Journal: Tea Party Going National & Moving Money

01 Poverty, 09 Justice, 11 Society, Citizen-Centered, Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Methods & Process, Reform
Convergence Happens Here

Massive and astonishingly rapid Convergence is emergent in the USA, and the Tea Party–now morphing from numoerous dispart local organizations in to a national network of networks–is  the center of the Perfect Storm.

To left is orginal art by Damien M. Jones, available for sale in print.  Do check out his entire collection.

Here is a short list of the convergence elements we are seeing in motion:

Evolutionary Activism

Co-Evolution & Bio-Mimicry & Bio-Capital

Natural Capitalism & No Logo Buy-Cotts

Panarchy, Holistic Darwinism, & Non-Zero (Win-Win)

Open Source Software, Open Source Intelligence, Open Spectrum

Pedagogy of the OppressedAll Rise (Politics of Dignity),

Wealth of Networks & Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid

Blessed Unrest, Voice of the People, Populism in America

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Graphic: GIS Makes Discrimination Black and White

Analysis, Balance, Citizen-Centered, Geospatial, Leadership-Integrity, Policies-Harmonization, Political
Water for Whites Not for Blacks

The Revolution Will Be Mapped

GIS mapping technology is helping underprivileged communities get better services — from education and transportation to health care and law enforcement — by showing exactly what discrimination looks like.

Bob Burtman |  December 28, 2009

The institute's maps played a vital role in a federal jury's decision last year to award the excluded Coal Run residents almost $11 million in damages from the city of Zanesville and Muskingum County. The supporting evidence was strong on its own: African-American residents without water had made repeated requests over a period of almost 50 years to remedy the inequity, to no avail. Instead, they had to haul water from the plant or pump it from wells contaminated with sulphur and oil from old mining operations. In the interim, Zanesville had extended its water lines on numerous occasions to new, predominantly white developments that were farther away from the water plant than Coal Run.

Bob Burtman is a freelance investigative reporter and researcher who lives with his wife and animals in the woods outside of Hillsborough, N.C. He has won numerous national and regional journalism awards for his stories on the…

Phi Beta Iota: This is precisely what we have been looking for–the use of information as a non-violent means of achieving equity.  This is HUGE in our view, and a tiny micorcosm of how We the People in the aggregate will sort out the massive concentration of wealth that has been made possible by corruption, fraud, waste, and abuse all condoned and made possible by the Republican and Democratic parties in collusion with Wall Street (and especially Goldman Sachs).

Search: Intelligence Community Wheel

Balance, Citizen-Centered, Languages-Translation, Multinational Plus, Reform, Searches, Strategy-Holistic Coherence
Traditional Intelligence Wheel
Traditional Intelligence Wheel

To the left is the traditional intelligence wheel, consisting of the 16 or so (there are other elements not listed) entities that in theory comprise the predominantly secret U.S. Intelligence Community.

Below is the emergent intelligence wheel that harnesses all human minds in relation to all information all the time.  We still need spies and secrecy but in moderation.

Global Intelligence Wheel
Global Intelligence Wheel

Although this version is centered on the President, it can just as easily be centered on any Cabinet Department down to the branch level, any Congressional jurisdiction, any private sector domain of interest.

See also:

Search: Seven Tribes (now Eight Tribes)

Search: The Future of OSINT

Journal: Design Thinking for Government

Review: The Design of Business–Why Design Thinking is the Next Competitive Advantage

Graphic: Twitter as an Intelligence Tool

Advanced Cyber/IO, Citizen-Centered
Twitter Mob
Twitter Mob

Both of these graphics were created for the eight-minute presentation on Real-Time Intelligence that can be viewed by clicking on either graphic (as always, words in Notes).

Twitter is, like most intelligence environments, a very large garbage pit with some potential.

The NYPD now does monitor Twitter and cross-walks anomalous events against Twitter plotted on Trends.

Twitter can also be used to reach a specific individual at a specific time and place, or to harness the dispersed population to observe and report specific conditions or tangible things.

Twitter Reach
Twitter Reach