Robert Steele: Could Oracle Figure Out True Cost Economics on Top of Its Blockchain Applications?

Advanced Cyber/IO, Autonomous Internet, Liberation Technology, Software, True Cost
Robert David STEELE Vivas

ORACLE delves deeper into blockchain with four new applications

This bit caught my eye:

The four applications involve supply chain-transaction data including a track and trace capability to follow a product through its delivery from inception to market, proof of provenance for valuables like drugs, intelligent temperature tracking (what they are calling Intelligent Cold Chain) and warranty and usage tracking. Intelligent Cold chain ensures that a product that is supposed to be kept cold didn’t get exposed to higher than recommended temperatures, while warranty tracking ensures that a product was being used in a proscribed fashion and should be subject to warranty claims.

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Penguin: Open Source Blockchain Consortium in China — 100 Companies (Comment by Robert Steele)

#OSE Open Source Everything

100 plus Chinese companies to build open blockchain consortium

In May 2016, over 100 Chinese companies, representing organizations from six industry sectors including banking, fund management, securities brokerage, insurance, regional equity exchanges, and financial information service formed the Financial Blockchain Shenzhen Consortium (FISCO). One of the goals of the consortium is to coordinate and integrate research to advance financial blockchain technology for use in business scenarios. FISCO will build an open-source blockchain platform called FISCO BCOS.

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Penguin: No on Tim Berners-Lee, Yes on Reward-Based Decentralization

#OSE Open Source Everything

Alert Reader comments:

I think there should be some skepticism of Tim Berners-Lee. He created the world wide web out of CERN, and was later knighted. He's connected to Oxford, the AI lab at MIT, and their center for collective intelligence. His new project is a joint venture with Qatar.

There are several interesting projects (links below) in the crypto space which are also trying to reinvent the internet in a more secure decentralized way.  A difference between these projects and TimBL's project is a reward mechanism, meaning that people will actually earn money by turning their computers into internet nodes.  This is probably the real way to challenge centralized domination by companies like Amazon.  There has to be a reward mechanism.

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Penguin: Open Source Resistance Confronts Private GMS

#OSE Open Source Everything, Geospatial

An open source resistance takes shape as tech giants race to map the world

For Gowda, it was the fact that Google Maps is a global, commercial product and did not capture local detail.

Gowda and a few other contributors from India are part of a tiny yet growing resistance movement which doesn’t want giant corporations to own all the mapping data.

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Penguin: Open Source Data Storage

Architecture, Data, Hardware, Innovation, Software

Solving the storage dilemma: Is open source the key?

One answer to solving the storage issue is software-defined storage (SDS) which separates the physical storage hardware (data plane) from the data storage management logic or ‘intelligence’ (control plane). Needing no proprietary hardware components, SDS is the perfect cost-effective solution for enterprises as IT can use off-the-shelf, low-cost commodity hardware which is robust and flexible.