Search: Seven CIAs [Steele on the Record]


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Robert David STEELE Vivas
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ROBERT STEELE:  I am answering this one personally since I have made reference to the six CIAs in the past (now seven with the drone element).  I do this in part because I am reluctant to believe that CIA Directors are totally aware of and complicit in the drug running and money-laundering that CIA has been doing since Viet-Nam began.  I do believe that prior Directors going back to Allen Dulles were fully complicit in the use of the Black Lily fund to restore fascists into power in Germany, Italy, and Japan, and to create the false-flag terrorists that Ed Lansdale pioneered, but now I pray that today most misdeeds are carried out by small persistent cadres that leverage their presence within CIA to co-opt military assets and legitimate CIA capabilities and accesses (for example, the diplomtic pouch) while doing evil for profit.  The plain fact is that CIA has ZERO in the way of internal counter-intelligence, and the FBI, CIA, and DEA all have a live and let live arrangement that prevents absolute integrity from taking root.  All of this is “out of control” and far removed from what President Harry Truman intended when he established the CIA.  Note for the record:  I believe Petraeus should be re-instated as Director of CIA, and clean house — CIA needs leadership that can make holistic analytics and open sources & methods the priority, while slamming down on illegal operations and creating a very small agile multinational clandestine capability before the DIA, SOCOM, and DHS spies get too expensive (they will never be effective).  Beyond that, what we really need is a Director of National Intelligence appointed and confirmed to do themselves out of a job, retiring the entire DNI staff, while restoring the original DCI position and implementing as many of the Aspin-Brown and as many of my recommendations as possible.

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Edgar Feige: Automated Payment Transaction Tax Update

03 Economy, Commercial Intelligence, Ethics, Government
Dr. Edgar Feige

I can at best “guesstimate” that  for the US the transaction tax base is roughly 50 times GDP = $775 Trillion. If the US would adopt an APT tax of 10 basis points, .1% (not 1%) (hopefully in negotiations with UK and EU and best with G20) that would reduce the taxable base by perhaps 30% by eliminating short term trades that would no longer be profitable. That would reduce the tax base to $420 trillion and raise very estimated $400 billion in added revenue.  With luck, one could  eliminate most tax expenditures yielding roughly $ 1 trillion which will be reduced to at most $500 Billion  by rate reductions for corporate and personal incomes to get acceptance of the APT tax. So my best guess….is that we could raise roughly 1 trillion per year in added revenue.

Received via Email 20 November 2012

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Chuck Spinny: Israel Alone, Declared a Terrorist State by Turkey, USA Fading in Region, China Rising….

04 Inter-State Conflict, 08 Wild Cards, 09 Terrorism, 10 Security, IO Deeds of War
The Financial Times, Ian Bremmer, November 20, 2012

On Monday, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan denounced Israel as a “terrorist state”. Whether you find yourself nodding or shaking your head in response, take a moment to consider those words.

This judgment did not come from predictable quarters: from Syria’s soldiers, Iran’s mullahs, or even Saudi royals. Turkey is a moderate Muslim democracy, a member of Nato, one that has traditionally protected constructive relations with Israel. And Mr Erdogan did not simply denounce a particular Israeli action, as he did in 2010 following an Israeli raid on a Turkish aid ship bound for Gaza.

He labeled Israel itself as a source of terrorism.

What’s truly new about Israelis and Palestinians exchanging fire? It isn’t Israeli politics. Early elections are on the way, and there are few signs that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces a serious leadership challenge. Nor is it the increasing number and accuracy of rockets fired by Hamas and its Al-Qassam brigades.

Continue reading “Chuck Spinny: Israel Alone, Declared a Terrorist State by Turkey, USA Fading in Region, China Rising….”

Berto Jongman: OECD Looking to 2060: Long-term global growth prospects

02 China, 03 Economy, 03 India, Commercial Intelligence
Berto Jongman

Looking to 2060: Long-term global growth prospects

OECD Economic Policy Paper 03

Their key points:

China, India, and Indonesia are going to blast forward past USA and EU

Structural changes needed to how money is managed

China will go 25% above US in income per capita while India will only rise to half US income per capita.

Our key points:

Elderly need to be brought back into the economy as producers (e.g. child care)

They do not address the need to change the education, intelligence, and research domains

Definitions of living standards are hosed, need to be revised

Stephen E. Arnold: Multi-Lingual Precision Text-Processing

Advanced Cyber/IO
Stephen E. Arnold


An Interview with Mike Sorah


Can you give me an example?

Yes, one of our clients uses Cassandra Hadoop as the organization’s search engine. It took them less than 30 minutes to integrate Rosoka and make all of the names, organizations, and their relationships directly searchable. Before that they would have had to read through all of the documents and make that relationship map by hand. If there is an add-on federating system already in place, that client would have had to figure out how to integrate multilingual capability into the system and then develop a way to handle mixed language documents. The cost and complexity quickly put up a major hurdle.

Also, I want to reiterate that Rosoka is a “multilingual product for a multilingual world.” It is a multilingual world with near instantaneous communications with anyone anywhere. Since Rosoka is a truly multilingual, the system deals seamlessly with mixed languages.

Read full interview.

Stephen E. Arnold: Visual Analytics (Interview)

Advanced Cyber/IO
Stephen E. Arnold

Visual Analytics

An Interview with Christopher Westphal


Visual Analytics provides an analytical solution called Data Clarity® which can be implemented quickly and tailored to the needs of specific investigation teams within an organization. The system federates information from a variety of sources, and it provides a point-and-click solution which gets users up and running without the lengthy and complex installation and configuration processes some systems require.

Read full interview.

Yoda: Addictive Macro-Learning – The Future

04 Education, Academia, Advanced Cyber/IO, Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Liberation Technology
Got Crowd? BE the Force!

Totally Addictive Education: The Future of Learning

Steven Kotler

Forbes, 8/27/2012


Today’s educational system is all about standardization. We treat every kid the same. But not every kid learns the same. Some need the microscopic first, others the macroscopic. Some people are tangential learners, some prefer their facts in a linear fashion. Some are quick, others slow. Thankfully, this is changing.

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Microscopic learning doesn’t really harness this system. It builds the patterns up slowly, one block at a time, but rarely does it require the kind of intuitive BIG PATTERN RECOGNITION that macroscopic learning demands. By keeping things microscopic, we’re keeping things boring. Sure, kids learn this way, but not all kids and, anyway, it’s not much fun.

Read full article (two screens).