Worth a Look: Epigenetic Control (Control Above the Genes — Consciousness)

07 Health, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, IO Deeds of Peace, Worth A Look

Published on Jan 12, 2013

Conversations to Awaken your Soul. Live from the Hay House “I Can Do It” conference in Las Vegas. A conversation with Dr. Wayne Dyer and Bruce H. Lipton, PhD.  Bottom line: DNA is fixed, but DNA read-out is infinitely variable and radically affected by your beliefs, consciousness, and mental focus.  One third to two thirds of “medicine” is a placebo effect — this coincides with the documented view that half to two thirds of all surgical procedures are unnecessary and half to two thirds of pharmaceuticals are either ineffective or harmful.  Less well understood is the negative effect of all of the medical programming on television telling people about diseases they do not have so that they will get them.  In brief, television is making people ill.


YouTube (56:71) Bruce Lipton: being a cell of Humanity & Letting go of the illusion of separation

John Maguire: YouTube (9:23) Arguments for the Elimination of Television

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Berto Jongman: Computational Intelligence (aka Artificial Intelligence and/or Intelligent Systems)

Information Technology, Worth A Look
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

2013  Computational Intelligence: A Methodological Introduction

2012 Computational Intelligence and Decision Making: Trends and Applications (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering)

2012 Computational Intelligence and Its Applications: Evolutionary Computation, Fuzzy Logic, Neural Network and Support Vector Machine Techniques

2012 Computational Intelligence for Privacy and Security (Studies in Computational Intelligence)

2012 Modern Advances in Intelligent Systems and Tools (Studies in Computational Intelligence)


Worth a Look: Wavy Gravy Movie – Saint Misbehavin’ and His Books

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$2.99 online download
$2.99 online download

Born in 1936, Hugh Romney was an improvisational actor and standup comic who befriended Lenny Bruce and Bob Dylan when he settled in New York's Greenwich Village in the early '60s. Romney's career took him to the West Coast in the mid-'60s, where he fell in with Ken Kesey's Merry Pranksters and became a key figure in the early days of the hippie movement. Adopting the nickname “Wavy Gravy,” he embraced the persona of a playful clown, in part because he observed that hippies got arrested at protest marches, but clowns in parades did not. Wavy Gravy and his wife formed a commune in Berkley, CA, called the Hog Farm, and members of the group were hired to help with security at the Woodstock rock festival in 1969, with Romney dubbing his group “The Please Force.” Wavy Gravy became one of the more visible figures in the '60s counterculture scene, but unlike some of his peers, he never lost track of the ideals that came to symbolize the decade; well into his seventies, Wavy Gravy still works on behalf of environmental concerns, operates a camp (Camp Winnarainbow) that teaches clowning to homeless and underprivileged children, helps run a charitable organization (the Seva Foundation) that funds eye care for the poor in the Third World, and works with children living with brain injuries. Described by his friend Paul Krasner as “the illegitimate son of Harpo Marx and Mother Theresa,” Hugh Romney's remarkable life story is brought to the screen by filmmaker Michelle Esrick in the documentary Saint Misbehavin': The Wavy Gravy Movie. The film had its world premiere at the 2009 South by Southwest Film Festival.

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Reference: 100 Critical Points About 9/11

07 Other Atrocities, Articles & Chapters, Commerce, Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Deeds of War, Law Enforcement, Military, Worth A Look

 100 Critical Points About 9/11

By “Tommy”

Introduction/Challenge to ‘Debunkers’:

It’s time for ‘debunkers’ to showcase their years of hard work. I’m looking for a concise and agreed-upon explanation for each of the following items so that we might forever put to rest these ‘nonsense conspiracy theories’ about 9/11.

Ideally, I’m hoping for a 1-4 sentence long, simplified explanation for each of these listed circumstances, explaining how they fit into the widely-accepted narrative. If any of these conditions were not present as alleged, or if you find them to be irrelevant, just explain a more accurate interpretation of the corresponding data.

Choose any number or set of numbers from the following list. For each point, write what you believe to be the official stance relative to the mainstream “Arab terrorist” narrative. Consistency and consensus is what we’re looking for. The goal of this article is to have each of these points adequately addressed in order to demonstrate, for any future “truthers”, that there is a reasonable explanation for these circumstances that was simply overlooked by the 9/11 Truth movement.

Eventually, I would like to be able to construct a full outline of the ‘debunker’ consensus on these most-relevant aspects of 9/11.

Some of the points, below, may seem familiar.  Special thanks to Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (VIDEO) and all of the honest institutions and individuals who have made this article possible.

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Worth a Look: Strategic Articulation of Actions to Cope with the Huge Challenges or Our World

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Amazon Page
Amazon Page

Volume 1 of Monograph Series, “A Social Systems Approach to Global Problems” A principal failing of research on large-scale, complex social/technological problems is the excessive reliance upon easily measured technical observations and the accompanying minimal regard for hard-to-measure humanist aspirations, intentions, and hopes (Flanagan and Bausch, 2011). By focusing on the easily harvested quantitative data of technological science, complex systems research too easily excludes people’s life experiences, their need for practical relevance, their desires, and their traditions.. In doing this, they have alienated popular culture from the research and lay the grounds for ignoring its findings. A new science is emerging that takes account of people’s life concerns in the context of critical human problems. This science accepts the observations of all stakeholders, helps observers as they combine these observations, and results in a composite, rich definition of the problem. This comprehensive definition melds many contexts in which stakeholders view the problem. By using this contextualized definition, scientists and populace working together can reach consensus on the nature of the problem and what they are to do about it. This new science was formulated by Gerard DeZeeuw as Third Phase science (1997). If we are to reach a common ground for collective action, we need to talk not only with each other but also to reason together. Such a process requires dialogue. And not just any dialogue, but a highly structured one. In this volume, Reynaldo Treviño Cisneros and Bethania Arango Hisijara present an analysis that joins the 15 global challenges found by the Millennium Project (Glenn, J., Gordon, T., and Florescu, E., 2010) with the 49 Continuous Critical Problems (CCPs) identified by Hasan Ozbekhan (1970). The method they used is expert-analysis using Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM). It relies upon its two source documents to provide the required diversity of observations. It also reflects the considered judgment of only two people. It nevertheless illustrates the complexity that is inherent in a deep consideration of the challenge of global sustainability. In preparation, the authors immersed themselves in the world as viewed in the 15 challenges and the 49 critical problems. Then they used Interpretive Structural Modeling (Warfield, 1974, 1976; Christakis and Bausch, 2006) to rank the 15 challenges on the basis of the influence they have on each other. In doing this, they generated a map that indicates the most influential challenges. This map points out that these challenges possess leverage and therefore deserve priority in efforts to improve the global situation. Second, they clustered the individual CCPs with the corresponding Challenges. Third, they generated actions that work to solve the individual Challenges. Finally, they generated a second map that indicates how the actions can confront the Challenges. The central message from Bethania and Reynaldo is to invite civil society and governmental organizations to shape transdisciplinary groups and to follow their own journey of discovery, dialog and design, to achieve, by themselves, shared and clever strategies that might address at global, national, regional or local levels some of the challenges they had identified as needing attention, to pursue together a better quality of life for themselves and their communities.

Arabia Rising: Understanding Transformations & Revolutions in the Middle East

Worth A Look
Arabia Rising
Arabia Rising

Esam Al-Amin, The Arab Awakening Unveiled: Understanding Transformations and Revolutions in the Middle East. Washington, DC: American Educational Trust, 2013.

Jadaliyya (J): What made you write this book, and how would you describe it?

Esam Al-Amin (EA): The Arab Awakening Unveiled: Understanding Transformations and Revolutions in the Middle East is a collection of essays about the Arab uprisings and awakening movement, arguably the most important phenomenon that has taken place in the Middle East in the past century. I hope that the book provides thoughtful analysis and a keen understanding of this historical moment, as well as important aspects of US policy towards the Middle East and the Muslim World. For example, the book examines the main causes and effects of the Arab revolutions, especially in Egypt, and describes in details the role of each player in the political dynamics that has been taking place in the last two years across the Arab World, but particularly in Egypt. In addition, American foreign policy objectives and maneuvers vis-à-vis the changes brought about by the uprisings are also discussed and analyzed in many of these articles.

J: What particular topics does this work address?

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Worth a Look: Hundreds of Feeds in One Reader

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2600 The Hacker Quarterly  . 365 Days of Astronomy . 8-Circuit Brain circuits . A-Infos . A-Infos Radio Project  . Accelerating Intelligence . ACLU Action Alerts .
ACLU Privacy & Technology . Adbusters   . Alan Watts Podcast   . Alien Life   . alt.law.war-crimes.tribunals   .alt.nature.mushrooms alt.nature.mushrooms . alt.perl  . alt.society.anarchy . alt.society.civil-liberty .   Alterati    . AlterNet      . AlterNet Drugs      . Amazon Biodiversity  . Amazon Logging  . Amazon People . Amazon River   . Amazon Watch News  . Amazon Watch Video . Amnesty International  . Anarchy Radio with John Zerzan  . Angel Tech     .   AntiWar.com   .    AP News Video           .   Appalachia Rising      .   Appalachian Voices      .   Archaeology & Fossils .   Arctic Sea Ice   .    Ars Technica     .   Astrobiology Magazine     .       Astromart News       .       Astronomy Cast    .   Astronomy Magazine    .   Astronomy Picture of the Day   .     Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide   .   Audio Sky Tour     .   Autonomedia Recent Books    .    Ayahuasca Tribe    .          Bad Astronomy       .    Barbelith > Temple   .   BBC World News    .   beginners@perl.org      .   Behind the News     .    Boing Boing     .   Botany Photo of the Day      .      Brain Pickings   .   Buzztracker   .   C-SPAN    .           Census Bureau Population Estimates   .   Centauri Dreams   .   Center for Democracy and Technology  .   Center for Science in the Public Interest   .   Chandra X-ray Observatory   .   Changesurfer Radio     .   Chapel Perilous       .   Chilling Effects Clearinghouse   .   Choose Responsibility  .   Civil Liberties  .   Clergy Abuse Tracker  .   Climate Change Denial .   Climate Change News .   Climate Change: The Next Generation  .  Climate Denial Crock of the Week   .  Climate Denial Crock of the Week Video       .    Climate Progress   .   Clusterfuck Nation  .   Cognitive Liberty UK  .   commandlinefu     .   Committee on Oversight and Government Reform    .   Common Dreams    .   comp.lang.perl.misc    .   comp.lang.perl.modules         .   Concerned Scientists: Clean Energy     .   Concerned Scientists: Global Warming   .   Concerned Scientists: Scientific Integrity

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