SchwartzReport: Truths That Matter

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

We have gone from a country that took pride in its science and in being a fact-based society to one where a MAJORITY of Americans think science is just another opinion of no particular distinction. It has taken 30 years of Theocratic Rightist disinformation, fake thinktank reports, and agit-prop to achieve this bleak result. Combined with decreasing educational outcomes, and the corporate corruption of the peer! review process by pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical corporations and you have a formula for willful ignorance and an easily manipulated electorate.

Americans Have Little Faith In Scientists, Science Journalists: Poll
EMILY SWANSON – The Huffington Post

In a new HuffPost/YouGov poll, only 36 percent of Americans reported having “a lot” of trust that information they get from scientists is accurate and reliable. Fifty-one percent said they trust that information only a little, and another 6 percent said they don't trust it at all.

Phi Beta Iota: This is huge. The bottom line is that every one of the eight tribes of information has lost their integrity and in so doing, lost the trust of the public.

Because we have breached the firewall the Founders put in place to separate church and state we are now left with this.

Charts: Catholic Hospitals Don't Do Much for the Poor

It is very difficult to see how the Rightists on the Supreme Court could not understand or foresee that gutting the Voting Rights Act would lead to voter suppression. It is much easier to understand their decision from the perspective that this was their deliberate purpose. In any case, the research is now coming in, as this report recounts, an! d it all confirms what was obvious: all voting restriction bills passed in the Red value states have one purpose: to decrease the number of people of color, seniors, students, and poor people voting. Which is to say its purpose is to rig the elections to give Republicans a better chance of winning. It is just the second phase of the effort that began with gerrymandering.

Researchers Find Factors Tied To Voting Restriction Bills Are ‘Basically All Racial'
ERICH LACH – Talking Points Memo/Perspectives on Politics

DNI Directive on Supply Chain Risk Management

Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Government, Ineptitude
Steven Aftergood
Steven Aftergood

DNI Directive on Supply Chain Risk Management

Because the Intelligence Community utilizes commercial products including those that may be manufactured abroad, it could be vulnerable to threat or compromise through its supply chain.  Intelligence Community Directive 731 issued by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on December 7 establishes IC policy on “Supply Chain Risk Management.”

“Many IC mission-critical products, materials, and services come from supply chains that interface with or operate in a global marketplace. A greater understanding of the risks inherent in the IC's participation in the global market place is crucial to safeguarding our nation's intelligence sources, methods, and activities,” the Directive said.

“Supply chain risk management is the management of risk to the integrity, trustworthiness, and authenticity of products and services within the supply chain.”

Continue reading “DNI Directive on Supply Chain Risk Management”

Stephen E. Arnold: Disappearance of Scientific Big Data — and a Solution

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence
Stephen E. Arnold
Stephen E. Arnold

Scientific Data Going, Going, Gone

Years ago I did a report for a sci-tech database publisher. I wrote up the results of a number of on site visits at research universities. I reported that there was no mechanism to preserve researchers’ data. The reason was pretty obvious: Research facilities at universities are less important than sports teams, business activities, and fund raising. When the researcher moved on, the data just sat somewhere until there was a housecleaning or a hard drive wiped. If financial support disappeared, none of the facilities I visited had an old school records management system in place. If a researcher took the data with him or her, those data may or may not have been managed in a thoughtful way. On to the next grant, tally ho.

Continue reading “Stephen E. Arnold: Disappearance of Scientific Big Data — and a Solution”

SchwartzReport: Truths That Matter

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

Here we see the rancid truth behind the climate denier movement which has put the Earth at risk. This is what the Rightists on the Supreme Court have in large measure made possible through Citizens United. A tiny group of Rightists are literally putting the planet at risk to assure their profits. It is completely insane. Click through to see the chart that helps explain this story.

Not Just the Koch Brothers: New Study Reveals Funders Behind the Climate Change Denial Effort

Can you imagine anything more clearly demonstrating the primacy in the Illness Profit System of profit over wellness? We don't even demand that the advertising promoting drugs be honest and accurate.

A Majority of TV Drug Ads Make Misleading or False Claims, Study Finds
SUSAN PERRY – Minnpost

Our social processes are not working. In every way that we can measure we, as a country, are not well and we are getting worse because so many of us are poor, aging, out-of-work, or all three. Wellness is not a national priority, and this is the result. We have to change.

Living Sick and Dying Young in Rich America
LEAH SOTTILE – The Atlantic

I think this is very good news.

Pierre Omidyar Plunges First $50m Into Media Venture With Glenn Greenwald
ED PILKINGTON – The Guardian (U.K.)

Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

ANALYSIS: Methodology to Analyze Future Security Threats (3): Scenarios as an Organic Living System

BOOK: Evaluation Methodologies for Aid in Conflict

BOOK: Global Intellectual History

BOOK: Governing the World: The History of an Idea, 1815 to the Present

CYBER: BIOS Malware Can Destroy Any Computer

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff”

SchwartzReport: Truths That Matter

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

I see these antibacterial dispensers, whether soaps or gels, everywhere I go. They are as big a mistake as plastic bottles. What is worst about these antibacterial soaps that is just mentioned is that because they are not lethal to 100 per cent of bacteria, they lead to bacterial mutation. It is a variation of the ! same problem as the overuse of antibiotics.

Antibacterial Soaps Aren't More Effective And May Be Dangerous, Says US FDA
AMY CORDEROY, Health Editor – The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)

You have probably already heard about this but I consider it to be so important I am running it anyway. We have a choice now as to how we choose to proceed with the American surveillance state that has grown up since 9/11. Write your Representative and Senators and let them know how you feel about being under constant surveillance.

Federal Judge Rules Against NSA Spying

I don't have the time tonight to search out the specific number but, this must be the fifth or sixth report describing how Rightist politicians trying to find evidence of voter fraud, spending hundreds of thousand of taxpayer dollars, each come up with the exact opposite of what they sought. There is no voter fraud. The fraud is the claim there is. Of course it is not really about voter fraud being, instead, a nefarious scheme to limit voting to affluent whites through selective voter suppression. It is a second phase after the gerrymandering. It is really quite vile. and it should always be remembered that this process has been made easier by the Rightists on the Supreme Court, who voted to gut the Voting Rights Act, by eliminating Section 5.

Iowa Republican’s 2-year Investigation Finds no Statistically Significant Evidence of Voter Fraud

Here is the truth, which I thought was already widely known, that multivitamins are a waste of money. Multivitamins are a Big Pharma scam. But this is only about multivitamins. This report doesn't really address sophisticated supplement usage. Taking supplements can make a lot of difference, but it takes work, searching out information, help from medical professionals to! work out what to take given your profile, when to take it, and at what dosage.

Multivitamin Researchers say “case Is Closed” After Studies Find No Health Benefits