Mongoose: HCQ Works, Doctors Being Silenced

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, 10 Transnational Crime

Murder most foul — on top of treasonous false flag.

America’s Frontline Doctors say Physicians are Being Silenced; HCQ Works; Nobody Needs to Die

Twitter is banning all videos that discuss HCQ as a cure for Covid-19 even though success stories are piling up.

Here are America’s Frontline Doctors saying they as a group are being silenced, that HCQ works to cure CDovid-19 and it’s being suppressed as a cure.

Watch video read additional text.

James Fetzer: Catherine Austin Fitts on Injection Fraud, Not a Vaccine, BioWar by Deep State 1% Against 99%

02 Infectious Disease, 10 Transnational Crime
Jim Fetzer

Catherine Austin Fitts, The Injection Fraud – It’s Not a Vaccine

If I understand the history of case law, vaccines, in legal terms, are medicine. Intentional heavy metal poisoning is not medicine. Injectible surveillance components are not medicine. Injectible credit cards are not medicine. Injectible brain-machine interface is not a medicine. Immunity for insurance companies is not the creation of human immunity.

Read this utterly brilliant detailed article to understand vaccine crime.

DefDog: From COVID to Cancers, HCQ is ‘Wonder Drug’ of Our Time

02 Infectious Disease, 07 Health, 10 Transnational Crime, Civil Society, Ethics

From COVID to Cancers, HCQ is ‘Wonder Drug’ of Our Time

Undoubtedly, the biggest medical scandal of our age is the coordinated suppression of the science that proves hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is not only a safe medicine, it is clinically proven to treat many serious diseases other than malaria and COVID-19.

Below we show the evidence from the scientific literature on Google Scholar that HCQ works against many cancers, diabetes, HIV, herpes, rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, Lyme disease, etc.

Read full article.

Chuck Baldwin: The Mask of the Beast

Academia, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Media

The Mask Of The Beast

I’ll say it straight out: Wearing masks is stupid, senseless, silly, sophomoric and downright servile. There’s not a doctor in the country who doesn’t know that masks are absolutely worthless when it comes to preventing the spread of a virus. And if your doctor is truly stupid enough to believe otherwise, you need to find another doctor—FAST.

Read full article with evidence presented.

ADMIN: We Appear to Have Not Posted for the 30th


Several of you have asked about no posts on the 30th, we looked into it, and evidently we completely overlooked the 30th, thinking it has been taken care of.  This was not a failure of notification, rather it was an editorial oversight assuming the 30th had been loaded.

Robert Steele: Could the Rule of Law Stop Government Crime? The Lockdown and Masks Particularly, All in Violation of Nuremberg Protocols

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Law Enforcement, Peace Intelligence

I am still personally betting on Trump and Barr.  We are in a fight. I would rather die believing in them, than live under the certain reign of  bestiality, pedophilia, and Satanic Ritual Abuse that would come from a Democratic theft of the election.  NOTE: Mail in ballots can be kept within the USPS and validated by Binney & Weibe against social security and USPS data bases under supervision of US Marshalls, counted publicly.  Keep the mail-in ballots for federal elections within the federal system — end of problem.

Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Could the Rule of Law Stop Government Crime? The Lockdown and Masks Particularly, All in Violation of Nuremberg Protocols”