Mini-Me: Ron Paul Wins Straw Poll in Ohio

Cultural Intelligence, Open Government, Policy
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Ron Paul wins straw poll in Ohio

Are you still a fringe candidate when you pull in more than half of all votes? Just ask Ron Paul.

Even with the establishment cringing at his libertarian leanings and his ideas otherwise radical for a Republican candidate, Congressman Paul received nearly 54 percent of the votes in an Ohio straw poll over the weekend.

The Ohio Republican straw poll was held in the Buckeye State on Saturday, and the majority of the votes cast went to the Texas congressman who continues to show both success and support in his race for the GOP nomination, despite little attention from the mainstream media.

While news outlets have largely focused in recent weeks on the surging popularity of Herman Cain, the pizzaman only raked in nearly half of what Paul got in the straw poll. Following Paul’s first place victory, Cain came in second with around 26 percent of the votes. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney received around 9 percent, giving him a third place standing. Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, came in fourth.

Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann, both considered top tier candidates earlier in the race, each received less than 5 percent of the vote. In recent weeks their popularity among Republican voters has shown extreme signs of decline.

Paul’s success continues to soar, although he has still not received the same media coverage favored for other Republican hopefuls. In an interview with Alex Jones’ Inforwars last month, former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura offered his support for the candidate. “Ron Paul can win. It’s out there. All you got to do is activate and get the silent voters out to vote,” said Ventura. “You have to give them a reason to see their vote.”

Read full story.

* Vastly better than US “mainstream” or UK BBC corrupted reporting.

See Also:

Ron Paul's running mate: Jesse Ventura?

Ralph Nader Hearts Ron Paul, Hails Potential Left-Libertarian Alliance

Mainstream media's blackout on Ron Paul

Fox freaks after Ron Paul wins debate

Vatican, Ethics, & Truth II (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

Ethics, Vatican

Full Text: Note on financial reform from the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace

2011-10-24 Vatican Radio

Please find, below, an unofficial translation of the Note on the reform of the international financial and monetary systems in the context of global public authority, released Monday by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.


Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace


Vatican City

Continue reading “Vatican, Ethics, & Truth II (Full Text Online for Google Translate)”

Vatican, Ethics, & Truth I (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

Ethics, Vatican

Vatican meets OWS: ‘The economy needs ethics'

Cathy Lynn Grossman

USA TODAY, 24 October 2011

St. Peter's Square, meet Zuccotti Park.

The Vatican today elaborated on Pope Benedict XVI's call for a global entity to bring justice and compassion to the world economy.

“The economy needs ethics,” says the new document released today by the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.

Continue reading “Vatican, Ethics, & Truth I (Full Text Online for Google Translate)”

Penguin: Vatican Calls for World Government…Oopps

09 Justice, 11 Society, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence, Government, IO Impotency, Vatican
Who, Me?

As Assisi takes place, Vatican announcement draws some severe commentary.  Photo from the original story.

WHOOPS! Vatican Lets Slip Plans For One World Government

Michael Brendan Dougherty

Business Insider, 24 October 2011

In a widely-expected note on the financial crisis and economic justice, Vatican officials accidently call for the establishment of a One World Global “Authority” to regulate financial markets and national governments.

After gently noting that such a project is “a complex and delicate process,” the document begins to capitalize the word, “Authority” in the most unsettling, conspiracy-launching way possible:

Photo in Original

Read commentary.

See English translation of original in unknown language (Latin?)

See Also:

Event: 26 Oct 2011 Assisi Italy Pope, Peace, & Prayer — 5th Inter-Faith Event Since 1986 — Terms of Reference…

Review: The Health of Nations–Society and Law beyond the State

Review: The Collapse of Complex Societies

Phi Beta Iota:  With the exception of the call for an “Authority” and complete ignorance of the alternatives to a new hierarchy, the Vatican document does not read as badly as the above critique suggests.  It ends with a call for “unity in truth.”  It does not address secular corruption as it should have.

Richard Wright: IARPA Clutches at Straws, DNI Refuses to Grow Up

Academia, Analysis, Corruption, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), Government, Intelligence (government), IO Impotency, Methods & Process, Policies, Serious Games, Threats
Richard Wright

IARPA clutches at straws….

Matthew Barakat, AP, October 24, 2011

FAIRFAX, Virginia (AP) — Maybe you've got a hunch Kim Jong Il's regime in North Korea has seen its final days, or that the Ebola virus will re-emerge somewhere in the world in the next year.

Your educated guess may be just as good as an expert's opinion. Statistics have long shown that large crowds of average people frequently make better predictions about unknown events, when their disparate guesses are averaged out, than any individual scholar — a phenomenon known as the wisdom of crowds.

Now the U.S. intelligence community, with the help of university researchers and regular folks around the country, is studying ways to harness and improve the wisdom of crowds. The research could one day arm policymakers with information gathered by some of the same methods that power Wikipedia and social media.

Read more.

Phi Beta Iota:  The idea is actually from George Mason University.  IARPA is a mess, as is DARPA.  If the DNI were serious about growing up, he would have distributed national intelligence councils for each of the ten high-level threats to humanity, each of the core policy domains, and state and local sub-councils, as well as a means of integrating humans, data, and assumptions in an EarthGame such as Medard Gabel is ready to build at a cost of no more than $3 million a year.  US Intelligence lacks intelligence and integrity, and is not going to grow up under its current “leadership.”

Chuck Spinney: From Algeria to Libya –Lessons Not Learned + USG CIA Web of Deceit in Arabia RECAP

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), DoD, Government, Intelligence (government), Military, Officers Call, Power Behind-the-Scenes/Special Interests, Secrecy & Politics of Secrecy
Chuck Spinney

The triumphalism in the US surrounding the liquidation of Qadaffi may be short lived.  That is because most Americans do not appreciate how the legacy of anti-colonialism shapes the contemporary cultural DNA in North Africa or how influential that legacy has been in shaping the revolts of what is now called the Arab Spring.  There is more going on in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya than Jefferson's vision of revolution fertilizing the natural rights of man.

The coming elections in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya may well result in victories or strong showings for the Islamic parties in each nation’s politics.  The U.S., U.K., France, and Italy will not like such results, should they occur, and may will be tempted to intervene to contain or reverse them by influencing the elections either before the fact or overturning them after the fact.  Further intervention would be certain to produce yet more unpleasant blowback.

As Peter Osborne argues below, before doing anything, we would do well to remember what happened to Algeria after the 1991-2 election and leave well enough alone.  In what is widely regarded to have been a free and fair election, the Islamic Salvation Front (Front Islamique du Salut or FIS) won a stunning victory in Dec 1991 on the first ballot, just short of an outright majority.  It was clear that the FIS would win a majority on the second ballot scheduled for Jan 1992, and perhaps even enough votes to amend the Algerian constitution.  The Algerian army, aided (incited?) by France and the CIA, intervened to cancel the second ballot.  The cancellation triggered a chain of events leading to a nightmarish civil war that ultimately killed over 100,000 people and left a state that is still ripe for revolution.

Chuck Spinney


Libya: The Arab Spring may yet turn to chilly winter

We may not like the consequences of elections in North Africa – but we must not repeat the mistakes of the past.

By Peter Oborne, Telegraph, 22 Oct 2011

The extra-judicial execution of Colonel Gaddafi has been greeted with international elation, and understandably so. There was very little to be said in favour of that gnarled torturer and war criminal. Nicolas Sarkozy and David Cameron, who masterminded the campaign against him, have some excuse to take the view that with the killing of Gaddafi, and today’s elections in Tunisia, the Arab Spring appears to be entering a hopeful stage.

Read full article.

See Also:

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: From Algeria to Libya –Lessons Not Learned + USG CIA Web of Deceit in Arabia RECAP”

DefDog: Department of State Screws Over Truth-Teller – Ties in to Robert Steele’s Legal Action Against DIA and DOHA

07 Other Atrocities, 09 Justice, 10 Security, Corruption, Counter-Oppression/Counter-Dictatorship Practices, Cultural Intelligence, Director of National Intelligence et al (IC), DoD, Government, Intelligence (government), Military, Open Government, Resilience, Secrecy & Politics of Secrecy

I am curious as to how this will play out in court if some of you come together to do a class action on State and Defense practices like this.

Diplomat Loses Top Secret Clearance for Linking to WikiLeaks

Kim Zetter

WIRED, 19 October 2011

A veteran U.S. State Department foreign service officer lost his security clearance and diplomatic passport this week while the department investigates him over linking to a WikiLeaks document on his blog and publishing a book critical of the government.

Peter Van Buren, who is 51 and has worked for the department for 23 years, had his Top Secret security clearance suspended indefinitely for what the department calls his unwillingness to comply with rules and regulations regarding “writing and speaking on matters of official concern.” This is according to a memo the State Department sent Van Buren.

The move is purely vindictive, according to Van Buren.

Read full story.

Amazon Page for the Truth-Teller's Book

Phi Beta Iota:  The class action idea is interesting.  Robert Steele is pursuing discovery to acquire all emails to and from Jim Clapper, Ron Burgess, and Tish Long about his varied efforts to secure employment within DoD, as well as discovery of all emails and documents surrounding his application for both the DISL jobs across DoD and the lesser DIA jobs [Steele kept book] that were manipulated to exclude Steele from consideration.  There is no question but that DIA and DOHA are in violation while DNI (and before that USDI) were complicit, the only question is how much trouble it will be to document this, and how much can be demanded in damages above and beyond loss of $1 million in lost income–including a “by name” request for Steele to be Chief Instructor for Information Operations and Intelligence at COINSOC in Iraq a few years ago where a legal contract was received from Raytheon for $276K a year, and then withdrawn after DOHA told Raytheon no to a simple SECRET clearance without a Statement of Reasons or due process–the exchanges between Raytheon and DOHA will be the starting point for the lawsuit by Robert Steele against the US Government.  It will take time, but the absence of integrity in this specific series will become a matter of legal record.  If $10 million can be won–half for the legal team–that will be money earned by Steele for having persistent integrity.  Integrity is now back in style–DNI, DOHA, and DIA are the last to know this–and of course the Department of State   E Veritate Potens.