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Phi Beta Iota: Egypt is a lever for the Assisi Peace Summit.
1) Against dictators and corruption, inter-faith dialog and coordinated action is HAPPENING.
2) The connected young are the antidote to radical violent Islamic fundamentalism.
3) Muslim demographics must be understood by all Catholics and Protestants
4) The Church can be a central force for Open Spectrum, Open Source Software, Open Source Intelligence, and Open Society–imagine, in a revolution, all churches and mosques as sources of wireless solar and wind-powered information that cannot be shut down, that collaborate to avoid inter-faith violence and promote non-violent “presence” in the streets to overturn the 44 dictators and demand the withdrawal of all foreign military forces….
5) Revolutions are no longer national–the diasphoras matter–the global presence of the Church matters from local to national.
6) The hypocrisy of the USA is now fully revealed–Barack Obama made 500 promises to the American people he has not fulfilled, and he dares to suggest to anyone that they honor their promises? It is time for the Church to recognize that the people are the sovereign power, not governments, and that the Church can profit much more from a free people creating wealth than from absolving corruption by governments and corporations and crime families.
7) Liberation Theology is back–it must be elevated by the Most Holy Father NOW.
2012 is not the year of apocalypse, it is the year of awakening when the meek inherit the earth. The time between now and Assisi and from Assisi on is strategically priceless, in our collective view.
Below the line:
On Assisi Peace Summit and Inter-Faith Intelligence (7 Links)
On Egypt as Awakening (14 Links)
On Revolution in & Hypocrisy of USA (10 Links)
Direct to the Core Revolution References (8 Links)
On Assisi Peace Summit & Inter-Faith Intelligence
29 Jan Seven Answers–Robert Steele in Rome
27 Jan Assisi-Rome 2nd Meeting
27 Jan Reference: Correspondence on Assisi Intelligence
20 Jan Reference: Intelligence for the Spirit of Assisi
Worth a Look: Book Review Lists (Positive)
Worth a Look: Book Review Lists (Negative)
On Egypt as Awakening:
EGYPT: China Concerned, USA Clueless
Revolution Kickstarted by Facebook Generation
Muslim Demographics–Dominant by 2050
Egypt & Jordan: Muslim & Christian Side by Side
Egypt Online Access Work-Arounds Updated
Regime Dominos–and Global Solidarity Protests
Egypt’s Perfect Storm: Associated Press Shines
OpenBTS Egypt — Need to Flesh Out OpenBTS USA
Egyptian Protests Live Video (Al Jazeera) / “Revolution-in-Progress”
Egypt, Turkey, the Muslim Brotherhood…
CIA In Egypt: Silence of the Goats
Revolution & Secession: The Game is ON!
TUNISIA: The First WikiLeaks Revolution?
On Revolution in & Hypocrisy of USA
President Barack Obama: Shallow Hypocrite at Best
Shihab Rattansi lays bare US hypocrisy on Egypt
Preconditions of Revolution in the USA Today
Reference: 2011 Brave New Dystopia
Journal: USA Slouching Toward Tyranny
Reference: Legitimate Grievances by Robert Steele
Carthage under Siege + Revolution Tyranny RECAP
Poor in the USA: 50 Million & Rising + RECAP
Strong Signals: Truth or Tyrannicide + RECAP
Reference: American Soft Power is Vanishing + RECAP
Direct to the Core Revolution References:
Graphic: Pre-Conditions of Revolution
1992 MCU Thinking About Revolution
Review: Revolutions and Revolutionary Movements
Search: rm maciver the web of government summary
Search: smart nation intelligence reform electoral reform national security reform