Alexandra Bruce: CCP Set-Up By The Globalists, SWQW Plot Foiled?

Cultural Intelligence

CCP Set-Up By The Globalists, SWQW Plot Foiled?
As you know by now, I am a huge fan of Clif High’s and I just find him incredibly amusing and brilliant. His latest video is over an hour long but nine minutes in, for about 10 minutes, he gives what is, in my opinion the best explanation of what’s going on with China and their alleged role in the release of the COVID virus that I’ve heard yet and the upshot of what’s happening is potentially great news for the whole world.

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Martin Armstrong: Fauci Undermining the USA on a Global Scale

Corruption, Government

Fauci Undermining the USA on a Global Scale
I laid out the connection between Wuhan and Fauci several times and that many major scientists petitioned against Fauci which shut down this very research. I tried to contact Trump but the Swamp had hin insulated. Not sure but they talked him out of launching an investigation which made me suspect that they were deliberately acting to ensure Trump would be defeated and blamed.

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Matthew Ehret: The Dynamics of Nuclear Power Diplomacy: Russia and China vs the Neo-Malthusians

02 China, 06 Russia, Cultural Intelligence

The Dynamics of Nuclear Power Diplomacy: Russia and China vs the Neo-Malthusians
In 1975, an influential Stanford biologist named Paul Ehrlich (author of the misanthropic 1968 Population Bomb) stated that in his view, humanity’s acquisition of fusion energy was “like giving an idiot child a machine gun”. Ehrlich’s views were shared widely among the peculiar sect of scientists that have come to be known as neo-Malthusians. Ehrlich’s colleague John Holdren ruminated that developing fusion energy was undesirable because it would only enflame mankind’s “pave the planet and paint it green’ mentality.”
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Steven Vervaecke: A huge swat of websites down due to CDN failure

Advanced Cyber/IO

This smells like a whitehat op.

Websites Come Back Online After Global Fastly Outage

Update (0736ET): After an hour of websites and apps worldwide went dark, many are coming back online around 0730 ET. The core problem was an “issue” identified on the Fastly CDN (content delivery network) network.

Popular websites such as Twitch, Pinterest, HBO Max, Hulu, Reddit, Spotify, which Fastly runs a content delivery network to push data around the internet, went down around 0600 ET. With so many websites relying on Fastly's technology to act as a high-level website and application hosting service to serve millions of users, the internet breaks when their servers go down.

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Stephen E Arnold: Google: Do What We Say, Ignore What We Do, Just Heel!

Data, Education, IO Impotency, Knowledge

Google: Do What We Say, Ignore What We Do, Just Heel!
If this Reddit diagram is on the money, we have a great example of how Google management goes about rule making. The post is called “Google Can’t Pass Its Own Page Speed Test.” The post was online on June 5, 2021, but when Beyond Search posts this short item, that Reddit post may be tough to find.

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