SPECIAL: MeetUp Bought by WeWork – Good Riddance! #GoogleGestapo

Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, IO Impotency
Robert David STEELE Vivas

I am quite sure  WeWork overpaid for MeetUp, a very unethical company controlled by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL, the Zionist secret police and official censors). The “leadership” of MeetUp probably recognized that on the one hand there are superior alternatives to MeetUp now (see below) and on the other, their brand shits now in the aftermath of their waiving fees for the 1,087 #RESIST MeetUps co-sponsored by the ADL while CANCELLING the $77,000 paid #UNRIG professional network (1 in each Congressional District).

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Owl: It’s Not Just a Gas Tax, It’s Macron as Globalist

Civil Society, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Peace Intelligence
Who? Who?

The first two hash tag links below compile astonishing videos, photos and articles on the riots and chaos instigated by the “Yellow Jacket“ movement consuming – over the weekend – not only some famous parts of Paris, but reaching out to other parts of France and other countries, such as Belgium and the Netherlands.

The MSM in the USA has given some coverage as of Sunday (I monitored it closely since Saturday), but it’s brief and mostly lame, and misrepresenting – I think deliberately – the riots as merely about objections to Macron’s allegedly environment-saving gas tax. It is far more than that. The rioters mostly comprise white, working class native-born French – similar to what Hilary Clinton called the “deplorables” in the US – plus some Communists.

Continue reading “Owl: It's Not Just a Gas Tax, It's Macron as Globalist”

Mongoose: President Nancy Pelosi? Seriously.

Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government

Be very afraid….this is a legitimate plan.

Alert Reader sends in:

Nancy Pelosi really could become President this year

David Hodges did a spooky piece on how Nacy Pelosi could become President, and if Trump does not take action in December he will probably be out of office before July, Pence will probably also be outed in the same time frame (before he can appoint a new Vice President, ) and Pelosi, as speaker of the house, will become president.

Continue reading “Mongoose: President Nancy Pelosi? Seriously.”

Nicholas Eftimiades: Chinese Espionage in USA — Cases and Costs

02 China, 03 Economy, Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Government

Uncovering Chinese Espionage in the US

Robert Steele: MI-6 Chief Loses His Mind…

Corruption, Government, Ineptitude, IO Impotency
Robert David STEELE Vivas

MI6 chief calls for new era of spying using AI and robots to combat rogue states

Tip of the Hat to Berto Jongman.

ROBERT STEELE: The man is not stupid. This is a budget play and it is pathetic. GCHQ is incompetent at cyber-operations — as incompetent as NSA — but like it or not that is where cyber should reside. MI-6 should be focusing on HUMINT including overt and action HUMINT (the ability to place a cyber device anywhere).

Continue reading “Robert Steele: MI-6 Chief Loses His Mind…”