New Software Glitch Found On 737 MAX That Results In “Uncontrollable Nosedives”
“While the latest glitch is separate from, and did not involve the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System linked to the two fatal accidents since October that killed 346 people, it could produce an uncommanded dive similar to what occurred in the crashes, Bloomberg confirmed, also citing an unnamed source.”
John Lear comment on criminal undeclared unapproved second autopilot:
JOHN LEAR: Correct. It's the BUA. The MCAS servo actuators are set to max 80 pounds. The pilot should have been able to over ride.
The BUA is set to 150 pounds so the pilot cannot over ride.
It is still the BUA that is responsible but Boeing can't admit it because they never got FAA approval for the
second autopilot so they can't say it exists.
Meanwhile every single Boeing produced since the middle 1980's has the BUA except Lufthanza's Boeing. And it will
happen again.
Boeing has been responsible for the deaths of 585 passengers and has not prevented one single hijack.