Robert Steele: Core Works UPDATED with 21st Century University

#OSE Open Source Everything, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Robert David STEELE Vivas

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REINVENTING NATIONAL SECURITY: Grand Strategy, Global Reality, and the U.S. Army

REINVENTING INTELLIGENCE: 30 Years in the Wilderness

REINVENTING ENGINEERING: The Ultimate Hack — Creating a Prosperous World at Peace with Open Source Everything

NATO 2040: Intelligence (Decision-Support) as Root for Transformation

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Penguin: 40 Years Late, USG Sniffs at Open Source

Dare To Be Free!

Still lip service, but a start.

Disruptive by Design: Invigorating Government Open Source Contributions

The U.S. government is likely the largest combined producer and consumer of software in the world. The code to build that software is volatile, expensive and oftentimes completely hidden from view. Most people only see the end result: the compiled and packaged application or website. However, a massive worldwide community, the Open Source Initiative, centers on the exact opposite.

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Penguin: Open Source and Big Data

Architecture, Autonomous Internet, Data, Software
Dare To Be Free!

Weighing Open Source’s Worth for the Future of Big Data

“If you’re trying to overcome a technology like relational databases, which have been developed over decades and had gestation from every major university in the world that does computer science research, it takes a long time to climb that hill,” Kreps says. “What’s very different for us is there hasn’t really been this incredibly well-developed infrastructure layer in the space we’re entering. We get to kind of make it up as we go along, which is a huge advantage. “

This perhaps is the reason why — despite the availability of MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL RDBMs, the advent of modern NoSQL and NewSQL solutions, and scalable Hadoop and object-storage alternatives — proprietary RDBMs continue to drive the lion’s share of enterprise spending in the data management space.

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Mongoose: Belgian Court Frys Facebook

Autonomous Internet, Commerce, Corruption, IO Impotency

Belgian court orders Facebook to stop collecting data on citizens, threatens fines of up to $125mn

In its ruling, the court determined that Facebook does not adequately inform users that it is collecting information. “Facebook informs us insufficiently about gathering information about us, the kind of data it collects, what it does with that data and how long it stores it,” the court said, determining the social network had broken privacy laws. “It also does not gain our consent to collect and store all this information.”

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Dave Room: Blockchain and the Synaptic Post-Google Internet

Autonomous Internet
Dave Room

Blockchain and the Synaptic Post Google Internet  

Many are heralding blockchain as an innovation that will bring about as much or more change than the Internet. Most emerging non-currency applications of blockchain are for existing or planned coins for banking and payments, supply chain management, insurance, ride sharing, charity, voting, government, healthcare, energy management, music, retail, real estate, and more.

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