Robert Steele: The Two-Party Tyranny and Faux Intelligence as Enablers of the Deep State

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Robert David Steele
Robert David Steele

OUTLINE OF REMARKS: The Two-Party Tyranny and Faux Intelligence as Enablers of the Deep State

as presented to the McClenton Group Conference on “The Hidden Persuaders: Corrupt Influencers on 2016 Presidential Politics,” Washington, DC: The National Press Club, 26 April 2016.


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Berto Jongman: Action-Based Indigenous Research — a Short Bibliography

Advanced Cyber/IO
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Bibliography on Action-Based Research Methods

Action-based research is about making material and social change during our research, through methods and methodologies, rather than after data has been collected. Some are explicitly activist, while others might be about making more ethical collaborations. Such methods are particularly relevant to discard studies, since our field studies something that is seen as harmful and/or in need of management. A new website called “Action-Based Research Methods” has a bibliography on a wide array of action-based research topics, from quantitative Marxism to participatory mapping.

Steven Aftergood: Defense Reform When, How?

10 Security, Congressional Research Service, Ethics, Military, Officers Call, Peace Intelligence
Steven Aftergood
Steven Aftergood


There is widespread dissatisfaction with the organization and performance of the Department of Defense, a new Congressional Research Service report says, but no consensus on what to do about it. Driving the current debate, CRS says, are questions such as:

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Jan H. Kalvik: Robert Steele’s Trip Report: Oslo & Copenhagen

#OSE Open Source Everything
Jan Helge Kalvik
Jan Helge Kalvik

Robert Steele’s Trip Report: Oslo & Copenhagen

Editor’s Note: Previously published here at Defence and Intelligence Norway are Introducing Robert David Steele (1 April 2016) and Steele Goes Nordic (12 April 2016).

On 17-18 April in Oslo I participated in three meetings;  the first a dinner including a Colonel, the second with the editor of Scandanavian Daily, and the third a luncheon previously announced and open to the public. On 19-20 April in Copenhagen I briefed and interacted with mid-career officers from the military, police, and national intelligence elements of the Danish government. I was interviewed by the Ministry of Defence public affairs team, and off-line by DR2 a national television station. A 13 minute video of the first interview, and a 59 minute video of the full briefing to the military audience, are now free online.

Here are my impressions:

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Anthony Judge: Evaluating the Grossness of Gross Domestic Product Refugees Per Kiloton (RPK) as a missing indicator?

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Anthony Judge
Anthony Judge

Evaluating the Grossness of Gross Domestic Product

Refugees Per Kiloton (RPK) as a missing indicator?

Refugees per Kiloton?
Nature of grossness
Refugees per Kiloton as one indicator of grossness?
Data sources on Refugees per Kiloton
Preliminary evaluation of Refugees per Kiloton
Investigative and media failure?