Shades of Vince Foster and Seth Rich. This was not random at all. Note how most stories have “unprovoked attack” in quotes. They know.
Tip of the Hat to TruthLeaks (@GeorgeWebb)
Additional data below the fold.
From George Webb via follow notes at Source above:
She worked for FiscalNote [as Chief of Staff overseeing [among other tasks] collecting data on Brookings Institute “Spy Ring” including interest in Fiona Hill, Bob Otto et. al.
NYT wrote about the Spy Ring and foreign influence on Brookings in 2014.
General Stanley McCcFrystal is on the board of FiscalNote, Watch:
FiscalNote Live: Gen. Stanley McChrystal in Conversation with FiscalNote CEO Tim Hwang from FiscalNote on Vimeo.
Trump Was Worried HR McMaster or Fiona Hill Would Spy on His Conversation with Putin
Fiona Hill: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Who Was Wendy Martinez? Recently Engaged D.C. Woman Stabbed to Death in ‘Unprovoked Attack'
Wendy Martinez Stabbing: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Human Intelligence/Counterintelligence Training For Instructors [Bid Associated with FiscalNote]
FiscalNote acquires maker of ‘EU Issue Tracker’
FiscalNote Acquires EU Regulatory Intelligence Leader Shungham

ROBERT STEELE: You do not get to speak at Davos without major Deep State influence on the organizers (or a special request from President Donald Trump). There are clearly very valuable capabilities under development at FiscalNote, but the entire enterprise strikes me as someone — perhaps the Koreans as a front for the Chinese or the CIA testing new options or the White House playing outside the lines — going “one better” on the Israelis, using regulatory intelligence as cover for action in creating a proper non-official cover (NOC) network. FiscalNote started as a legislative tracking service. It's CEO is a registered Democrat — could this be a counter-counterintelligence play against Mike Flynn, Stanley McCrystal, and President Donald Trump? On a related note (anomalous information) in 2017 the company acquired grassroots advocacy tool VoterVoice, and, in 2015, MyCandidate, an app that enables South Koreans to interact with members of the General Assembly through grassroots campaigns and direct messaging. There is clearly something going on here that is both promising and threatening (or merely wasteful and mis-leading). The murder of Wendy Martizez was not — as Owl suggests — random. It was right in line with the murders of Vince Foster and Seth Rich. Who benefits?
SIDE NOTE: Fiona Hill was trained by Richard Pipes who evinces a hatred of Russia only the Polish people can inspire with a leavening of Zionist revenge thrown in, and was a part of Team B that totally hosed the CIA's analysis for the Soviet Union. Her other major PhD advisor was of Ukranian heritage, Roman Szporluk. She is, in one word, tainted, and if I had to take a wild guess, also talking to the Mossad on the side (perhaps unwittingly via Jewish intermediaries such as Ronald S. Lauder, President of the World Jewish Congress). Like Condi Rice, this is no friend of Russia and she is unlikely to be giving the President balanced counsel with respect to Russia. Coming on top of John Kelly's being the person Rosenstein was ready to work with to lead a 25th Amendment Cabinet coup against the President, and John Kelly's being suspected as the author of the Anonymous Op Ed, there is every reason for the President to consider some wholesale changes in the White House Staff after the mid-terms — to include the abolishment of the National Security Council and its replacement with a smaller National Strategy Advisory Group that sits next to the President's Own Open Source Intelligence Group and the President's Own Trump Channel (TV Studio and US Post Office managed national email and social media network).
Robert Steele: Concept for Trump Triumph in 3 Moves UPDATE 5 Trump 2.0