Captures the Essence, Leaves Out a Lot, April 26, 2010
I have mixed feelings about the movie, having read and reviewed most of the books on Dick Cheney's treason and our going into Iraq on the basis of 935 lies to the public and the United Nations, but on reflection it captures the essence:
1) The intelligence given to one and all was false
2) CIA was not at fault–CIA (not George “Slam Dunk” Tenet, himself guilty of treason)–got it right right from both the defector son in law and the line crossers that Charlie Allen demanded: kept the cook-books, disposed of all stocks, bluffing for regional power sake.
3) Bremer was a world-class idiot in disbanding the army and ending the Baath Party
4) DIA played along–the current US military leadership has lost all of its integrity (and Panetta is not much better than Tenet was, which really surprised me)–and was all too willing to kiss up while kicking down.
There is so much left out of this (Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Ahmed Chaliba Iranian agent of influence) that I was tempted to go with four stars but had to go with five–for what it set out to do, this movie is spectacular.
See all my non-fiction book reviews on Iraq via Phi Beta Iota, the Public Intelligence Blog.
If you like this movie, I also recommend all the 9-11 Truth Movement DVDs. What our government does in our name is nothing short of treason and a betrayal of the public trust.

See also Reviews on:
Iraq (39)