2001 Dumaine (US) Global Futures Partnership “Are You Ready”

Collaboration Zones, Communities of Practice, Ethics, Global Futures Partnership, Historic Contributions, Key Players, Policies, Threats, Threats/Topical, Topics (All Other), UN/NGO
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Full Source Online

Carol Dumaine was for a few years allowed to manage an internal revoslution in intelligence affairs that ultimately failed, but left its mark.  She is still standing, and we expect to see her at the finish line when we finally do achieve a revolution in intelligence affairs and create both a Smart Nation and a World Brain.

Above, with a full title of Are You Ready?: Implications of a Changing Global Information Environment for Open Source Intelligence, was published in June 2001.  It remains a precious point of reference.

The internal revolution failed, Global Futures Partnership was transferred to the Department of State where it has been stuffed in a closet, and Carol Dumain marches on professionally.

2001 Decision for the Vice-President Elect on Creating an Open Source Information Program (OSIP) in Support of National Security Decision-Making, with Emphasis on Third World/Non-State Threats

History of Opposition, Memoranda

The below memorandum was delivered to the Vice-President-elect via the Transitioin Team.  Although Condi Rice, prodded by Kevin Scheid, did read a related memorandum on reforming national intelligence, and asked for a tailored one-pager on homeland security, the White House never really got it and Sean O'Keefe left the Office Management and Budget (OMB) before they could be briefed into a Presidential Initiative that was ready to go at $125M a year Initial Operating Capability, climbing to $2B a year at Full Operational Capability (FOC).

Memo to VP Elect
Memo to VP Elect

2000 Chitumbo (UN) The Role of Open Source Information in Enhancing Nuclear Transparency (International Atomic Energy Agency)

Historic Contributions, Peace Intelligence

Few people have a proper appreciation for the security value of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).  It is the ONLY form of decision-support that can be shared with ANYBODY, and therefore it is the easist foundation for establishing a common view of the first 80% where it is easy to agree, and of the final 20% where more difficult and nuanced dialog must take place.  The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) continues to respect the needs of developing nations for nuclear energy, the fears of varied nations with respect to nuclear munitions, and the value of OSINT in addressing both sides of the nuclear coin.

Kaluba Chitumbo and Jack Boureston (Slides)
Kaluba Chitumbo and Jack Boureston (Slides)
Kaluba Chitumbo and Jack Boureston (Text)
Kaluba Chitumbo and Jack Boureston (Text)