Journal: ClimateGate 14 Dec 09 Morning

Earth Intelligence
Copenhagen Street Theater
Copenhagen Street Theater

Developing countries boycott UN climate talks

COPENHAGEN – China, India and other developing nations boycotted U.N. climate talks Monday, bringing negotiations to a halt with their demand that rich countries discuss much deeper cuts in their greenhouse gas emissions.

“We are seeing the death of the Kyoto Protocol,” said Djemouai Kamel of Algeria, the head of the 50-nation Africa group.

It was the second time the Africans have disrupted the climate talks. At the last round of negotiations in November, the African bloc forced a one-day suspension until wealthy countries agreed to spell out what steps they will take to reduce emissions.

Climategate: Who are the ‘deniers' now?

A couple of years ago, supporters of global warming theory began referring to skeptics as “deniers” — implying that anyone who doubted climate change should be lumped with Holocaust deniers.

Now the shoe is on the other foot, thanks to the eye-popping e-mail dump that hit the Internet recently and quickly became known as “Climategate.” The response of much of the global-warming “community” has been … denial.


ClimateGate Research Unit Disables Its Website

The Climatic Research Unit at the heart of the ClimateGate scandal has taken down most of the information previously available at its website.

Letter: ‘Climategate' gets short shrift in news columns

Does the Amarillo Globe-News sleepwalk through current events? On Dec. 4, you published an article titled, “Climate experts: Adapt or Die,” which read, “With the world losing the battle against global warming so far, experts are warning that humans need to follow nature's example: Adapt or die … One difficulty is that climate change is happening rapidly.”

On Nov. 28, Daily Telegraph journalist Christopher Booker opined on global warming, “Our hopelessly compromised scientific establishment cannot be allowed to get away with a whitewash of what has become the greatest scientific scandal of our age (Climategate).”

Climategate has revealed widespread global-warming fraud.

Journal: ClimateGate WeekEnd Edition

Earth Intelligence

What climategate really tells us

One of the several scandalous revelations of the Climategate e-mails is that this claim of consensus is a lie. Never mind the skeptics: It turns out many of the scientists in the CRU inner circle had doubts and disagreements about their data, methodology and conclusions, and often bickered with one another about defects in their project.

UN Security Stops Journalist's  Questions About ClimateGate

A Stanford Professor has used United Nation security officers to silence a journalist asking him “inconvenient questions”  during a press briefing at the climate change conference in Copenhagen.

Professor Stephen Schneider’s assistant requested armed UN security officers who held film maker Phelim McAleer, ordered him to stop filming and prevented further questioning after the press conference where the Stanford academic was launching a book.

Vindicating climate change skeptics

The recent revelations — now known as Climategate — of how proponents of man-made global warming fudged and manipulated temperature data at the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit in the U.K. to back the IPCC claim confirms the skepticism of many scientists for more than a decade.

Among scientists voicing concerns over the IPCC claim was Freeman Dyson, the eminent physicist and mathematician at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.

ClimateGate, Copenhagen, and the only two questions that really matter

  1. What if global warming is real?
  2. What if global warming is nothing but a great con-job being played on a gullible world population?

Journal: ClimateGate Carbon Trade Fraud

Earth Intelligence
Maurice Strong
Maurice Strong

Has anyone seen this man?

Obama, Maurice Strong, Al Gore key players cashing in on Chicago Climate Exchange

The Multi-Billion Trade in Carbon Derivatives, Copenhagen's Hidden Agenda

As I have previously shown, speculative derivatives (especially credit default swaps) are a primary cause of the economic crisis.   And I have pointed out that (1) the giant banks will make a killing on carbon trading, (2) while the leading scientist crusading against global warming says it won't work, and (3) there is a very high probability of massive fraud and insider trading in the carbon trading markets.   Now, Bloomberg notes that the carbon trading scheme will be centered around derivatives…

Copenhagen climate summit: Carbon trading fraudsters in Europe pocket €5bn

Carbon trading fraudsters may have accounted for up to 90pc of all market activity in some European countries, with criminals pocketing an estimated €5bn (£4.5bn) mainly in Britain, France, Spain, Denmark and Holland, according to Europol, the European law enforcement agency.

Continue reading “Journal: ClimateGate Carbon Trade Fraud”

Journal: ClimateGate Search for the Thoughttful

Earth Intelligence

Full Story Online
Full Story Online

The COP15 problem is not climate change skepticism, it is anti nuclear fanaticism

Paradoxically, the AGW skeptics are not the most serious enemies of AGW mitigation. The eco-extremests are. If AGW skeptics are basically in denial about AGW, they are not in denial about the essential role of nuclear power in a future of energy. Many AGW skeptics harbor rational doubts about the use of renewables in future energy schemes. The Green mainstream remains incapable of anything but a dogmatic hostility toward nuclear power. This anti-nuclear attitude, leads anti-nuclear environmentalists to hugely exaggerate the liabilities of nuclear power as well as engage in self-deceptive denials of the liabilities of renewable generation systems.

Houston Chronicle Full Story Online
Houston Chronicle Full Story Online

No denying: In resolving questions about global-warming research, let’s follow the science

We can identify at least two areas where clear answers are required:

• • The methodology. If there was a demonstrable effort made by CRU scientists or others to change data to guide it toward a preferred result, this should be identified and condemned by the scientific community. A consensus built around faulty data is as useless as one built around the premise that water freezes at 50 degrees Fahrenheit rather than 32 degrees Fahrenheit. The scientifically observable facts will not change to accommodate a faulty consensus.

• • The claims that peer review boards have been set up to deliberately exclude climate change skeptics must be answered. The strength of the scientific method rests on full faith in peer review. It must not be rigged.

Worth a Look: CitizenTube

Collective Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Methods & Process, Peace Intelligence
CitizenTube Home Page
CitizenTube Home Page

Phi Beta Iota: We love this, even though it is very time and bandwidth intensive.  As voice to text matures (China is rreported by Atlantic Monthly to be much further ahead than Google) it will become much easier to aggregate citizen views into the Global Game, and to create a “level playing field” for true democratic self-governance acrosss all issues and boundaries–it's called Panarchy.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Kofi Annan, Thomas Friedman to join CNN/YouTube Climate Debate panel

Last week, we announced the CNN/YouTube Climate Debate in Copenhagen, an effort to make sure that your voice is included in the climate debate – and that your questions are posed to decision-makers on an international stage.

These leaders will include Kofi Annan, Thomas Friedman, Yves de Boer, and Bjorn Lomberg.

To submit your question, upload a short video of yourself posing the question and submit it here: We've already seen some top-notch video questions like this one from Mo in Florida who is concerned about the cost of going green:

Worth a Look: Unitarian Inclusionality

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Gift Intelligence, Peace Intelligence, Worth A Look

Evolving Co-creatively, Beyond Conflict.

A place to encourage our understanding of space
in the fluid flow of nature.

Is it possible to understand what gets in the way of human understanding?

That is the question we are asking ourselves as we invite you to participate in the development and communication of a natural awareness that we call ‘inclusionality'.

We think that inclusional understanding , a natural capability that can be “re-awakened” in all of us, can radically transform the way we think, feel and behave, enabling us to live more harmoniously in sustainable dynamic relationship with our living space and one another.

Journal: ClimateGate 9 Dec 09 Evening

Earth Intelligence

Skeptics Conference
Skeptics Conference

Copenhagen climate summit: Behind the scenes at the sceptics' conference

Tuvalu gives Copenhagen that old sinking feeling

Copenhagen denies Tuvalu bid for tough climate controls

Global Day of Climate protest, 12th December 2009

COPENHAGEN – December 8 – As the Copenhagen Climate Talks get underway and hopes of a meaningful deal continue to fade, a global protest is building against the failure of world leaders to make progress on this critical issue.

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…up to 50,000 expected on the streets of New Delhi

Phi Beta Iota: India is joined with China and Brazil and Russia in opposing climate change controls that will diminish the prospects of the poor.  If the 50,000 materialize, they will have been paid to show up and clueless about the facts.

Who Pays?
Who Pays?

Climate talks teeter as split emerges

A major split has emerged between developing countries at the United Nations climate conference in Copenhagen over the best way to help the most vulnerable countries.

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Police fear an international extremist group may also be on its way to Copenhagen to commit acts of violence.

Continue reading “Journal: ClimateGate 9 Dec 09 Evening”