2004 Pelton (US) Value-added Citizen Blogs, Forums, and Wars

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Historic Contributions

Robert Young Pelton
Robert Young Pelton

Robert Young Pelton at IOP ’06 17-19 January 2006,

Sheraton Premiere, Tysons Corner, Virginia

notes..? :)))  I like to keep it simple.  My presentation was simply on using value-added nodes to attract and nurture intel providers. Examples were the world of Blogs and forums to generate ground intel


www.comebackalive.com a chat site for a wide spectrum of adventurers, mercenaries, jihadis, travelers, students and others. Example was instructions on how to get into Grozny took three days and only about 5 entries to nail it.

www.kathryncramer.com a housewife from New York who did extraordinary reporting on the coup in Equatorial Guinea from her kitchen, while changing diapers

Yahoo forums pmc Group PMC <PMCs@yahoogroups.com> where 600 people register, about two dozen post and around 300 or journos hover to snatch up tidbits from private military contractors.

The information/disinformation battle going on between Keith Idema at www.superpatriots.us/ versus stuporpatriots.blogspot.com/  and Idema's use of proxy bloggers like Caosblog.com to create a sense of false support

Then I talked about America's Most Wanted, reality shows and how the US government could harness this form of value added node (and of course the web) to hunt down criminals like Bin Laden.

Finally I challenged government, intel and big corporations to harness these new forms of intel networks to make the world a smarter, safer place!


PS thanks for having me, it’s always a pleasure to hang out with the odd and educated!

2004 Daly (US) Globalization and National Defense–Implications of the Effective Erasure of National Boundaries in an Era of Ecological Economics

03 Environmental Degradation, Analysis, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Historic Contributions
Herman Daly
Herman Daly


OSS '04: To Dr. Herman E. Daly for his early role as a founder of the field of Ecological Economics, including his leadership role in the creation of the journal for this area of ethical study, and his body of work including Steady-State Economics (1977) and the most recent Ecological Economics and the Ecology of Economics (1999).

We discovered Dr. Daly's work when we made the leap from environmental scare mongering to his term, ecological economics.  This great man, who spent most of his years in the University of Maryland system, has received every prize short of the Nobel Prize, and we were among those who urged the Nobel Comittee to recognize Daly and and others rather than the celeberity de jour.  Below is his presentation to OSS '06.  Please search for his books on this website, in the overcall scheme of strategic analytics, Herman Daly is “root.”

Herman Daly
Herman Daly

2004 Gill (US) Open Wireless Spectrum and Democracy

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Historic Contributions, Technologies
Jock Gill
Jock Gill

Jock Gill served President Bill Clinton as a communications specialist, and has gone on to reflect deeply on public communications as the inherent foundation of democracy.  As part of that process he has recognized–and taught us and others–that open spectrum as championed by David Weinberger is an inherent “need” for full and open public communications.

Below are two documents, the first is his presentation notes from OSS '04, and the second is the first page linking to David Weingerger's seminal White Paper that was also published as a chapter in COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE: Creating a Prosperous World at Peace.  The Frog leads to the original online; the page on the right to the printable version of the chapter.

Gill Paper

Open Spectrum Original
Open Spectrum Original
Open Spectrum Chapter
Open Spectrum Chapter

2004 Harrison (US) Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Requirements Management: A U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) Perspective

Historic Contributions, Methods & Process, Military

Ben Harrison
Ben Harrison


Mr. Ben Harrison is a master of both the military bureaucracy, and the global open source intelligence (OSINT) world.  He has been a pioneer in all respects–helping the larger Department of Defense Community understand OSINT; creating innovative solutions for his own Command, the U.S. Special Operations Command; and helping teach otherss about the basics of OSINT.  Within the U.S. Department of Defense, he is the tip of the spear for DoD OSINT.

USSOCOM is still the only “full spectrum” Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) shop in the US Government–others do foreign media (in a handful of languages), document exploitation, legal traveler exploitation, but only USSOCOM does full-spectrum Black, Gray, and White OSINT that connects one bullet to one target.  Below is his presentation to OSS '04.

Ben Harrison
Ben Harrison

2004 Kaplan (US) The Saudi Connection: How billions in oil money spawned a global terror network

09 Terrorism, Government, Historic Contributions, Law Enforcement, Media
David Kaplan
David Kaplan


OSS '04: To Mr. David Kaplan, for his extraordinary exploitation of legal and ethical sources of information in the pursuit of investigative journalism on behalf of U.S. News & World Report.  His studies of North Korean government corruption and of Saudi Arabian government sponsorship of terrorism, represent the best practices in his field.

Today he is Editorial Director for the Center for Public Integrity, one of our Righeous Sites (click on Cover Photo to go to the Center).   In addition to overseeing the Center’s editorial work, he serves as director of its International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.

Below is the core story as he told it personally at OSS '04.

David Kaplan
David Kaplan

2004 Knapp (US) Al-Qaeda Use of the Mass Media in InfoWar/Netwar; The Distortion of Islamic Concepts and Practices by Muslim Extremists; Diversity in Islam

Analysis, Civil Society, Government, Historic Contributions, History, Methods & Process

Very frew “all-source” intelligence analysts in the US secret world impress us, in part because they will never actually be “all-source” until we get a grip on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT); in part because the secret world refuses to engage with 95% of the real-world and therefore will always lack of the historical and cultural perspectives that only multinatational information-sharing and sense-making networks can provide; and in part because half of them are very young and right out of school, with rotten tools, 1950's management chains and editing practices, and “no way out.”

Michael Knapp
Michael Knapp
Michael Knapp
Michael Knapp

On this page are three briefings from an individual that is the exception to the rule.  This individual represents all that a perfect analyst should be, to include a non-negotiable demand for access to all relevant information in any languaage and any medium.    This analyst gives force to the adage that one analyst with a brain is worth a thousand “analyst” bodies who only know how to cut and paste what they are spoon-fed by badly managed classified collection systems with no strategic perspective.

Michael Knapp
Michael Knapp

2004 Marlatt (US) Military Librarianship in an Academic Environment

Academia, Historic Contributions, Methods & Process, Military
Greta Marlatt
Greta Marlatt

Greta Marlatt is one of the librarian “top guns” at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) in Monteray, California. The photo leads to her official page at NPS.

She is known for many fine accomplishments but among them is her continuously updated bibliography on intelligence and public policy.

The HTML version online does not appear to be available at this time (Aug 09).

Greta Marlatt
Greta Marlatt

Below is her presentation to OSS '04,

Great Marlatt
Great Marlatt