Steven Aftergood: The Aging Secrecy System is Unsustainable — Hamstrung by Old Pratices and Outdated Technology (To Which We Would Add Corruption and Greed Favoring Secret Waste Over Open Source Value)

Corruption, Government, Idiocy, Ineptitude, IO Secrets
Steven Aftergood


Today's national security classification system is unsustainable, says a new annual report to the President from the government's Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO). It is “hamstrung by old practices and outdated technology” and a new, government-wide technology strategy will be required “to combat inaccurate classification and promote more timely declassification.”

The secrecy system has expanded to the point that it is effectively unmanageable and often counterproductive, ISOO indicated.

Read full post with many important links.

#GoogleGestapo: $1B To Be Spent By Facebook, Google, YouTube Manipulating News [Seeking to Impact on November 2018 Elections?]

Commerce, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, IO Impotency
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#GoogleGestapo is long overdue for a RICO investigation.  All of these expenditures are undeclared illegal campaign contribution to the Democratic Party and its Deep State master.

Facebook's First Wave of Funded News Shows Will Debut July 16, With More on the Way [$90M]

YouTube Debuts Plan to Promote and Fund ‘Authoritative' News [Google Spending $300M]

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Judy Wood by Robert Steele: Memorandum for the President: 9/11 Twin Towers Were Vaporized by Directed Energy Weapons

Collective Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Peace Intelligence
Amazon Page

9/11 Twin Towers Were Vaporized by Directed Energy Weapons

15 July 2018

Mr. President,

The twin towers appear to have been destroyed by directed energy weapons. This is one of two possible explanations for the “vaporization” of most of the two towers which did not leave the standard 12% in building debris height as was the case with WTC 7, which was very obviously a simple controlled demolition. While A&E911 Truth challenges competing theories including directed energy, nuclear energy, and “no planes,” it is my view that all such theories must be properly investigated. This book cannot be ignored.

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Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro: Zionism is Not Judaism, Zionism is Toxic to Judaism

08 Wild Cards, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, Peace Intelligence

Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro: Zionism Has Nothing to Do with Judaism

Israel’s referring to itself as the “Jewish state” poses a danger to me and my fellow Jews all over the world. It is crucial, when trying to understand Zionism, that it is different than all other nationalisms – and Israel is different than all other countries – in that it claims to represent millions of people all over the world who never were citizens of their country, nor were their family members, nor do they ever plan to be. Israel claims to be the “nation-sate of the Jewish people”; Netanyahu referred to himself as the representative of all Jews; even his opposition leader, Herzog, referred to Netanyahu as the “Prime Minister of all the Jews.” This is insane. I am an American – how does Netanyahu claim to be my leader and Israel my state?

Continue reading “Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro: Zionism is Not Judaism, Zionism is Toxic to Judaism”

James Fetzer: Unraveling of JFK Assassination – TWO Whistleblowers (Both SIGINT) Put in Looney Bin When They Intercepted and Reported JFK Assassination Conversations Between CIA and Corsicans

Collective Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Deeds of War, Peace Intelligence
Jim Fetzer

Susan Lindauer was put into the looney bin for telling 9/11 truths about CIA and the Hill having advance notice.  Only her relationship with Andy Card saved her.  Others have been murdered.  When will Trump force the issue of 9/11 truth and put CIA back into a very small box?

Jerry Kroth: Two US Soldiers overheard JFK Assassination Plans


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Stephen E. Arnold: Quantum Hype, Quantum Issues with Comment by William Binney

Commerce, Ineptitude, IO Impotency, Media
Stephen E. Arnold

THE HYPE: Tomorrow’s Quantum Computers Are Already Threatening Today’s Data (DefenseOne)

MY COMMENTS: Quantum computing is an active research field. Physicists, electrical engineers, programmers, venture capital firms, and manufacturers of exotic instruments are wetting their pants for the next big thing in computing. When money is at stake or available, hyperbole is a “quantum” side effect. The collateral damage is clear thinking.

Continue reading “Stephen E. Arnold: Quantum Hype, Quantum Issues with Comment by William Binney”