CIA at 50, Lost in the ‘Politicization’ Swamp
From the Archive: Almost 20 years ago – even before the Iraq WMD fiasco – as the CIA was celebrating its half-century anniversary, the impact of a Reagan-era “reorganization” was being felt in the “politicization” of intelligence, Robert Parry wrote in 1997. Now, a new reorganization could make matters worse.
By Robert Parry (Originally published in 1997)

ROBERT STEELE: I consider CIA and DIA the two pieces of the IC worth saving. We eliminate the DNI, merge one third of NGA with USGS, and eliminating NSA and the NRO (20% of each survives as a new Directorate within an expanded Classified Intelligence Agency overseen by a restored Director of Central Intelligence focused on all forms of classified intelligence collection, processing, and analysis.) A new Open Source Agency (OSA) becomes a direct report to the President with special ties to the new and vastly more integrative Deputy Director for Management of OMB, as well as a direct support relationship to the newly restored DCI. DIA becomes a Whole of Government all-source analytic agency with four Directorates: strategic intelligence, policy intelligence, operatonal intelligence, and acquisition intelligence, relying on the OSA for 80% of its processing and preliminary analytics.

See Especially:
1990 Intelligence in the 1990′s – Six Challenges
1989 Al Gray (US) on Global Intelligence Challenges
2009 Intelligence for the President — AND Everyone Else
2014 On Defense Intelligence — Seven Strikes
2014 Rebuilding National Intelligence — A 12-Step Plan
See Also: