Berto Jongman: DIY 4G Broadband for Farmers

Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

The farmer who was so sick of poor internet signal he built a DIY mast – and now it's giving him superfast broadband

  • Farmer Richard Guy, 60, battled for years with slow internet signal at home
  • He noticed his mobile's 4G was faster than broadband provided by BT
  • So he built his a wooden telephone mast, on which he set up a 4G adaptor
  • Father-of-two is now enjoying ‘perfect' internet access at super-fast speed

Jean Lievens: Rob Kitchin on Data-Driven Urbanism — Not So Smart, Serving Special Interests

Cloud, Data, IO Impotency
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Data-Driven, Networked Urbanism by Rob Kitchin offers a a useful overview of the various critiques of smart cities.


For as long as data have been generated about cities various kinds of data-informed urbanism have been occurring. In this paper, I argue that a new era is presently unfolding wherein data-informed urbanism is increasingly being complemented and replaced by data-driven, networked urbanism. . . . HOWEVER, whilst data-driven, networked urbanism provides a set of solutions for urban problems, it does so within limitations and in the service of particular interests.

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CounterPunch: Robert Steele on Counter-Coup – How Trump Can Win By Restoring Integrity to the Electoral Process and the US Government

Access, Articles & Chapters, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government

counterpunch squareCounter-Coup: How Trump Can Win

Trump may self-destruct but he has the power to change everything. The article discusses seven specific things Trump could do that would enable the election of an honest effective Independent government in 2016 .

Robert Steele: Open Power Electoral Reform Revisited

Robert David STEELE Vivas
Robert David STEELE Vivas

There is a gradual awakening occurring among groups that have been focused on individual electoral reform issues. They are not yet ready to converge and make “total electoral reform”  the litmus test for every candidate for public office, but some small signs of progress are present.Lawrence Lessig seems to be evolving away from his single issue focus on getting money out of politics, and now has a three-item Citizen Equality Act of 2017 that bring together three of the eleven items below: universal registration, tightly-drawn districts, and public funding of all qualified candidates.

The list of electoral reform has grown from eight to ten items, adding universal registration (with opt out) and open primaries to the original eight items.Below is a short summary of each of the ten, along with cautionary comments from Richard Winger. This post is intended as a starting point for further reflections and discussions and is subject to refinement as others might wish.

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Steven Aftergood: Librarian of Congress Opportunity

#OSE Open Source Everything, Advanced Cyber/IO, Collective Intelligence, Ethics, Government
Steven Aftergood
Steven Aftergood

A New Direction for the Library of Congress?

With the impending retirement of the longtime Librarian of Congress, James H. Billington, there is an opportunity for a fundamental reconsideration of the function and operation of the Library of Congress. In particular, the time may be ripe for a massive expansion of the Library’s digitized holdings, enabling universal public access to its historic and cultural riches.

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Berto Jongman: OSCAR – Open Source Communications, Analytics and Research Development Centre (UK)

Innovation, Knowledge
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Police, uni study of social media

The National Counter Terrorism Command, UK police forces and academia are behind an Open Source Communications, Analytics and Research (OSCAR) Development Centre. Co-ordinated through Cardiff University’s Universities’ Police Science Institute (UPSI), the new centre will bring together academics and police practitioners to develop a research evidence base on the use of open source information – public data that can be accessed without covert methods or interception.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: OSCAR – Open Source Communications, Analytics and Research Development Centre (UK)”