Yoda: The Promise of Buddhist Economics

03 Economy, 07 Health, 11 Society, Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Gift Intelligence, Peace Intelligence, Worth A Look

The Promise of Buddhist Economics

UC Berkeley economist Clair Brown argues for an economic system based on altruism, sustainability, and a meaningful life. Because even economics is about more than money.

In Buddhist economics, happiness is defined by the concept of interconnectedness. All people, all beings, are interdependent with each other and with nature. Happiness comes from making sure people lead comfortable, dignified lives and interact with each other and nature in a meaningful, caring way.

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Worth A Look: Historically-Documented Admissions of False Flag Terror: A Concise Summary

Worth A Look
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First-ever book documenting ADMISSIONS of false flag terrorism around the world, including false flags in the following countries (in alphabetical order):

1.Algeria, 2.Britain, 3.Burma (Myanmar), 4.Canada, 5.Colombia, 6.Egypt, 7.France, 8.Germany, 9.India, 10.Indonesia, 11.Israel, 12.Italy, 13.Japan, 14.Kuwait, 15.Macedonia, 16.Mexico,17.Russia, 18.Rwanda, 19.Saudi Arabia, 20.South Africa, 21.Turkey, 22.Ukraine,23.United States, 24.Venezuela

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Worth A Look: Free PDF Outwitting the Devil

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Napolean Hill is best known for his book, Think and Grow Rich. In this book, he has a revelatory dialogue with the devil about how the latter gains adherents, claiming 98 percent of Earth's population. This book was not released for 70 years….

A very clear, compelling description – via a conversation with Napolean Hill – about exactly how the devil captures souls. One of the main ways is “drift.” People drift from one thing to another, disconnected from the Infinite-Eternal, with their attention captured by each bright shiny new thing.
This is an important book and a quick read

Vicky Ward on CNN: ‘You can’t underestimate the dangers’ of Ivanka Trump, Kushner

Corruption, Government, Worth A Look
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Author says ‘you can't underestimate the dangers' of Ivanka Trump, Kushner

The author of a new book focused on the President's daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law Jared Kushner's influence in the Trump administration warns of the danger she believes the two White House advisers present.

“I think that you can't underestimate the dangers of these two,” Vicky Ward, the author of “Kushner, Inc.,” told CNN's John Berman Wednesday during an interview on “New Day.” “And I think that actually (President Donald Trump) knows that.”

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Olivia Messer: ‘Kushner, Inc.’: Ivanka ‘Thinks She’s Going to Be President,’ and More Batsh*t Bits From the New Trump Book Excerpts

Cultural Intelligence, Worth A Look
Amazon Page

‘Kushner, Inc.’: Ivanka ‘Thinks She’s Going to Be President,’ and More Batsh*t Bits From the New Trump Book Excerpts

Olivia Messer, The Daily Beast

  • Ivanka Plans to Run for President
  • Tillerson and Cohn Confronted Jared Over His Conflicts of Interest
  • Everyone at the White House Dislikes the Couple
  • An Aide to Cohn Accidentally Saw the Comey Letter First
  • Jared and Ivanka Are a Huge Distraction to Trump

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