Jean Lievens: European Open Science Cloud

Access, Architecture, Cloud, Data, Design, Economics/True Cost, Innovation, Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy, Politics, Resilience, Science, Security, Software, Sources (Info/Intel), Spectrum
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Towards the European Open Science Cloud

CERN has recently published a paper which outlines the establishment of the European Open Science Cloud that will enable digital science by introducing IT as a Service to the public research sector in Europe.

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Jean Lievens: Can Analytics Save The Earth?

Access, Architecture, Data, Design, Economics/True Cost, Governance, Innovation, Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy, Politics, Resilience, Science, Security, Software
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

This Earth Day, Let's Start Using Analytics To Conserve Energy

The success of new energy projects relies on one crucial skill: the ability to derive insights from massive amounts of rapidly changing data. That’s why utilities and energy companies are adopting analytics to meet the rising demand for renewable energy from more sophisticated customers.

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Mongoose: NATO Relies on Social Media, Not CIA

Access, Data, Politics

US NATO envoy: ‘I get most info on Ukraine conflict from social networks’

“We should all ask ourselves: why is it that we know so little really about what is going on in Donbass,” the US ambassador to NATO told “Friends of Europe” forum in Brussels.

“I mean, frankly, I read more on social media about what is going on in the Donbass than I get from formal intelligence networks. This is because the networks don’t exist today,” Lute said.

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Jean Lievens: C. M. Rubin Interview Howard Rheingold on Global Search for (Digital) Education + PBI Meta

Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

The Global Search for Education: Digital

“We live in a world now where anybody can ask any question anywhere and get thousands of answers within seconds, but it is up to the questioner to determine which of those answers are legit, which are false, which are intentionally misleading.” — Howard Rheingold

The literacies today: attention, crap detection, participation, collaboration, and network awareness.

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Tom Atlee: Avoiding Reductionism Between Co-Intelligence and Collective Intelligence

Crowd-Sourcing, Governance, Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy
Tom Atlee
Tom Atlee

Collective intelligence is more than most people in the field think it is. And co-intelligence is more than collective intelligence – since it includes collective intelligence and goes way beyond it. In this post I try to indicate the differences between these concepts, provide a taste of how big they each are, and offer a way to think about their distinct essences.

Read full essay.

Guy Thomas: New Centimeter-Accurate GPS


guy thomasNew centimeter-accurate GPS system could transform virtual reality and mobile devices

Researchers in the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin have developed a centimeter-accurate GPS-based positioning system that could revolutionize geolocation on virtual reality headsets, cellphones and other technologies, making global positioning and orientation far more precise than what is currently available on a mobile device.

SchwartzReport: World Changes Scare USG

Corruption, Design, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

Here is the latest on the great geopolitical shift that is occurring in the world, as power shifts away from national states to virtual nongeographical corporate states and trans-national ideological movements. I was very glad to find this piece because almost no one in media is talking about this. I have previously seen this sort of material only in academic journals.

The quiet global crisis that scares the State Department

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