Yoda: Interview with Philip Shenon: Lessons from the Uncensored History of the 9/11 Commission

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 09 Terrorism, 10 Transnational Crime, 11 Society, Corruption, Government

Interview with Philip Shenon: Lessons from the Uncensored History of the 9/11 Commission'

Philip Shenon and Ryan Goodman
What follows is an interview by Ryan Goodman with Philip Shenon, author of the New York Times bestselling book, The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation. The interview touches on the internal operations and informal powers of the 9/11 commission, and how these dynamics may work with an independent commission to investigate the January 6 attack.

Goodman:One of the many lessons I drew from The Commission is the potential outsized role of senior staff positions – individuals who received less public scrutiny but who were highly influential in directing the course of the investigation and drafting the final report. Do you think that was potentially unique to the 9/11 Commission due to its particular officeholders and its particular circumstances? Continue reading “Yoda: Interview with Philip Shenon: Lessons from the Uncensored History of the 9/11 Commission”

Mongoose: COVID Vaccines May Not Work on Millions Who Have Underlying Conditions, Yet CDC Continues to Recommend They Get the Shot

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government

∂COVID Vaccines May Not Work on Millions Who Have Underlying Conditions, Yet CDC Continues to Recommend They Get the Shot

Research shows people with underlying health disorders or on immunosuppressive medications mount few antibodies to COVID vaccines, leading some to question if they should get the vaccine and, if so, what are the potential risks?

According to NBC News, people taking medications that suppress their immune system, those on medication for inflammatory disorders and those with blood cancers showed a significantly weaker antibody response to the vaccine.

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Edwin Jewett: O’er the land of the free and “the weird, disturbed, dysfunctional people”

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government

O'er the land of the free and “the weird, disturbed, dysfunctional people”

“… Efforts are underway in the Army, Navy, Air Force and the Marine to seek out and promote as “normal” the weird, disturbed, dysfunctional people that in the past were shunned as officers and/or leaders in out intelligence and military organizations. No longer.
If you are a Caucasian male, born in a two parent heterosexual family and attended Church or Synagogue, you are now classified as the “extremist” by the very organizations that have depended on such people to stand on the bulwark to defend America.
Don’t get me wrong. I am not ignoring or trying to hide the shortcomings and, at times, slimey, depraved conduct of hetero white guys who dishonored themselves in the CIA or the Army. Former CIA Director John Brennan and retired General James Clapper come to mind.” [Larry Johnson]


Review: 2045 Global Projects At War – Tectonic Processes of Global Transformation

5 Star, Atlases & State of the World, Country/Regional, Crime (Organized, Transnational), Empire, Sorrows, Hubris, Blowback, Intelligence (Commercial), Intelligence (Government/Secret), Power (Pathologies & Utilization), Threats (Emerging & Perennial), Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution, Water, Energy, Oil, Scarcity
Amazon Page

Daniel Estulin cemented his position in my own view as one of the top twelve non-fiction authors in the geo-cultural-economic-political arena with his book TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE – Social Engineering the Masses, my rave review is at the link. I found this book so impressive I included it among my top 25 cosmic mind-altering books in my lecture for TransitionTalks.

Along with Matt Ehret, whom I consider one of the greatest modern strategic thinkers and historians (it helps to be strategic in the present if you actually understand the past – and not the past as lied about by the academy and government and media but the past as it actually happened), Daniel Estulin, with a prior history as a Russian intelligence and counterintelligence officer, lays out the Luciferian Satanic secret dirty reality of the tri-fecta of evil: secret societies, compromised banks and corporations, and compromised states, all coming together to allow the 1% to lie, cheat, and steal from the 99% with impunity.

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Whitney Webb: This Biden Proposal Could Make the US a “Digital Dictatorship”

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Government

This Biden Proposal Could Make the US a “Digital Dictatorship”

A “new” proposal by the Biden administration to create a health-focused federal agency modeled after DARPA is not what it appears to be. Promoted as a way to “end cancer,” this resuscitated “health DARPA” conceals a dangerous agenda.

Last Wednesday, President Biden was widely praised in mainstream and health-care–focused media for his call to create a “new biomedical research agency” modeled after the US military’s “high-risk, high-reward” Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA. As touted by the president, the agency would seek to develop “innovative” and “breakthrough” treatments for cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes, with a call to “end cancer as we know it.”

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