Reference: World Brain Institute & Global Game

Correspondence, United Nations & NGOs

Phi Beta Iota: ClimateGate has demonstrated once again the wisdom of the Brahimi Report and the urgency of creating a World Intelligence Center such as Quincy Wright suggested in 1957.  The Earth Intelligence Network, a 501c3, was formed in 2006 and accredited as a Public Charity in January 2007.  Below are a few documents that address our view.  A 33-page business plan is circulating and is available on request to anyone with Euro 1-12 million a year to spend.


EIN Letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations, 2 Dec 09

EIN Two-Page Point Paper to the Secretary General of the United Nations, 2 Dec 09

EIN Letter to Ten Key Ambassadors in Washington, D.C., 2 Dec 09

Original (2007) Earth Intelligence Network Concept (10 Pages)

Original (2007) Global Game Concept (2 Pages)

See also:

Continue reading “Reference: World Brain Institute & Global Game”

Reference: General McCaffrey’s Trip Report on AF

04 Inter-State Conflict, 05 Civil War, 08 Wild Cards, Analysis, Budgets & Funding, Military, Peace Intelligence, Policy, Strategy
General Barry McCaffrey, USA (Ret)
General Barry McCaffrey, USA (Ret)
Afghanistan Trip Report
Afghanistan Trip Report

After Action Report–General Barry McCaffrey, USA (Ret)

Visit to Kuwait and Afghanistan 10-18 Nov 09

11 pages

Extracted points

01 Phenomenally useful report with too much cheerleading.  This is a 10-year regional war, State Department and AID are pulling out for next several years (too dangerous), costing us roughly half per day what we paid for all of WW II per day.  Allies not really showing up and being effective, less the British.

02  Talked to Generals, Ambassadors, and Ministers–no Captions, no village chiefs.  Nothing in her on intelligence, glosses over the C4I and protocol issues (see Journal: Beyond Weber to Epoch B Leadership).

03  Achilles' heels are multiple: 90% of the logistics come through Karachi, Pakistan and then overland. Without fire support and aviation this war is lost.  Taliban now up to battalion-sized operations and believe they have high moral ground and time on their side.  100% US movement by air.  (See Review: Firepower In Limited War; aviation sounds like a repeat of Viet-Nam; only thing keeping logistics open are the same decision made by NVA in Viet-Nam and by Iran-Syria in Iraq: better to let the Americans bleed themselves to death than cut their main supply line.

Continue reading “Reference: General McCaffrey's Trip Report on AF”

Journal: ClimateGate 9 Dec 09 Evening

Earth Intelligence

Skeptics Conference
Skeptics Conference

Copenhagen climate summit: Behind the scenes at the sceptics' conference

Tuvalu gives Copenhagen that old sinking feeling

Copenhagen denies Tuvalu bid for tough climate controls

Global Day of Climate protest, 12th December 2009

COPENHAGEN – December 8 – As the Copenhagen Climate Talks get underway and hopes of a meaningful deal continue to fade, a global protest is building against the failure of world leaders to make progress on this critical issue.

. . . . . . .

…up to 50,000 expected on the streets of New Delhi

Phi Beta Iota: India is joined with China and Brazil and Russia in opposing climate change controls that will diminish the prospects of the poor.  If the 50,000 materialize, they will have been paid to show up and clueless about the facts.

Who Pays?
Who Pays?

Climate talks teeter as split emerges

A major split has emerged between developing countries at the United Nations climate conference in Copenhagen over the best way to help the most vulnerable countries.

. . . . . . .

Police fear an international extremist group may also be on its way to Copenhagen to commit acts of violence.

Continue reading “Journal: ClimateGate 9 Dec 09 Evening”

Reference: Global Climate Change Facts

Earth Intelligence, White Papers

Position on Climate Change and ClimateGate

Our Daily Indicators

Antarctic ice 5% below average. Sets record for least summer loss.

Arctic ice 8% below average

Global Sea Ice moves below average

US temps (best data) 2008: 0.5C below 100+ yr ave. No clear trend. October 3rd coldest ever.

Climate Change Facts

* Facts about Global Warming Reality Check
* The IPCC 2007 Forecast
* Impact Assessment Needs
* How to Identify Bias
* IPCC Forecast Vs. Reality
* Forecast is Not Huge
* Was the Earth Warmer before?
* What Should We Do?
* What Should We Not Do?
* Issues of Disagreement?
* Skeptics View of Consensus?
* Consensus View Of Skeptics?
* Is Global Warming Bad?
* Polar Bears/Polar Ice?
* CO2 so high we can't breathe?

Worth a Look: Al Gore Wants Your Comments

Worth A Look

Phi Beta Iota: Al Gore cancelled a well-paid appointment in Copenhagen (he gets $150,000 a up, or used to) and he continues to refuse debates (we've encouraged Sarah Palin to go after him).  Still, there are so many people out there that do not read books and cannot think for themselves that he is sending emails inviting one and all to comment on the RepowerAmerica “wall.”  Go for it!

From: Al Gore, Repower America <>
Date: Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 5:00 PM
Subject: Copenhagen

Dear Repower America Member,

blah blah blah

Show the world that the American people want bold action on climate and clean energy solutions. Share your message of support on The Wall now.

blah blah blah

Continue reading “Worth a Look: Al Gore Wants Your Comments”

Journal: ClimateGate 9 Dec 09 Afternoon

Earth Intelligence
Al Gore, $100 Million
Al Gore, $100 Million

More Lies From Al Gore As He Attempts To Dismiss ClimateGate

Al Gore has responded to the Climategate emails scandal by doing what he knows best, skirting the truth and making statements that have no correlation to actual known facts.

Gore vs. Palin on climate change

In an interview that will air on MSNBC at 1:00 pm ET today, Al Gore rebutted Sarah Palin's Washington Post op-ed and Facebook postings that question the science on climate change given the “Climate-gate” controversy.

In response, Gore said that “the deniers are persisting in an era of unreality. The entire North Polar icecap is disappearing before our eyes… What do they think is happening?”

Copenhagen Summit: wealthy nations accused of ‘carbon colonialism'

The G77's chair, Lumumba Stanislaus Di Aping of Sudan, went on the attack again today, telling journalists that the Danish text “seemed to secure 60 per cent of the global atmospheric space for 20 per cent of the world's wealthiest nations”.

U.S. sees robust climate talks, no “reparations”

“We absolutely recognize our historic role in putting emissions in the atmosphere, up there, but the sense of guilt or culpability or reparations, I just categorically reject that,” Stern said in response to a reporter's question.