Berto Jongman: This million-core [neural network] supercomputer inspired by the human brain breaks all the rules

Advanced Cyber/IO
Berto Jongman

This million-core supercomputer inspired by the human brain breaks all the rules

SpiNNaker's spiking neural network mimics the human brain, and could fuel breakthroughs in robotics and health.

Historically, the difficulty in making computers that could mimic the brain largely comes down to connectivity. Neurons — the nerve fibres that travel throughout the body and largely terminate in the brain — each have thousands of inputs and thousands of outputs. Computing systems struggle with anything on a similar scale.

Currently, it models one percent of the human brain, so a SpiNNaker system that could give a robot human-level cognition would require something of an engineering miracle.

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Worth a Look: RED MAFIYA – How the Russian (Zionist) Mob Has Invaded America

Worth A Look
Amazon Page

From Publishers Weekly

This disturbing, sharply rendered account tells how the post-Communist Russian Mafiya has infiltrated American life with tactical intelligence and a rare level of viciousness. Drawing from interviews with top Russian mobsters and police, journalist Friedman (Zealots for Zion: Inside Israel's West Bank Settlement Movement) trenchantly explores the brutal corruption of the U.S.S.R. and the anarchic greed that has flourished since its collapse, incubating a “criminal colossus that has surpassed the Colombian cartels, the Japanese Yakuzas, the Chinese triads and the Italian Mafia in wealth and weaponry.” Friedman, whose reporting on this subject has appeared in Vanity Fair, the Village Voice and other publications, writes of one wise guy responsible for 100 hits and of “Tarzan”Dthe swaggering Miami mobster busted while attempting to tender a Russian submarine to Colombian drug lords. Friedman documents how the mobsters have imported their brand of terror tacticsDshakedowns, kidnappings, bombings and public assassination.

Below the line: senior intelligence officer on what is not in the book.

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Berto Jongman: #GoogleGestapo – How Can I Remove Google From My Life?

Collective Intelligence, Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, IO Impotency
Berto Jongman

How can I remove Google from my life?

Geoffrey writes from his Gmail address to ask how he can stop Google from intruding into almost everything

Jack Schofield, The Guardian

Google started by taking over the search engine market. It now dominates smartphone operating systems (Android), browsers (Chrome), web-based email (Gmail), online video (YouTube) and maps. It is also challenging in other areas with its own cloud platform, an online office suite, Chromebooks, Waze, Nest and so on. Google is far advanced in driverless cars (Waymo) and artificial intelligence (DeepMind). Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

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