Graphic: 9/11 Nuclear Schematic from Dimitri Khalezov

Analysis, Capabilities-Force Structure, Citizen-Centered, Corruption, Graphics, Political, Threats, True Cost
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The above diagram “WTC demolition damages distribution,” from Dimitri Khalezov’s work, illustrates how an underground nuclear device would turn to dust much of WTC1 and WTC 2, but not all. The use of micro-nukes in conjunction with the larger underground nuke is a possibility.

Below are from the Vancouver 2012 conference at which the use of 3rd generation micro-nukes was presented. The nano-thermite cover story is referred to as a “limited hangout” in intelligence parlance.

YouTube video summarizing nuclear destruction of the WTC

Reference: Mini-Nukes on 9/11 — Evidence in Detail

Reference: Mini-Nukes on 9/11 — Ground Zero Dust and First Responder Deaths from Multiple Rare Cancers — Incontrovertible Evidence

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Graphic: Global Game of Go Seen in Emails

Citizen-Centered, Graphics, ICT-IT, Strategy-Holistic Coherence
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Phi Beta Iota:  Now think of the strategic game of Go and the concepts of divide and conquer.  What the Chinese are doing with soft power is a winning strategy.  What the Islamics are doing with displaced persons is not a winning strategy but it is very disruptive because governments are not assimilating the good and expelling the bad.  When the US exports people they are either bringing in violence or taking out money — that is not a sustainable strategy.

See Also:

DuckDuckGo / Game of Go