Robert Steele: England Lied — CDC Lied — Coronavirus Fake Pandemic Model Numbers Drastically Downgraded to Normal Flu

02 Infectious Disease, 03 Economy, 07 Health, 07 Other Atrocities, 08 Wild Cards, 10 Transnational Crime, Corruption, Government, Officers Call

Coronavirus Model Drastically Downgrades Projection

This was not an accident.  This was a malicious lie sanctioned by the British Government and actively spread across global media by MI-6 and CIA to create a global panic in tandem with the City of London and Wall Street doing massive amounts of insider trading both in advance (dumping stock) and after the fact (buying up good stuff at depressed prices.

NSA has everything we need to nail every single one of these people, all the President has to do is get  Mike Flynn and Bill Binney focused on the task.

See my Lastest Three Videos for the President Below the Fold

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DefDog: Yale Flips, Sides with President on Fake Pandemic Need to End Lock-Down

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, Academia, Ethics

800 Medical Specialists Caution Against Draconian Measures

Mandatory quarantine, regional lockdowns, and travel bans have been used to address the risk of COVID-19 in the US and abroad. But they are difficult to implement, can undermine public trust, have large societal costs and, importantly, disproportionately affect the most vulnerable segments in our communities.

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Robert Steele: UK Downgrades Virus – No Longer High Consequence

02 Infectious Disease, 03 Economy, 07 Health, 11 Society, Ethics, Government

The United Kingdom, which is if anything more vulnerable to a revolt against the government than the USA, is demonstrating its intelligence by down-grading the virus.  It is no longer a high-consequence threat.

Coronavirus was declassified as a High Consequence Infectious Disease on March 19th in the UK

It never was — but this is a positive first step.  What is still missing is the commitment to a multinational counterintelligence investigation that  shuts down the bio-weapon and 5G triggering of nano-bio, and the hanging, very publicly, of a few people while every one else, starting with CDC and WHO, is fired and never again allowed to serve in any public capacity.