Currencies Will Be Worthless, Buy Precious Metals – Gerald Celente
ROBERT STEELE: Read the whole thing above. My comments on the above are below.
Continue reading “Gerald Celente: Buy Precious Metals & Respect BitCoin– Robert Steele: Whoa!”
The truth at any cost lowers all other costs — curated by former US spy Robert David Steele.
Currencies Will Be Worthless, Buy Precious Metals – Gerald Celente
ROBERT STEELE: Read the whole thing above. My comments on the above are below.
Continue reading “Gerald Celente: Buy Precious Metals & Respect BitCoin– Robert Steele: Whoa!”
Turley's recent article, below, is quite astonishing to me. I used to respect him. The article below is a a turd in the punch bowl. For Turley to think for one second that President Trump was impeachable is to suggest that Turley has lost his mind and is a complete turd. On the other hand, Turley could be a puppet. Of whom I neither know nor care. The “impeachment” was theater. It disgraced the Congress and demonstrated to the public that we have no Congress worthy of the name. I think Turley gets that. The question is: why can he not demonstrate more intelligence with integrity? Is Turley lost or just compromised? Of course they tanked it. This is a Wrestlemania drama.
Did the Democrats “Tank” The Second Trump Trial?
Part 4 of: WHO IS JOE BIDEN, REALLY? — CAM exposes his 30-year history as a pawn of U.S.-Israel policy despite its ongoing violation of Palestinian rights and crimes against humanity.
While Democrats accused Donald Trump of being a Russian agent, they don’t seem to care that Biden is a bought-and-paid-for agent of the Israeli lobby.
As I observe the conclusion of the Congressional “impeachment” of a FORMER President, a process that persuaded me most members of Congress should be at a minimum recalled if not executed, I am watching Mel Gibson's utterly brilliant The Passion of the Christ, available free to Amazon Prime members.
Jesus was crucified for blasphemy. Today, the Zionists — the ADL — seek to use “hate speech” to sentence all Patriots to death for blasphemy.
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Dynamics of N-fold Integration of Disparate Cognitive Modalities
Prefixes determining experience of the present moment underlying pseudophilia
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