armies that landed in the Crimea marched more slowly than had the troops of either the Duke of Wellington or Napoleon.  English rifles slaughtered Russian infantrymen, but English generals (and cholera) squandered English soldiers.  And when the Piedmontese and French fought the Austrians in Italy in 1859, the battles of Magenta and Solferino were clumsy bloodbaths that convinced generals that very little had changed on the tactical battlefield.  New rifles in the hands of poorly trained, unmotivated and ineptly led Austrian soldiers proved useless against superior leadership—resulting in a failure to appreciate the killing power of massed rifled weapons.

     Soon enough the race would be on to find generals who could think as fast as modern weapons could kill.

Continue reading “Ralph Peters: The Birth of Modern War – How the 1860's Changed War, and the World”

Eagle: CIA, Militant Islam, the Chechen Connection — Proxy War on Russia, Trade-Off for Syria?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement
300 Million Talons...
300 Million Talons…

Global Research  will be publishing a series of articles and reports with a view to promoting “Boston Truth”.  The underlying objective is  to confront and challenge the official version of events concerning the Boston bombings as well as the twisted and convoluted interpretations of the mainstream media.

We invite our readers to endorse “Boston Truth” and spread the word on social media, independent media and blog sites.

Nine thousand heavily armed police including SWAT teams were deployed in a manhunt to capture a 19 year old student at U-Mass, after his brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the alleged Boston Marathon terror mastermind was shot dead by police allegedly  after a car chase and shoot out with police.

Continue reading “Eagle: CIA, Militant Islam, the Chechen Connection — Proxy War on Russia, Trade-Off for Syria?”

NIGHTWATCH: Afghanistan Army Imploding – South Viet-Nam Redux

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 08 Wild Cards
Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

Afghanistan: Late last week, The US Special Inspector General for Afghanistan published a quarterly report which included a section on manning in the Afghan National Army. The British newspaper Independent also published UK findings on manning as well, but with a slightly different focus.

The US report indicates the Afghan National Army has gotten smaller in the past year. Strength in March 2012 was But strength in February 2013 was 175,441.

The British reports that attrition in the Afghan National Army is about 30%, or three in every ten soldiers are killed, captured or dismissed for cause. The report also states that 5,000 recruits a month just quit, or annually a third of the current strength of the Afghan National Army.

The Special Inspector General stipulated that accurate and reliable accounting of government forces strength is necessary to help ensure US funds are spent for legitimate and eligible costs. It quoted a US command that there exists no “viable method of validating personnel numbers.”

Comment: The two reports read like Vietnam redux. The US report makes clear that without outside money, almost no Afghan security forces loyal to the government would exist.


Graphic Source

Berto Jongman: YouTube Audio (48:10) Sibel Edmunds On Boston Bombing, CIA, and US Empire — US Buying Russian Okay on Invading Syria with Hands Off on Caucasus?

04 Inter-State Conflict, 07 Other Atrocities, 09 Terrorism, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Law Enforcement, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Extraordinary — virtually a monologue drawing on deep FBI knowledge of CIA false flag operations in Caucasus and Central Asia, ties in Turkish role for decades as CIA and NATO silent partner in false flag terrorism across Caucasus and Central Asia, with Graham Fuller, CIA's man man “a despicable person” and the family of the  alleged Boston bombers who were trained by the Jamestown Foundation and CIA.  Specifically says that US has been providing chemical weapons to the rebels against the Syrian government.  Concludes with prediction on Iran.

Phi Beta Iota:  We have no direct knowledge, but based on listening to Sibel Edmonds for the full 48:10 minutes, we consider her 100% credible and extremely authentic, authoritative, informed, and articulate.  Provides a useful historical overview of how British used religious fanatics and false flags to divide & conquer.  Overall, a virtuoso performance.  When combined with the emerging disclosures on extraterrestrial technologies and knowledge, our overall impression is that the US government has failed the public — secrecy has enabled unnecessary wars over unnecessary resources at the same time that we actually have direct access — have had for decades — advanced technologies that make fossil fuels and rare metals “moot.”  What kind of country screws the many on behalf of the few?  What kind of country avoids ethical evidence-based decision-making at all costs?

Counterintelligence Note:  She says all major US government personnel posted to Turkey in 1990 are core group behind what is left of NATO Gladio, and continue to operate with CIA funding.

See Also:

Berto Jongman: YouTube (11:24) Russia Today TV Nails DHS, FBI, and Boston Leaders — Federal, State, & Local Officials Impeachable + Boston Meta-RECAP

Mini-Me: Boston Media Manipulation, Known Veteran Double-Amputee Brought in as Actor — Amputees in Action Business — Clergy Barred from “Injured” UPDATE 1.4

Review (Guest): Classified Woman-The Sibel Edmonds Story: A Memoir