Google Moves Voice into Cloud, Offs the Telecomms

Autonomous Internet, Mobile
Michel Bauwens

Google Voice discovered allowing pure VoIP calls

Google Voice users learned late Monday that the service now has a way of making purely Internet-based phone calls. Making a SIP call with a “sip:” prefix, the Google Voice phone number and skips the conventional phone network entirely, saving users cellphone minutes. Disruptive Telephony tested it and found that a call worked “great.”

Read full story….

Phi Beta Iota: This is in our view NSA's wet dream (they're tight with Google, which started with CIA funding, taking over Alta Vista when HP lost its mind, and stealing Yahoo's search engine).  We're moving toward everyone having an IP address instead of a telephone number, and absent the Freedom Box and other non-Google options Google is well on its way to owning the 10% of the data and voice that uses the cloudThis is also a play for the three billion poor. When combined with Google's sponsorship of the O3b satellite system, one can assume they have a cell phone in the works that is simple, cheap, and can be given away in return for “owning” your voice the way the US Post Office “owns” your name.  The Google Trilogy remains the best open record of all that Google seeks to conceal.

GOOD NEWS from Ivan Popovski in Hungary. It looks like they force to be  The idea is that every person could easily install their own SIP proxy and media server, so in that case you don't need to be ‘‘ user, but you could register on ‘‘. Of course, you could call people on any
domain/IP. By the way, a few months ago I bought, so I could develop method to rapidly install SIP proxy/media server on any computer.  Hope to get live cd or something like that soon.  Not sure how many of you are interested in this? That media server will be conferencing and will use open source codecs (speex/theora) + instant messaging (conferences also) and presence. Am in development phase.  Anyway, when you have something like that, it is not hard to connect it with VoIP, and people already talked about OpenBTS and stuff like that.

Addendum: This is a Google “probe;” as one member of the Autonomous Internet discussion pointed out, it is only being done in the USA.  To understand Google's larger strategy there is not finer reference than The Google Trilogy by Stephen E. Arnold.  Another member of the group has pointed out that Google is in the business of earning profit for its shareholders, to which we respond with two observations: 1)  they are still spending more in shareholder fantasy cash than they are actually earning; and 2) cyber-space is a commons–we cannot turn it over to corporations any more than we can turn over public services to corporations.  Autonomous Internet–the Open Source Tri-Fecta–is a long-needed correction to what Winn Schaurtau called Chaos on the Electronic Superhighway.

VECTOR: Autonomous Internet Building Block?

Autonomous Internet, Worth A Look
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VECTOR Managed Service Platform is a rapidly deployable, cloud-managed technology innovation that can take you in new directions. VECTOR’s game changing combination of technologies, integrated on one plug and play platform provides the IT infrastructure necessary to set up your remote office or project office.

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VECTOR Chart in PDF Form

VECTOR Home Page 1

VECTOR Home Page 2


Phi Beta Iota: A member of our collective saw this at DEMO Spring 2011. It felt right and the people around it felt right also. Strong “worth a look.”

Reference: Cook Report on Internet Protocol

Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet
Gordon Cook

The COOK Report serves an international community of thought leaders focused on strategy affecting the Internet as a global utility that is critically important to the advancement of education, science, and the economy of every nation that it touches.  The COOK Report sponsors an international community of interest limited to 200 industry visionaries.  Subscribers gain access to the Economics and Architecture of IP Networks mail list [Arch-econ] now in its seventh year. Arch-econ is a private creation space offering a unique online discussion where industry leaders share knowledge and develop ideas.

Testimonial (one of many):  “Gordon Cook is fiber in a world of dial-up. He asks timely and provocative questions, invites leading practitioners and experts on all sides to debate them online for several weeks, cuts to the heart of the debates, and publishes the results in language that serious lay readers can understand. No other online journal matches the Cook Report's combination of richness of content and accessibility.”

The Cook Report on Internet Protocol: Technology, Economic, and Policy (A Practical Navigator for the Internet Economy)

Phi Beta Iota: A member of our collective met for four hours with Gordon Cook, and came away deeply impressed.  He is a very difficult man to interview, with so much knowledge of the Internet across the spectrum from governance to corruption, from technical to standards, from abuse to world-saving potential, that focusing in on any particulars is a time-consuming task.  Having said that, when he does produce a product, it is brilliant, replete with detail not to be found anywhere else, and for those who care about an Autonomous Internet, priceless.  We strongly recommend his private list which is by subscription (link immediately above).

Gordon Cook at Phi Beta Iota

Gordon Cook at DuckDuckGo

Reference: Building National Knowledge Infrastructure–How Dutch Pragmatism Nurtures a 21st Century Economy (The Cook Report on Internet Protocol)

Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics
Click on Image to Enlarge

P2P Foundation Post on the Book

Download Book from CookReport

FREE Color Copy to New Subscribers to the Private List of Dr. Gordon Cook, email him to his last name only

See Also:

Reference: Cook Report on Internet Protocol V4 E Pluribus Unum* Resurrected: How Human Ingenuity, DIY Technology, and Global R&E Networks Are Remaking the World Part 1 of 2 Parts

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Gordon Cook

Autonomous Internet [Open, Free, Distributed]

Range Networks: The ONLY OpenBTS Real Deal

Core Graphic from this Reference

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The Dutch, unaffected by the corruption that plagues the US government and its corporate patrons (aptly documented in Matt Tabbi's GRIFTOPIA), have done it right.  They have built Roger Karraker's  “Highways of the Mind, done so from the bottom-up, and recognized the massive efficiencies that come from a combination of optical paths and clever holistic architectures that allow data to move at lower levels when the fit is right.  The Dutch are deep and holistic; the US is superficial and corrupt.  That's the story.

Related Commentary:

We need to ignite a Layer-1 revolution

Security: Risk and Reward By Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Network World March 02, 2011 10:57 AM ET

Ruckus Wireless Leading Mesh Wireless Market

Autonomous Internet

Ruckus Garnered 41 Percent of the 2010 Worldwide Market for Wi-Fi Mesh Node Shipments to Service Providers in New Dell'Oro Wireless Report

SUNNYVALE, Calif., March 8, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Ruckus Wireless™, an innovator of advanced Smart Wi-Fi technology and one of the fastest growing suppliers of advanced wireless products, today announced that in 2010 it had shipped more Wi-Fi mesh access points to service providers around the world than any other supplier, according to the Dell'Oro Q4 2010 WLAN Report.

The new market research shows that in 2010 Ruckus garnered 41 percent of the worldwide market for unit shipments of Wi-Fi mesh nodes to service providers around the world.

Read complete release….

Tip of the Hat to Freenet Grinnell.

Freedom Box: The Short Pitch as of March 2011

Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet, Collective Intelligence, Communities of Practice, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), microfinancing, Mobile, Peace Intelligence, Privacy, Real Time, Reform, Technologies

FreedomBox right now as I see it

by James Vasile as posted to HackerVisions, a blog at the intersection of Freedom, Technology, & Community

People have been asking me for a short description of the FreedomBox that doesn’t get too technical but also gets into some details. So here’s my capsule pitch, a short form version of how I see the FreedomBox right now:

The FreedomBox just raised $80K in donations via Kickstarter (the campaign is still going on, if you want to donate) on the strength of positive press in the NYTimes, WSJ, Wired and CBS Evening News. We’re at the very beginning of putting together a team to build this thing. This week we will announce our tech lead, an A+ name with the experience and contacts to lead our architecture design.

Continue reading “Freedom Box: The Short Pitch as of March 2011”

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: James Vasile

Alpha V-Z, Autonomous Internet, Collective Intelligence, Cyber-Intelligence
James Vasile

James Vasile, Counsel to the Software Freedom Law Foundation,  holds a Juris Doctor (JD) from Columbia Law School, where he was a member of the law review and a Stone Scholar. He also has a bachelor's degree in political science and economics from Fordham University. He spent several years in the litigation department of Cravath, Swaine & Moore, where he worked on a range of cases and dealt with a variety of new media issues. Vasile has also contributed code and documentation to numerous FOSS software projects. He is admitted to practice in the State of New York.

He is a principal member of the team that conceived the Freedom Box (first briefed to Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) in 2010) and is now forming under the leadership of Eben Moglen, to create the software that will displace CISCO and other “closed box” routers while also being much more than a router–it will be the foundation of the Freedom Stack.
Web Stack

Personal Blog: Hacker Visions–At the Intersection of Freedom, Technology, & Community