James Fetzer: David Icke on 16 Parallels Between 9/11 and COVID — Fear & Control Based on Lies & Treason

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

David Icke, 16 Glaring Parallels Between the 9/11 and COVID Ops

List Only:

  1. MSM and Governments Amp Up the Fear with Incessant Coverage and Propaganda
  2. Governmental Reaction Kills Way More People than the Event Itself
  3. No Investigation of Coincidences
  4. Introduction of a Fundamental New Paradigm (War on Terror vs. War on Bioterror)
  5. 9/11 COVID Similarities: False Official Narratives
  6. Foreknowledge
  7. Event Preceded by Exercises/Drills that “Went Live” or Eerily Mimicked What Later Happened
  8. Insider Trading
  9. Suspicious Benefits to a Powerful Few
  10. Intel Agency Control of Information
  11. Fictitious, All-Powerful and Elusive Enemy
  12. Junk Science

Read full article.

Stephen E. Arnold: Microsoft – Unsafe At Any Speed 2.0?

IO Impotency

Microsoft: Stunned by Its Own Insecure Petard?

I read “10 Key Microsoft Ignite Takeaways for CIOs.” Marketing fluff except for one wild and crazy statement. Here’s the passage I found amusing:

By midyear, enterprises will also be able to control in which datacenter Microsoft stores documents shared through Teams, group by group or even for individual users, making it more useful in some regulated industries or where there are concerns about the security of data. These controls will mirror those available for Exchange and SharePoint. There will also be an option to make end-to-end-encrypted one-to-one voice or video calls, that CIOs can enable on a per-employee basis, and to limit meeting attendance only to invited participants. A future update could see the addition of end-to-end encrypted meetings, too. For companies that are centralizing their investment in such collaboration, McQuire said, “Security is arguably the number one selection criterion.”

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