Reference: Perspectives in Terrorism

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Vol 5, No 1 (2011): Perspectives on Terrorism

Table of Contents Articles

A Blast from the Past: Lessons from a Largely Forgotten Incident of State-Sponsored Terrorism Ken Duncan

Internet Websites and Links for (Counter-)Terrorism Research Berto Jongman

Reactions to the War on Terrorism: Origin- Group Differences in the 2007 Pew Poll of U.S. Muslims Clark McCauley, Sarah Scheckter

Situational Awareness in Terrorism and Crime Prevention Glenn P. McGovern

Click on Cover for Book Reviews, Resources, Research

Phi Beta Iota: We highlight with great regard the contribution of Berto Jongman from The Netherlands, whose map of World Conflict & Human Rights remains a classic reference work.

Search: world map with conflict marked other maps

Geospatial, Searches

Thanks for this search.  The map you want is the first one.  We decided to go ahead and list all the other maps we found along the way.

2002 Jongman (NL) World Conflict & Human Rights Map 2001/2002

2001 Jongman (NL) World Conflict & Human Rights Map

Graphic: Simplified World Conflict Map

Search: world map with 8 conflicts

Search: caliphate variant 100-year war

Search: piracy chart

Graphic: American Jihad Nodes

Graphic: China-Centered View of the World

Journal: Experimental Cultural Geography

Graphic: Robert Steele Adopts Buckminster Fuller

Reference: Map of Multilateral Peace Operation Deployments

Journal: Kansas State Team has Mapped the “Seven Deadly Sins” of America

Search: world map with 8 conflicts

Geospatial, Leadership-Integrity, Searches, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, Threats, Tribes
Six-Front War
Six-Front War

o the left is the map we created when it was clear the USA was going to invade Iraq and blow what should have been the surgical demise of Osama Bin Laden.  This slide was created for and used in the opening briefing to the SES course on national security at the Western Management Development Center, and in 19 briefings around the country to the American Committees on Foreign Relations (ACFR).

The only really decent conflict map, now out of production, is Berto Jongman's World Conflict & Human Rights Map also available in a Simplified World Conflict Map.

Caliphate Variant 100-Year War
Caliphate Variant 100-Year War

Notes: If bin Laden could have asked his maker for the most helpful possible American reaction to 9-11, he could not have done better than the Bush Administration’s ill-considered conventional military attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq.  The US is now an occupying force in Iraq, and in Afghanistan it has lost control of the entire country, where under US “non-control” the opium crop has doubled, enriching all the warlords, who will be almost impossible to dislodge without resuming combat operations.   We have started a six-front 100-year war.

To the right is a later version used in private briefings.

Search: The Future of OSINT [is M4IS2-Multinational]

Analysis, Budgets & Funding, Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, InfoOps (IO), Key Players, Methods & Process, Mobile, Policies, Policy, Real Time, Reform, Searches, Strategy, Technologies, Threats, Tools
COIN20 Trip Report
Paradise Found

The future of OSINT is M4IS2.

The future of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is Multinational, Multifunctional, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing & Sense-Making (M4IS2).

The following, subject to the approval of Executive and Congressional leadership, are suggested hueristics (rules of thumb):

Rule 1: All Open Source Information (OSIF) goes directly to the high side (multinational top secret) the instant it is received at any level by any civilian or military element responsive to global OSINT grid.  This includes all of the contextual agency and mission specific information from the civilian elements previously stove-piped or disgarded, not only within the US, but ultimately within all 90+ participating nations.

Rule 2: In return for Rule 1, the US IC agrees that the Department of State (and within DoD, Civil Affairs) is the proponent outside the wire, and the sharing of all OSIF originating outside the US IC is at the discretion of State/Civil Affairs without secret world caveat or constraint.  OSIF collected by US IC elements is NOT included in this warrant.

Continue reading “Search: The Future of OSINT [is M4IS2-Multinational]”

Reference: United Nations Terrorism Desirata

09 Terrorism, Communities of Practice, Peace Intelligence, United Nations & NGOs

Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Recommended by Researcher Berto Jongman.

2009-11-15 UN Overview of Terrorism Research Desirata Gestation

2009-11-15 UN List of Terrorism Research Priorities

Phi Beta Iota: Researcher Berto Jongman is a disciple and most respectful student of the work of Alex Schmid and more recently, the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) practices of Researcher Arno Reuser, who leads one of a handful of military OSINT teams that are truly on the bleeding edge of accomplishment and global access (analog & unpublished as well as the obvious).

Continue reading “Reference: United Nations Terrorism Desirata”

Contributing Editor: Berto Jongman

Authors & Editors
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Albert J. (Berto) Jongman (1955) majored in western sociology at the University of Groningen in 1981. During his studies he gained practical experience as a research assistant at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) in Sweden. From 1982 to 1987 he worked as a researcher at the Polemological Institute of the University of Groningen where he dealt with several research topics including the quantitative study of war, political violence, armament and disarmament issues and human rights.  In 1987 he moved to the University of Leiden where he acted as datamanager of the Project on Interdisciplinary Research on the Root Causes of Gross Human Rights Violations (PIOOM). He also worked on several research projects,  including the World Conflict and Human Rights Map, 20th Century Genocides and Monitoring Human Rights Violations. In 2002 he moved from  academia to government. Since early 2002 he works as a senior terrorism analyst for the Dutch Ministry of Defense. His ‘World Directory of Terrorist and other Organizations associated with Guerrilla Warfare, Political Violence and Protest,' was included in the award-winning ‘Political Terrorism. A New Guide to Actors, Authors, Concepts, Data Bases, Theories, and Literature' (2nd edition, 1988) edited by Alex P. Schmid. During the 1990s he regularly contributed to the Dutch Yearbook on Peace and Security.  Currently an update of Political Terrorism is being prepared under the title Handbook of  Terrorism Research that will be published by Routledge in the Spring of 2010. In his current function he participates in a number of Advanced Research Working Groups of NATO and in activities of the Dutch National Coordinator for Counterterrorism.