Journal: Tom Atlee on Engaging Real-World

Earth Intelligence
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When you are standing on the edge of a cliff a step forward is not progress. — Anonymous

Our separation from nature — or should I say, our separation from reality as it really is, in all its fullness that is so hard for us to grasp — has now reached global proportions. Reality's feedback is now coming in the form of increasingly extreme weather, emptying oceans and aquifers, cancers arising from an environmental chemical soup so complex we can no longer track the causal links any more, new diseases that won't respond to antibiotics and can span continents and seas in hours on jets, and small groups and networks with increasingly powerful destructive technologies at their disposal.

We are rapidly moving into a realm where problem-solving becomes obsolete, if not downright dangerous — especially at the global level, especially when we are trying to preserve our systems, our habits, our identities, our protections and privileges. Because these challenges are not primarily problems to be solved. They are realities to engage with, to come to terms with, to learn something from about who we are in the world, to be humbled by and creatively joined. Yes, joined. Because inside the realities of today are profound lessons about who we need to be next, individually and collectively — about the cultures, technologies, stories, and social systems we need to create and move into.

Worth a Look: Medard Gabel, EarthGame and More

Academia, Commerce, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence, Policies, Threats, Topics (All Other), True Cost, Worth A Look
Professor Medard Gabel
Professor Medard Gabel

Medard Gabel was for many years #2 to Buckminister Fuller, and a co-creator of the analog World Game.  As a founding director of Earth Intelligence Network, a 501c3 Public Charity, he created–and retains ownership of–the EarthGame.

Earth Tools = Serious Structured Games
Earth Tools = Serious Structured Games

Below are four specific modules that can be used NOW to excite both students and executives about the importance of sustainable design, strategic analysis, and the unity of knowledge–what E. O. Wilson calls Consilience.

Advise the President
of the United States in the
Presidential Advisor Game
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Save the World
from climate disaster in the
Climate Change Game

learn more …

Green Your Campus
in the
Campus GreenGame

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Bring Peace to the World
in the
World PeaceGame

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Other BigPictureSmallWorld programs and simulations include the LeadershipGame, The FutureGame and our week-long summer program at the United Nations and Chestnut Hill College—the Design Science Lab.

Phi Beta Iota strongly recommends anything and everything that Medard Gabel has created and offers.Give him a call to see how one of his programs will fit into your program today at 610.566.0156!

NOTE:  We *will* create the World Brain and the EarthGame, it is only a matter of when, not if.  Get started now by engaging Medard Gabel to show you how you can make sense, make strategy, and advance the common good while achieving your own worthy goals.

Journal: Obama Fires the One Authentic Person on His Team

Earth Intelligence, Ethics, Government
Van Jones
Van Jones

Van Jones is authentic.  He was fired as a convenience by the white-half of Barack Obama, the half that is slicker than goose shit on a hot day.  The black half of Obama, the authentic half that “would no more renounce Reverend Wright than my own mother,” that half has been bought off and silenced.

Continue reading “Journal: Obama Fires the One Authentic Person on His Team”

Journal: EarthGame–What DoD & NATO Want, What Can Be Done Faster, Better, Cheaper

Earth Intelligence, Methods & Process, Military, Peace Intelligence, Policies, Policy, Reform, Strategy, Technologies, Threats, Tools
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Sentient world: war games on the grandest scale

Mark Baard

23rd June 2007

Perhaps your real life is so rich you don't have time for another.

Even so, the US Department of Defense (DOD) may already be creating a copy of you in an alternate reality to see how long you can go without food or water, or how you will respond to televised propaganda.

The DOD is developing a parallel to Planet Earth, with billions of individual “nodes” to reflect every man, woman, and child this side of the dividing line between reality and AR.

Called the Sentient World Simulation (SWS), it will be a “synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information”, according to a concept paper for the project.

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A ‘Second Life’ for NATO Staffers

Katie Drummond

September 4, 2009

This isn’t the first time NATO has toyed with virtual training programs. In February, they requested a computerized replica of Afghanistan, complete with data on Afghan economics, politics and culture, to be used by war planners in decision-making considerations. And two years ago, the Navy asked for the same thing, but with Iraq as the targeted 3D nation.

Phi Beta IotaEarthGame by Medard Gabel does all this and more, for no more than $2 million a year, with one caveat: it is unaffordable and unachievable if DoD and NATO insist on everything being Top Secret.

Journal: True Cost of Hybrids, Dumb Government

03 Economy, 05 Energy, Commerce, Earth Intelligence, Government, True Cost Meme
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Steve Gorman

Sun Aug 30, 2009

As hybrid cars gobble rare metals, shortage looms

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – The Prius hybrid automobile is popular for its fuel efficiency, but its electric motor and battery guzzle rare earth metals, a little-known class of elements found in a wide range of gadgets and consumer goods.  . . . . . . .Worldwide demand for rare earths, covering 15 entries on the periodic table of elements, is expected to exceed supply by some 40,000 tonnes annually in several years unless major new production sources are developed.

Phi Beta Iota: The peresistent refusal of the White House and Congress in particular, all governments in general, to create strategic centers that can provide unclassified decision-support in the context of a strategic analytic model that embraces “true cost” accounting and “cross-policy cost harmonization” means that the USA in particular, and all governments generally, are “dumb” and are therefore in automatic betrayal of the public trust. Current references:  Intelligence for Everyone; Fixing the White House; Human Intelligence; The Ultimate Hack.

Journal: MILNET Flags Africa wants $67 bln a year in global warming funds

03 Environmental Degradation, 08 Wild Cards, Communities of Practice, Earth Intelligence
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* Africa seeks unity ahead of Copenhagen talks

* Climate change seen hitting poor nations hardest

By Tsegaye Tadesse

ADDIS ABABA, Aug 24 (Reuters) – African leaders will ask rich nations for $67 billion per year from 2020 to cushion the impact of global warming on the world's poorest continent, according to a draft resolution seen by Reuters on Monday.

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A study commissioned by the Geneva-based Global Humanitarian Forum that was released in May said poor nations bear more than nine-tenths of the human and economic burden of climate change.

The 50 poorest countries, however, contribute less than 1 percent of the carbon dioxide emissions that scientists say are threatening the planet, the report said.

Phi Beta Iota: What Africa really lacks is a strategic analytic model such as developed by the Earth Intelligence Network.  All ten threats must be evaluated and their causes mapped.  At the same time, it has been established that the poor do as much or more damage to the environment than do corporations–giving Africa money in isolation from a larger analysis with targetted effects will be a waste–Africa merits both reparations for colonialism as well as strong support for the recapture of the hundreds of billions looted from Africa by its own leaders; AND a planned giving from both organizations and indiviudals, but it must have a strong continent-wide analytic foundation.  Not there.

Journal: MILNET Flags Fighting Global Warming With CIA?

10 Security, Earth Intelligence, Government

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Some say security fears are counterproductive

By Bryan Bender

WASHINGTON – Melting ice caps. Drought. Spreading disease. US defense planners view global climate change as a national security threat because it could create millions of new refugees and intensify conflicts over resources.

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A new debate is unfolding over whether linking climate change too closely with security planning will create a self-fulfilling prophecy, running the risk that the United States will rely too heavily on its armed forces to deal with global problems.

Continue reading “Journal: MILNET Flags Fighting Global Warming With CIA?”