UPDATE 35 Injured? Suicide? The Mossad Cover-Up Continues…
NBC: Jeffrey Epstein Found Injured in NYC Jail Cell After Possible Suicide Attempt: Sources

ROBERT STEELE: Epstein is easily a bishop on the chessboard between Trump and the Deep State inclusive of its Zionist underbelly. Epstein should be in one of our special detention facilities deep inside a military base with its own perimeter, under safehouse conditions, being systematically debriefed. That he is in a cell where he could commit suicide or be attacked calls into question the competence of President Trump's national security team (as well as their loyalty — Bolton and Pompeo clearly want Epstein to die and will do everything they can to help destroy all useful information). The Mossad and CIA and FBI probably have copies of all of the damning videos, what they want to conceal now is WHO was blackmailed and WHAT those being blackmailed did for them. That is precisely what President Trump should be going after. Clown show — or treason in the guise of incompetence? My guess: the latter. This does however also continue the cover-up pattern of which NBC is clearly a part, to wit, no Mossad to see here folks, move along….
Then of course there is the more subtle plan, which is that this is a prequel to Epstein's being found “dead” and quickly exported, very much alive, to minister to a cluster of little girls and boys deep inside Israel where many of the leaders are both Satanically possessed and very much in the pedophile and murderous pedophile mode. President Donald Trump is not being responsible about how he looks after this case and neither is Attorney General William Barr.
The veils remain in place:
4th: Les Wexner as financier of fake billionaire Jeffrey Epstein
5th: Mossad control of it all, upgrading from Maxwell's prostitution ring
6th: CIA and FBI complicity from day one
7th: 49 other Mossad pedophilia entrapment operations, one in each state
Master Post at http://tinyurl.com/Mossad-Epstein or Tom Luongo: Epstein Peak Swamp? Zionist Strike 44 UPDATE 34 Has Mossad Won?
Other Articles About This Specific Issue:
Epstein Found “Nearly Unconscious” In Prison Cell After Possible Suicide Attempt
Jeffrey Epstein Found Injured In Cell—Suicide Attempt? Or Attempted Murder?