Matt Ehret: How the Deep State Overthrew Canada . . . in 1963

Collective Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

How the Deep State Overthrew the Last Nationalist Government of Canada… in 1963!

As our world continues to be pulled in two opposing directions expressed by the dystopian “end of history” vision of globalists on the one side and the new multi-polar model of “win-win cooperation” espoused by the Russia-China alliance on the other, it is a fitting moment to pause and review some of the leading battles against the hives of Malthusian technocrats who infested western society in the wake of WWII and overthrew the last genuinely nationalist federal government of Canada in 1963.

Read full article.

John Whitehead: Techno-Censorship: The Slippery Slope from Censoring ‘Disinformation’ to Silencing Truth

Cultural Intelligence

Techno-Censorship: The Slippery Slope from Censoring ‘Disinformation’ to Silencing Truth

In a world increasingly automated and filtered through the lens of artificial intelligence, we are finding ourselves at the mercy of inflexible algorithms that dictate the boundaries of our liberties.

Once artificial intelligence becomes a fully integrated part of the government bureaucracy, there will be little recourse: we will be subject to the intransigent judgments of techno-rulers.

Continue reading “John Whitehead: Techno-Censorship: The Slippery Slope from Censoring ‘Disinformation’ to Silencing Truth”

Robert Steele: My Conclusions on the Collapse of Texas

Commerce, Commercial Intelligence, Corruption, Cultural Intelligence, Government

Part I: It was geo-engineered weather warfare strike intended to severely degrade the state's ability to lead a secessionist movement as well as a demand by 20 states for the overturning of the fraudulent election.

Part II: Texas — not uniquely — has been grotesquely irresponsible about building cheap housing without proper insulation — and vulnerable energy and water systems that are not properly insulated or maintained.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: My Conclusions on the Collapse of Texas”

Kerry Cassidy: Can Team Trump Not Share the Truth?

Cultural Intelligence


Over the weekend of February 19-21, a group of journalists, mainly alternative were invited to attend a weekend screening and networking event arranged and hosted by the mysterious Juan O. Savin.

. . .

So we have well intentioned people like Juan and Trump who serve the light being caught in a CATCH-22 where they cannot reveal ANY degree of the real truth, FOR THE MOMENT without in essence the whole ‘house of cards’ falling.

Read full essay.